The Fancy Pants Club

Chapter 17:When The Aphrodisiac Strikes

POV: Daniella

Once again, our ride back to the chateau was the same: silent, awkward and suffocating, but this time it wasn't because Erik was brooding, it was because I refuse to answer him when he apologized for what Rohan did to us earlier.

I didn't want to talk about it. I want to forget all of it especially now that my skin is still burning with want... with the need to be sated. If I were to speak to him, he'd notice my trembling voice. He'd notice that I was still affected with the lesson. And he'd notice that I was partly irked of his calm demeanor... too calm for my liking. In fact I bet that's the reason why our God-forsaken ride had already lasted for thirty minutes. Our ride was supposed to be just ten or less. Why was the car so slow?

"Daniella, speak to me, " was his order when my silence continued to drag on.

I was looking at my window; my hands were resting on my lap with the rhinestone purse and my feet were close together. What I'm feeling now would be called a double whammy. Because first, I am sure that my body temperature is rising, my blood pressure is increasing and my sensations are heightening. Second, my hormones are acting up and I say not just any hormones. Those damn ones that goes on a high whenever I innocently watch romantic (but in truth erotic) tapes with Ericka.

Normally, I cool them down with a simple walk in her house's front porch or binge eat, but now that I'm inside Erik's car, I can't do it.

I seriously feel like exploding right now and I don't know why.

"Are you giving your master a silent treatment?"

I rolled my eyes when I heard the ridiculous word. In the reflection of the tinted window, I saw him look at me, his expression showing irritation. He released a deep breath and returned his slow driving when he got no response from me.

When I felt my nipples suddenly tingle, I pressed my lips and closed my eyes, quickly wrapping my arms with my purse around myself to stifle a...moan?

What is wrong with me?!

"Wait, " I heard him say and then I felt a hand touch my forehead. I quickly leaned away and shot him a sharp look but all I can see in him was a big surprised expression.

"Did you eat the fruits in the table earlier?"

Since it was an odd question, I had to answer this time; trying to keep my voice stable. "Yes... and I drank the wine too."

"Shit." He immediately cursed.

"Why? What's the...matter?" Now I feel I was in deep trouble with Erik looking genuinely grim.

"Those were aphrodisiacs, Daniella, and the wine is a special beverage that has the same effect, only much stronger."

What?! My mind blurted out.

"It seems you have a remarkable ability of ingesting edibles that contain unique components huh?" was his remark hinting me back to the time in Lotus Spade where I took the drug-induced blue liquor.

I don't think he was complementing me with it so in my defense and irritation, I ranted, "How was I supposed to know?! Rohan didn't tell me. You were sleeping. I had the urge to eat and drink it!"

Then his deep gaze fell on me again. "You must be burning right now, " he said straight-to-the-point.

God, it was the truth but I won't give him the pleasure of knowing that. It's just too embarrassing to tell him that I'm feeling hot and horny right now.

"I'll be just fine. Don't mind me, " I spat, dragging my gaze back to the window.

"There are only three ways of addressing this situation of yours you know, " he stated.

"And what are those, do tell me."

Curiosity won although I was trying my best not to start this kind of conversation since I know where it would lead.


He changed gears and revved his Ferrari.

"You touch yourself."

My mouth dropped. Goodness, I can't believe he mentioned that!


He looked at me with hooded eyes.

"Allow a man inside you."

My cheeks overheated. I hope he wasn't talking about himself.


He paused for a moment and then glanced at the dark road ahead. "I do this."

I saw him smile wickedly before he stepped on the gas pedal and off we went, zooming out like we had turbojets attached in the sides.

"Shit! Erik!" I grabbed my seat and braced myself. For some reason, the sensation in my body had flew off and replaced with an adrenaline rush out of fear.

"Hold on. We will be in the chateau in less than a minute."

He swerved to the right, maneuvered the wheel to the left and stepped on the gas pedal again like we were being tailed by a T-Rex.

