The Exorcist

Chapter 7 The Yin Child Chapter 31 Tragedy

Chapter 31 Tragedy

I think Nana has always loved me, so no matter how she was deceived and controlled, the strong feelings deep inside her heart also made her unconsciously show mercy when she attacked me. Therefore, although I was beaten until I lay on the ground unable to move, , but did not fall unconscious like A Zhan and Bao Datong, and still retained a trace of sanity.

But how I wish I was in a coma or simply dead, so that I wouldn't have to watch Nana die but be helpless!

I saw her standing there blankly holding a wooden stick, as if she didn't know why she did that. Just like our common split personality, there were two voices in her body, one asking her to come over, and one in each of us. She added several more sticks to her head until we were beaten to death, and the other asked her to drop the stick and call someone to take us to the hospital.

Looking at her contradictory and empty eyes, I suddenly understood that the matter was far from over. We were too careless and we would pay an unacceptable price for it!

"Nana!" I tried to call her, but found that I could only mutter twice in my throat, which was not syllables at all. I tried to stand up, even crawl a few steps, but I had no strength at all and could only watch. She stood there blankly like a sculpture.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, my consciousness became more and more blurred, and the severe pain in my head was so oppressive that I almost lost the ability to open my eyes, but Nana remained the same, regardless of the woods. The fire in my heart gradually grew stronger and stronger, and then it burned even more!


The stick finally fell from Nana's hand to the grass when I felt a ray of heat from the fire blowing on my face. I was overjoyed, thinking she had regained her consciousness, but I didn't expect a woman's voice to come from behind me, "Come on, come here!"

I couldn't turn around, but I was shocked to recognize the voice of the girl who jumped from the building. Who is she calling? Could it be Nana? Zhao Jiang is dead. She should have been freed from her imprisonment and should have left. Why is she still showing up now?

"Come on - come here quickly!" the girl who jumped off the building urged.

At this time, Nana moved. She didn't even look at me, her expression and movements were stiff, like a slowly moving stone, walking towards the lake step by step!

Seeing her appearance, I suddenly had an ominous premonition in my heart, feeling that she was about to leave me forever. This knowledge made me finally call out her name loudly, and turned over with difficulty, facing the direction of the lake!

Under the gloomy night, the surface of the lake shone with a faint light like a mirror. It looked deep, tempting and beautiful. And in the open space between the lake and the woods, a woman stood there with her hair disheveled and naked.

I knew she was the girl who jumped off the building because Bao Datong burned the pajamas she was wearing to possess her, so she appeared naked.

"Nana - Nana -" She called Nana's name in a seductive way. Every time she called, she took a step towards the lake. Nana followed her, and because I shouted out, she took a step towards the lake. , Nana paused suddenly, as if she suddenly remembered something.

"Nana - come save Wan Li - he's in the water!" The girl who jumped from the building took a few steps back and tightened her control over Nana, and Nana really continued to move forward.

"No, Nana, I'm here!" I shouted again, trying desperately to bring Nana back to her senses. Knowing that if I couldn't pull her back, she would literally walk all the way to the lake and drown there.

The girl who jumped off the building was not like Xiaoling. Xiaoling did not blame others for her death. Although she was controlled by Zhao Jiang to get close to Nana, she was more nostalgic for life and did no harm to anyone. The girl who jumped off the building had a very strong temper, so she was very violent after her death. She always wanted to find a substitute to seek justice for her death. She wanted to kill me when I was climbing the stairs, and now it's Nana's turn. Although I sympathize with her experience, I can't let her attack Nana. I just don't understand why Nana appears when the girl jumps off the building. He lost his mind before.

"Nana, look back! Look back! I'm here, save me!" I shouted with all my strength, trying to save the situation. While shouting back, I tried my best to kick Bao Datong and A Zhan, but my strength was too weak, and they both The other one was too seriously injured and had no reaction at all.

Seeing that I kept hindering her, the girl who jumped from the building rushed towards me angrily. Just as she was about to come to me, the blood-wood sword I had stuck behind my waist suddenly emitted a red light, which made her scream. Float back to the lake in panic!

Because she rolled away, I discovered that her body was from the back when viewed from any direction, and her entire head only had the back of her head and hair!

"Nana!" This time, the girl and I called at the same time.

