The Exorcist

Part 7 The Yin Child Chapter 25 The Toad

Chapter 25 Toad

The dormitories in our school all have the same architectural pattern, with a long corridor in the middle and dormitories on both sides. The dormitory where Nana lived happened to be in the middle of the corridor, and the sound came from the other end of the corridor.

Just listen to the footsteps coming clearly, one after another very rhythmic, as if someone is walking slowly at a steady speed, stopping every few steps, as if he stops and walks toward the door of a dormitory. Like peeking through the door.

The footsteps stopped at the door of the dormitory where we were, and through the door panel, I heard a deep sigh. Then, the footsteps gradually faded away, slowly walked to the other end of the corridor, and then came back again, walking back and forth in this way for several times.

"What's going on?" I asked in a low voice.

Bao Datong gestured to me, telling me to lie down on the upper bunk and hide myself without making any noise, while he himself drew some kind of charm on the door panel. The night was so quiet that just a slight scratch on the wooden board with his fingers made a slight "swish" sound. When he finished painting and got into the bed opposite me, his footsteps happened to stop at the door.

This time, the footsteps did not move forward. Instead, they made a soft sound and stopped at the door of our room. I held my breath and remained motionless as I watched the spherical door handle on the door slowly turn, and then with a 'click' sound, the locked door opened, and a blur of white mist floated in.

The mist was very cold and moist, with black hair like waterweed entangled in the middle. When I passed by, I felt a suffocating feeling. I endured it, hid under the sheets and peeked out. I saw the mist slowly moving to the window and opening the curtains that had been hanging!

Outside the window, a bloody face was pressed against the glass!

It's the girl who jumped off the building! The two 'unidentified objects' faced each other like this.

With a 'crash', a hand penetrated the glass, grabbed the white mist, and pulled it downwards. The white mist instantly condensed into a human shape and fell out of the window. At the same time, the girl who jumped from the building crawled in through the window, found the bed under Bao Datong, smiled sinisterly, and jumped on it. The human form disappeared instantly, leaving only the bloody short-sleeved pajamas!

"The Danzhu Mouth God spits out filth and removes odor. The Tongue God is upright, connects life and nourishes the spirit. The Luo Qian Teeth God prevents evil and protects the truth. The Throat God is tiger and Ben, the Qi God attracts fluids, and the Heart God Dan Yuan makes me understand the truth. Sishen. Refining the liquid, the Tao Qi will always exist. The urgency is like a law!" Bao Datong suddenly recited the divine mantra.

His voice was so sudden that I was startled. I thought something happened again, so I sat up in a panic. I saw Bao Datong rolling over on the bed, lying on the edge of the bed, holding a charm in one hand and pointing it at the bed, "The cycle is over, go!"

"I'm wronged!" A sharp female voice came out from the bed, and then the pajamas jumped out and floated in the air, crying loudly!

It floated around the room, seeming to be looking for a way out. Several times it touched the tip of my nose, making me tingle, but it never rushed out of the room.

"Oh, don't be persistent, evil will be punished!" Bao Datong sighed, and the finger that had been pointing at the pajamas moved slightly and drew a small symbol. Immediately, an invisible vortex formed, sucking the pajamas towards the bed. Pajama refused to give in, moaning and struggling in pain, so Bao Datong had no choice but to add another hand to cast the spell. This time, it couldn't hold on anymore, and the whole piece of clothing shrank into a rag-like thing, and fell back on the bed with a swish, and began to twist in pain!

Bao Datong shook his head, as if he couldn't bear it, but he still cast the charm on the bed. The pajamas immediately caught fire, and he let out a painful cry. Although the sound was very small, it felt as harsh as nails scratching glass.

"I don't want to burn you, but you insist on not going, so I have to give you a ride!" He said, jumped out of bed, and watched the pajamas quickly turn into ashes!

"Come down, do you want me to hold you?" He said to me without looking back.

"What are you doing?" I jumped out of bed and looked at the pile of ashes and said, "Where did you do her?"