"Are you planning to kill me?!" I shouted; my heart racing in a way that was different when in a sexual arousal.

"No, I'm not. I'm saving you, " he stated, his focus was still on the road.

"How's this going to save me you asshole?! Slow down the car now!"

I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. If we are going to die now, I will make sure I strangle him when he is in Hell's gates.

Then the car slowed down and then it finally stopped. The silence probably lingered a few seconds before I heard Erik say in his stern and unyielding voice, "Go to your room now Daniella."

I opened my eyes and found that we were already in the entrance portico of the chateau. Thank you Lord!

"Don't let anybody come inside your room and I mean it. Not even me or else you'll be sorry in the morning."

I don't know if it was guided by worry or he was just threatening me, but his words gave me goosebumps for its double meaning.

I did as he said. I sprang out of the car after a nod and a thank you, and then quickly entered the main foyer to the private elevator.

My heart was still beating fast and I was panting so hard. His overspeeding was a good way to solve my predicament, but unfortunately, it was only a temporary solution. The whole time I rode the conveyor, I looked at myself in the wall mirror and discovered an irrevocable truth. It was that the aphrodisiac's unique properties were still there, and strong.

POV: Vincent

It had been awhile since I've seen Daniella. Circumstances related to our Club in and out activities prohibited me so. I really wanted to talk to her and probably ask her how she was faring in her first day of being a club member. I had hoped that Erik had given her the duties and responsibilities suited as a female member and I hoped that he had toured her all over the chateau. If he didn't, I can always volunteer myself.

I was in the fourth floor foyer, just exited the club's secret room, when I noticed the private elevator dinged. Out came Daniella to my surprise. Happy with the turn of events, I greeted her by waving my hands.

"Hey!" I shouted.

She waved back, albeit uncomfortably and greeted, "Hey, Vincent. Uhmm, good evening."

"Good evening too, " I said as I approached her. "Where have you been?"

I noticed her hesitate for a moment, shifted her eyes to her feet then back to me and said, "In Rohan's place. He invited me to attend his session."

"Alone?" was what I asked instantly. I wonder if Rohan did anything to her there for her to look this...unusually uncomfortable.

"No, I...went with the President."

"The President?" Now that, I didn't expect.

"Yes, uhmm... I probably should go to my room now." She turned in a hurry but then I grabbed her elbow to stop her.

"Wait, " I said, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what happened in your session?"

She shook her head and smiled at me, but in a nervous way, "I really should go, Vincent."

That's when I felt the heat in her skin. "Why are you so hot Daniella? Are you having a fever?" I checked on her forehead and neck with the back of my palm and yes, I was right, she really was having a fever, but why?

"I—don't know, " she weakly answered and gave me a blush.

Why would she give me a blush if she was ill?

"Let's get you in your room then." I guided her towards the hallway consequently worried. My right hand was in the small of her back, my other held her elbow. She shuddered awhile ago when our skin contacted and she shuddered again now. It was odd so I had to stare at her, confused.

"Vincent, let her go!" Erik's voice suddenly boomed from behind us. I turned to look at him and saw him scowl like an alpha mate.

I didn't let Daniella go though and just raised my brow at him. "Prez, there you are."

"Let her go I say."

"She is having a fever Prez. If I let her go, she might stumble."

He strolled towards us and directly grabbed Daniella's other elbow. "I'll take it from here, " he said, staring at me with great depth.

I didn't answer, but I tightened my grip on Daniella. If Erik had staked his claim on her, he might as well do better than this. He should show me that he is worth her heart.

"Please Vincent, take me to my room now, " I heard Daniella' voiced weakly and because of that, Erik clenched his jaw.

"If you'll excuse us, Prez, " was my statement but he only gave me a stern, "No."

He blocked our path and threw his gaze on her.

"Daniella, come with me." He offered up a hand for her to take. "Now!"

