What's more, for this predestined person, the details she can calculate are too detailed.

Even though he has been in Taoism for so many years, he can only calculate that there will be disasters in the Shi family in the next few days, but he can't find out the specific reason.

A possibility suddenly appeared in his mind: Could it be that this predestined person figured out that the family was in trouble and offered the opportunity?

He thought for a while, is this possible?

If that person could really figure out where Shi Haoyan landed at random, he would be a real god.

But... No matter what, this person must be a genius of metaphysics. It seems that no one has been found to lead Zilei, but it is also great to meet a genius of metaphysics who is extremely powerful in divination.

Their Taoism just needs a genius.

"Where is the talisman paper... quickly show me the talisman paper..."

Shi Haoyan just took out the talisman paper, his father glanced at it, and he put it away again: "Here."

Zhonglu took it over and took a look, and after just one look, he was overwhelmed with excitement.


On the other side, Qingyuan High School was in a completely different situation from Shi's family.

"God damn evil star, get out of here."

"The old man has used all his luck to count you in this high school. I must seek justice for myself."

At this moment, it was lunch time, and many students were lured to the back playground by the sound of the loudspeaker.

I saw an old man in ragged clothes sitting behind the fence behind the playground.

The old man was holding a trumpet in his hand, and the sound of the horn was heard throughout the playground.

Seeing that many people were attracted, the old man immediately continued to say with tears in his eyes:

"I just made a fortune teller for her when she was young, but who knew that she was so evil that it hurt me myself."

Then he began to break the timeline: "The second year after I met that evil star, my mother died tragically. The next year when I got married, I killed my wife, leaving me and my daughter to live together..."

While talking, the old man burst into tears, "But who knew, after a few years, my daughter also left me..."

With tears in his eyes, he said loudly: "I lost my mother, wife, and son in middle age... I use my blood and tears to persuade you all to stay away from evil stars."

"Be sure to stay away from evil stars!"

"Evil star, get out of here, I count your existence with my life's luck, just to get justice for myself, get out of here quickly."

The old man shouted hoarsely.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd stood up immediately: "What nonsense are you talking about, Master Gu is not some evil star!"

After saying this, the man immediately disappeared into the crowd.

He even secretly glanced at the old man.

This is a blatant presentation of Gu Muran's name to others.

The old man immediately followed up and said, "If you don't jump out, I won't be able to remember. The girl I met back then was surnamed Gu..."

Well, this is counting names, this evil star is a woman surnamed Gu, named Muran.

For a while, many people began to talk about it.

I don't know when, Ye Lingshan suddenly appeared in front of people: "Everyone, I stand up with my own experience. Ever since I made friends with Gu Muran, the stock price of my Ye family has been falling. This girl is the reincarnation of a malevolent star, full of sins." , whoever plays with her will be affected..."

Ye Lingshan just wanted to take out the anger of those two days and the ten laps of the playground before.

"You've finally come to your senses. I advised you earlier, but you didn't listen. Now that you've come to your senses, it's too late. Your Ye family is going to follow the old path of my Gu family."

Gu Yunjiao came out from the other direction of the crowd, they were like singing a double reed, a little bit trying to realize Gu Muran's move.

"Everyone may not know, but since Gu Muran was brought back, the stock price of my Gu family began to fall... The Qian family got into trouble with her, and they ended up going bankrupt."

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