This matter caused a big disturbance, and the head of the department was directly invited.

On the way, we already know the whole story.

Pang Linghui: "This student is talking nonsense—"

To speak is to accuse.

"I've already investigated it." The head of the department looked at Pang Linghui, and finally asked Pang Linghui to apologize.

On the monitor, she really opened her eyes wide and was listening carefully.

Pang Linghui looked like she was talking nonsense with her eyes open.

The classmates watched this farce, and it ended with Gu Muran winning.

But Pang Linghui refused to apologize, and finally yelled directly: "She was the one who killed my brother—"

If you can't fix her, then let's make a big fuss.

Gu Muran picked out his ears: "Since the teacher thinks that making a fuss will affect my reputation, then I am willing to cooperate in order to maintain my reputation."

Before she took out her phone, she took a special look at the head of the department.

"Someone is damaging my reputation, I wonder if I can make a phone call and get my lawyer?"

Although it was a request, the head of the department couldn't refuse the firmness of the words, the unquestionable expression, and the humanitarian point of view of maintaining reputation.

But the head of the department didn't expect that the visitor would arrive within five minutes.

And it's famous - Lu Lingge.

The young master of the legal family.

Lu Lingge's speed and methods in the legal world are undeniable.

The students in the classroom couldn't see the scene of dealing with these things outside, but they pricked up their ears and could hear the humble voice of the department head.

They were all wondering who it was that could make the head of the department bend down like this.

At the same time, they admired Gu Muran even more.

At this moment, they heard a voice shouting outside: "Let me apologize, dreaming."

"My brother is still lying in the coffin coldly. If I don't give him justice, who will ask him for it?"

Pang Linghui didn't believe the police's statement.

He didn't believe that he was hit by a car.

The singer Lu Ling brought a surveillance video, and this was also the main purpose of Gu Muran calling him.

After reading it, Pang Linghui was greatly stimulated: "How is it possible, she clearly said that she was out to get revenge on my brother."

"What? Is that what Pang Ruomeng told you?"

"what do you know--"

"Apologize! As a teacher, you can't tell right from wrong, this is a lesson you should learn." Gu Muran just wanted to tell her that some people can't be trusted.

"If your apology is over, I will tell you the truth about this matter."


The students were anxiously waiting in the classroom.

Xia Xiaosu: "Of course nothing will happen."

Dong Lin: "She is more courageous than I imagined."

Qiu Han: "There are already footsteps, here, they are coming soon."

The student who opened his head and looked out, met the head of the department's eyes, sat up straight in an instant, and looked straight ahead.

That is, after the head of the department stepped onto the podium, Pang Linghui was the second to enter.

Gu Muran came in slowly.

The students still looked at the door.

Appears to be looking for a lawyer.

But I really hope that Lu Lingge just answered another phone call and left in a hurry.

They poked their heads in search of hopelessness, and as soon as they looked away, they saw counselor Pang Linghui bowing deeply: "I'm sorry——"

Everyone was shocked by this reversal, "What's going on?"

The head of the department coughed twice, "Today's class meeting will be held by the counselor of the second class next door, please wait patiently for a while."

After the head teacher of the second class came, the three department heads left.

The others were impatient and very curious about what happened and Pang Linghui's transformation.


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