I clearly saw Nana's hesitation and confusion after this call. How much I hoped that she would obey my wishes and come back to me, but after being stunned for a while, she took a step forward.

One step, just one step, declared my failure and the pain that I will never forget for the rest of my life!

The girl who jumped off the building laughed sinisterly and continued to call Nana's name. I saw Nana walking forward with her, desperately trying to call her back, and at the same time struggling to crawl forward, hoping that someone would pass by and help me. But the lakeside is usually deserted during the day, not to mention it's a rainy night now? Even if the fire in the woods behind him started, no one noticed!

Bao Datong is right, if it is your disaster, you cannot escape it no matter what, and you must face or solve it. If you run away out of fear, or even transfer your bad luck to others and let others suffer because of it, then Sooner or later, this bad luck will come back to you, and you will have to pay double the price. But people often make wrong choices when they are frightened, but this retribution was too quick for Nana. She wanted to protect me, she was also innocent, she was also hurt and violated! If I could, I would trade my life for Nana's life. At that moment, if there was any way, I would do it without hesitation. How I wish I could accept the punishment on her behalf! And we are lovers, so I should be the one to protect her!

But I can't do it! I can not do it! I can not do anything! I can only watch this happen with my own eyes! !

I watched helplessly as the ignorant Nana stepped into the water step by step, and the girl who jumped from the building 'walked' on the lake to lure her further and further, deeper and deeper, until she was submerged, and then there were splashes on the water. , a white arm struggled helplessly on the water, and my heart was pulled bloody by this arm. When the water surface was calm as before, my heart was broken! It seemed like Nana could no longer breathe.

Tragedy is like this, you know it will happen, but you can't do anything, just wait for it to happen!

At this time, I could no longer hold on and passed out. And when I woke up, I was already in the hospital. I heard that a fire burned the grove near the lake clean that night, because I didn’t know how it could start a fire for no reason on a rainy night, and there were four people near the lake. A boy was attacked and fainted, so it was initially judged that someone set the fire on fire. As for why and how the fire was set, it is a mystery, because the school lost nothing except this small forest!

According to the investigation by the police and the school, one of the four boys who was attacked was the male protagonist of the campus drama club. He was only slightly injured from a fall, but he was still dizzy. How did he get to the grove, how was he attacked, etc. Can't remember either. The other three boys, two of whom are students of the school and one of whom is their friend, all suffered head trauma. The one with the least serious injury was the one who woke up last. He was holding a black hand tightly from beginning to end. The little wooden sword refused to let go! It was later confirmed that the wooden sword was just a toy of a childhood friend.

The last person to wake up is me. In fact, I didn't want to wake up at all, and I didn't want to face everything in reality. But when I was in a coma, I heard A Zhan's voice penetrate into my mind and said, "Get up, there is still something to do!"

I understood what he was talking about, because the police not only found the four boys who were attacked, but also found the body of a girl in the lake, that was my Nana. There were bruises on the back of her neck. It was obviously a homicide. Someone held her neck and drowned her! Although there are no footprints at the scene, this incident can be linked to the arson case!

But I knew who did it. My anger and sadness made me wake up immediately from my unconscious escape. I saw it was getting late outside the window, and standing in front of me were Azhan and Bao Datong with their heads wrapped in thick gauze.

"I will join forces with Bao Datong to create the illusion that we are still resting, so that others will not notice that we are back to school." A Zhan said without emotion, but there was deep exhaustion and guilt in his eyes, "I think you hope Take revenge with your own hands.”

"Is he still there?" I asked.

"If you are talking about the girl who jumped off the building, she probably ran away after doing what she wanted to do last night!" Azhan said, "But if you want her, I can leave my body and help you chase her. When she comes back, she won’t enter reincarnation so quickly.”

I thought about it and shook my head, "She was just taking revenge because we were the ones who involved her in this matter. Although I hate her for killing Nana, the injustice has its origin and the debt has its owner, so it's hard to find her again." what's the function?"

"That's good!" Bao Datong said with a rare serious expression, "But she has changed from a victim to a harmer, and will fall into a reincarnation that she never wants to enter. That will be her punishment."

"What I want is Zhao Jiang." I said through gritted teeth. I have never hated a person so much. "This despicable villain must still be there. There is something wrong with Nana coming out of the woods. She has been controlled a long time ago! Otherwise, just by relying on That girl who jumped off the building can't do it so easily -" When I mentioned Nana's name, my heart was pounding, but my hatred for Zhao Jiang allowed me to divert the pain. This is how people are, when they are extremely sad, they must have other strong emotions to support them.