I know that Erik is such a mess when it comes to his attitude but this is just enough. If I'm right, I think he is treating her like a slave.

"Erik, I'm not supposed to say this since you are the president but I don't think treating her like that would win her trust in you as a Club member."

"Shut it, Vincent." When Daniella didn't take his hand, he made a move himself and grabbed her waist. He pulled her close to him and somehow, she didn't put up any resistance.

"Erik." For the first time ever, I stood my ground. "Stop acting like she's your slave."

"Oh, but she is..." was his calm reply. I saw him grin before he pulled her elbow from my grasp in success. He lifted her to my surprise, but that was the moment when I found her already unconscious.

"What do you mean?!" I jogged behind him when he started to walk; my head jumbled up with three other questions needing to be answered.

What happened to them in Rohan's residence? Why is Daniella acting weird earlier and then feeling ill? And why is Erik acting calm amidst her fainting?

"She is my personal maid, Vincent, " he enlightened me when we stood in front of Daniella's door.

He bobbed his head, gesturing for me to open the door. I did but after a frown.

"Is this your way of protecting her Erik? Making her your modern Cinderella?" I asked when we strolled inside the receiving room.

"Yes, " was his only reply. He walked passed me and went straight into her bedroom. I followed suit.

"You really are such a hopeless case, " I sighed; my anger at his actions earlier dissipating. "I can't believe you made her agree to this arrangement."

"I have my ways, " he said whilst arranging Daniella in the mattress.

"Underhanded is what you mean."

"She signed my contract willingly, Vincent."

"Oh really?" Somehow, I was having trouble believing that. "I bet making her a club member is your way of covering this up."

He straightened, pulled out her sling bag from her shoulder, stepped out of the bed and dropped the thing near her bedside lamp. That's the time when I saw him smirk with amusement. "You are always such an inquisitive man, Mr. VP."

Stepping closer to the mattress, I asked as I raked her sleeping form, "What has happened to her? Judging from her looks, I bet her fever isn't from an illness."

"She drank Rohan's famous wine, " he revealed with a huff.

"Wait what?!" I exclaimed. Surely I heard it wrong, but based on Erik's face, he was serious. "Shit. That's bad."

So that explains everything. Erik's possessiveness. His calmness. Daniella's discomfort and her fever.

If I remember correctly, Rohan's wine is imported directly from Egypt. Aside from his teachings, it is because of this wine that's why he has so many clients. He wouldn't tell the club where in Egypt exactly as he says it is a secret. Fancy Pants Club members don't drink this in normal occasions as it really causes quite an effect on the body. It does make the drinker increase his or her libido. Makes one feel hot and if this isn't decreased in one way or another, it results to fainting like what is happening to Daniella now.

I believe fainting rarely happens to the drinkers though for their heat is immediately addressed with their partners. Unluckily for Daniella, she didn't have one, but she could have always tempted a man to do it.

"I know what you are thinking Vincent, " Erik pulled me out from my reverie.

I simply released a deep sigh and raked my hair.

"I'm sorry Prez. I can't help it. The last time my date drank Rohan's wine, she begged me to replicate Grey's red room scene."

I saw his brows furrow then. Really, he always takes my jokes seriously.

"That's why I suggest we leave her now." He strolled out of the room in long strides. I had to keep up with his pace so that he wouldn't think that I meant to stay with her.

When we were already in the hallway, I couldn't keep myself from asking, "You must have had quite an awful ride going back here huh?"

With Daniella's sex hormones acting up, it was only natural that Erik heard the mating call. Although he hasn't had any experiences with women, he is no monk and I'm pretty sure he was burning inside knowing that her body yearns to be touched.

"I opt not to discuss that, Vincent, " was his strained reply.

I only smirked at him and remarked, "How chivalrous of you, my friend. How chivalrous of you."

POV: Daniella

I had no recollection whatsoever after Erik pulled me towards him. What I remembered last was him and Vincent arguing about me being a slave. I must have fainted after that and one of these men took me back in my room and placed me here, in my soft bed.

