The oppressive feeling that came from the depths of his soul instantly swept through Fan Wei's whole body.

"If there is a chance in the future, Miss Gu will have a chance to meet our eldest son." She didn't dare to say more, and she didn't even plan to stay here any longer.

"So... that is to say, these things were all planned by you?"

Gu Muran's eyes are dangerous to everyone at this moment.

Fan Wei had a feeling at the time that they might not be able to leave.

"Miss Gu, it is undeniable that it is because of us...that you have returned to your current appearance."

After Fan Wei said this, he regretted it.

Gu Muran's eyes locked on her instantly, and she sneered: "So? I still have to thank you?"

Fan Wei didn't dare to say yes, not even a punctuation mark.

"I don't know if it's time for me to come?"

There was a figure approaching from far and near.

Break the current atmosphere.

Fan Wei strangled Zhang Enqiao's throat, and took a step back towards the door.

Gu Muran could hear clearly, it was Lu Chaolan's voice.

What's more, she could clearly see the hatred in Fan Wei's eyes, but she hid it very quickly.

Ye Yuxi kept struggling, and her eyes were full of hatred.

Maybe it's because he is now haunted by the karma of the Bi family, and her karma is involved, causing him to feel physically uncomfortable now.

He can't control his emotions very well.

The leaked hatred not only caught Gu Muran's attention, but even Fan Wei was shocked.

She immediately shouted: "Miss Gu, please let go of Mr. Yuxi."

When the voice is low, the hoarseness appears a little more.

When her voice was raised several degrees, her voice was not only hoarse and frayed, but more like being pulled by a small saw.

The person who heard it felt uncomfortable.

Ye Yuxi restrained the hatred in her body only after hearing it.

But the skill of the mouth has not weakened in the slightest.

When he looked at Lu Chaolan, although there was a smile on his face, the target was more obvious.

He said, "Long time no see, but you're going to be over soon."

"This time, it won't be as you wished, so you just wait for the end."

Lu Chaolan's expression remained the same, as if these harsh words didn't affect him at all.

He said: "Kids are kids, they always talk about being brave."

Without a trace of dirty words, Ye Yuxi was furious.

"Who are you calling a child? How do you talk!" He didn't know what to think of, and suddenly laughed.

If someone who doesn't understand the situation sees a person who was furious one second, but laughing wildly the next second, he will definitely think that this person is sick.

"How do you have the face to stand in front of my sister now?"

"Don't you know that you are responsible for the reason she is what she is today?"

"Major General, you are still so superior, but don't you know that you created my sister's weakness?"

"Why do you stand here with a normal expression?"

"You are a sinner!"

"You are the sinner of the entire Great Xia Kingdom!"

Ye Yuxi has been irritating Lu Chaolan ever since she got angry.

Unfortunately, he didn't see the slightest change in his expression from the beginning to the end.

Ye Yuxi sneered, "You're still so hard-hearted!"

Gu Muran saw his eyes tremble.

She knew that the words 'create weakness' stimulated his nerves.

She said angrily: "Enough!"

"Sister, how can this be enough!" Ye Yuxi suddenly looked at Yan Heng.

Gu Muran immediately said: "You want to go crazy and go home crazy..."

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