"He is no longer here!" Azhan said with certainty, "There is no escape from the Blood Wood Sword, no one is the same. The reason why Nana was controlled must be because this insidious villain took advantage of our unpreparedness! He must have It's because he divided his soul and entangled it with Nana's soul, so he can control her!"

I was stunned, never thought of this possibility! In my confused thinking, I thought that the Blood Wood Sword didn't work in my hands.

Bao Datong nodded, "Yes, I said that when he was wiped out, he always felt that something was missing, but why didn't he realize it at the time!" He punched the wall remorsefully, "I took Nana away from Zhao Jiang. I didn’t feel anything special when I rescued her, but I didn’t expect that she was taken back again. It must have been something done at that time. Oh, why didn’t I use more strength? Why didn’t I be more careful? Then she wouldn’t meeting--"

It turns out to be that one centimeter distance!

My heart felt desolate, and I remembered the cry for help in her tearful eyes. I remembered that our fingertips had been so close, so close that I could feel the warmth of her skin. But I kept her away. If I had run just one centimeter more, she would not have been caught again, nor would Zhao Jiang, who was already vigilant, have done something to her!

"Remorse can't be undone, let's make him pay the price right now!" Azhan said coldly, "This bastard is too obsessed with Nana. When he couldn't carry out his plan to take Nana away, he wanted to Nana’s dirty soul will always be entangled with hers, and I can feel that Nana hasn’t left yet, so let’s go and dig him out right now!”

Because of A Zhan's words, three young people who had not recovered from serious injuries quietly sneaked back to the campus lake. A Zhan and Bao Datong joined forces and easily captured Nana's soul from the lake.

Nana was a new soul at this time. Although she died violently, she had no resentment in her heart, so she couldn't take shape. Azhan drew a blood talisman in the middle of my forehead, so that I could see a light white mist rising from the lake.

The moment I saw this scene, tears burst out of my eyes. The love, warmth, and joy of the past are all as out of reach as this mist! At that time, I suddenly understood what Buddhism calls suffering and the separation between life and death. Although the word separation comes last, it is because of these two words that there is pain in life and death!

"Damn, this bastard really has his whole soul devoted to Nana." Bao Datong cursed.

I followed his gesture, and sure enough I saw two spheres emitting black energy in the white mist, hiding behind the mist like two evil black eyes, hovering and hiding.

I stood up suddenly and wanted to rush over, but A Zhan held me back.

"Take this." He said and handed me a thin branch. There were several charms written in blood wrapped around the branch. "Don't underestimate his soul, because he absorbed the little maid's soul." Mana, so every soul has consciousness, as long as there is a trace of existence, he is not dead!"

"Then let's help him!" I said through gritted teeth.

A Zhan nodded, sat cross-legged on the ground, and made strange gestures with his hands, while Bao Datong recited the spell in conjunction, "... Settle your positions and guard the altar. Your Majesty has an order to search for evil spirits..."

As they moved, the white mist began to become restless, as if being blown by the wind, becoming thicker and lighter at times, while the two black masses in the white mist slowly stuck together and floated to the surface, as if It seemed like an invisible force was pulling it.

"Get out of there yet!" Bao Datong suddenly shouted, and Ah Zhan straightened his arms at the same time, pointed at the black air, and then hooked his fingers back.

There was a "whoosh" sound in the wind, and the black energy could no longer resist, and was caught in A Zhan's hand.

He glanced at me, and I subconsciously lifted the branch. I saw him stringing the two black clouds on the branch like candied haws on a stick! I just felt my hand heavy. I couldn't tell how much weight it was, but I did feel the black energy on my hand trying to break away, but I couldn't escape at all.

"You decide what to do?" Azhan said.

"Let's have a barbecue!" The overwhelming hatred in my heart replaced the sadness, "The lakeside under the moonlit night is the best place to do this! I want Nana to see with her own eyes what the consequences will be for those who hurt and bully her."

Bao Datong heard this and without saying a word, he immediately put out a small ball of fire and said, "This fire doesn't require dry wood. You can burn it as long as you want. Let Ah Zhan and I set up a barrier again to prevent anyone from breaking in." To disturb you."

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