I could still feel my senses sensitive, especially the sense of touch, but at least, it wasn't as super as earlier. My head was throbbing a bit and my eyesight was a little blurry. However, these weren't bad enough for me not to stand and change my clothes.

Take note, I still have my earlier clothes on, the ones I wore in Rohan's residence. Whether it was Vincent or Erik who settled me here, at least he didn't have the thought of changing me into a nightdress. I would have panicked if he did.

Sitting, I reached for my Iphone placed inside my sling bag. Again, whether it was Mr. P or Mr. VP, at least he secured my personal belongings.

As I checked on the time, I noticed a message from Erik with a big red exclamation point near the mail icon.

The time I received it was nine fifty-eight. The current time in my phone is one thirty-two in the midnight.

I rolled my eyes when I opened the mail, thinking that it could just be a message reminding me to come in his room early in the morning, but when I read his text, my mouth dropped.

'Don't touch yourself.'

Those were only three words, but packed quite a powerful punch for me.


Complete with a death skull icon, I typed in without thinking or worrying that he might have been already asleep.

A few seconds later, my Iphone sounded. My heart jumped a beat. Shit. Is he still awake?


Was his clear message.

In capital letters huh? Asshole.

I typed back.

'You know what I'm talking Daniella. Go back to sleep now.'

I huffed and crossed my arms. Not knowing what to reply, I pulled out the truth card.

'Well, I believe you are in luck Mr. President for I have never done that even once. You can relax your butt in your comfy bed now.'

'Oh really?'

Came his reply, IMMEDIATELY.

Shit. I bit my lip and typed:

'Okay, I refuse to talk about masturba*tion topics with you, Erik. Goodnight!'

I expected a rude comeback from him, but instead he texted me this:

'I shouldn't have brought you there. It was my mistake Daniella. Please forgive me.'

I was in shock when I read it. Goodness, the rude president asking for my forgiveness? Huh? What are the odds?

'For you to use that word, Vincent must have hit you huh? Or maybe you banged your head in your bathtub?'

I asked him, feeling confused of the change in his attitude, but then he replied a scarce—


I couldn't help but giggle at myself.

'Where's the rude Erik that I know?'

I typed it without a thought and waited for his reply, but seconds turned into minutes and the minutes summed up to ten, so without thinking too much about it, I left the cellphone in the bed. I went to my bathroom, refreshed myself and changed my clothes to a more comfortable sleeping one.

When I returned to check on the phone, still there was no message.

I released a long sigh as I lay on the bed. It seems this is his way of answering me huh? Becoming silent.

For a moment, I thought that we were making a civil conversation, although it was through text messages, but at least it was a good development than us bickering.

I twirled on my cellphone, played with its pads for long a time while looking at the unlit chandelier until an idea formed in my head.

Shit, this is going to be my first, but what choice do I have? I am still feeling the residue of the aphrodisiacs!

Slowly, I placed the gadget on the mattress, closed my eyes and sighed deeply as my fingers went down south. But just as I had inserted one finger inside my undergarment, my cellphone suddenly rang.

I jerked up to sit; my heart feeling like it was coming out of my chest.

I snatched the phone without delay and checked on the screen. Erik's name was registered on it.

Mother of God, I thought he was already asleep?!

"What?" I snapped at him through the speakers.

"Sleep. Daniella. Now!" was his only command and then he hung up.

My mouth just dropped. I blinked twice, thrice just in order to process out what had just happened.

I don't know if he had a CCTV camera set up in my room and he interrupted me intentionally or he just had an uncanny ability of knowing what I was about to do, but hell, it really fumed me inside.

"Okaaayyy, " I pressed my lips thinly, arranged my duvet with heavy arms, and tossed my phone on the other side of the bed. "Sleep it is then!" I shouted as my head hit the pillows.

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