"Of course it's the place she should go." Bao Datong still didn't look back. "She died unjustly, so she never went. Just now I asked her to replay the process of being murdered, which fulfilled her wish. But she still hasn't If she is willing to leave, if she has to see the evildoers punished, I can only forcefully send her away."

"You still haven't said where she went."

"You will know where you are going when you die, but with your IQ, it may be difficult to understand!" Bao Datong suddenly turned around and made a face at me, his eyes rolled white, and all his small white teeth were exposed on his lips. Outside.

I had experienced too many unreasonable things this night. He suddenly put a distorted face in front of me, which really shocked me. He seemed very proud of the effect it had on me, "Finally I paid you back." Punch me for revenge!" he said with a smile.

I was angry and wanted to argue with him, but the 'kick-tat-tat' footsteps outside the door came again!

"Why only one was solved?" I whispered after the footsteps passed by the door.

"This one is from the water. I have to go to the place where she died to cast the spell! Besides, I'm not going to kill them. They are all poor people. I just send them away to prevent them from doing wrong things."

"Then why is she here?"

"This is the place she misses and wants to come to the most, or she was lured away from here, idiot!" Bao Datong is still taking the opportunity to retaliate against me.

"Is it Xiaoling?" I ignored Bao Datong's provocation and was surprised by the answer. "It seems that there is still a problem with that lake."

"I told you there was resentment in the lake."

"Let's burn the woods." I said seriously.

"Okay, okay!" Bao Datong seemed a little excited. It wasn't like he was trying to exorcise demons. He seemed to think it was fun to burn the woods. "But burning the woods can only make Yang Qi strong, but now there is resentment in the lake. That needs to be resolved, but burning it is of no use.”

"Then you still make such suggestions!" I couldn't help but raise my voice.

Bao Datong made a downward gesture and pointed outside the door. At this time, Xiaoling came back again. After she passed the door of the room, I continued to whisper, "If it is useless, don't say it again. You are still practicing Taoism. You are so unmerciful. Aren't trees living creatures?"

"That's right." Bao Datong scratched his head, "Let me come up with a solution. I'm not sure what's under the water. If I act rashly, something bad will happen."

"I think we should go out first!"

"Good idea! But let's go through the window. Don't bump into the guy outside and cause unnecessary trouble. There were so many strange noises tonight. Someone will find the broken window and a cloud of ashes on the bed tomorrow morning. , there will soon be rumors that the girls’ dormitory is haunted!”

I thought he was right, so I climbed out of the window first. This time I was more careful and only dared to act when I saw that the other end of the rope was indeed Bao Datong. Bao Datong also came down. When I was worried about what to do with the rope, I saw him shake it casually, and the rope returned to his hand obediently, as if it were a magic weapon for his cultivation.

The two of us wanted to discuss the matter, so we didn't go back to the dormitory and sneaked outside the school. When we left, we deliberately stayed away from the woods and the small lake, for fear that we might encounter something strange when the time was not favorable for us.

There is an overpass outside the school, and Bao Datong and I are sitting under the bridge. He said that it is well connected in all directions and is not easy to gather spirits, so it can prevent people from eavesdropping.

"Tell me first, why weren't you punctual? You didn't show up for a long time after calling the signal, which made me almost fall to death!" I settled the score.

"No, I've been waiting since I sent the signal."

"You're talking nonsense, then how could something like that happen to me?!"

"Well - we were blinded and couldn't see each other. But - didn't the danger be saved in the end?"

"Turn my danger into your defeat!" I was furious. "I don't have magic, but you do. How could you be easily fooled? I don't think you are good at magic at all!"

Unexpectedly, Bao Datong nodded and admitted honestly, but immediately changed the subject and said, "But my posture is still good, very chic, but it's a pity that I can't show it to girls."

When he said this, I lost all confidence. During that terrible trip to the mountains and forests, I saw Bao Datong make decent gestures several times, but I never thought that he was actually very young and could not have such strong skills. He may be more than enough to deal with ordinary spirits, but what if there is an evil spirit lurking in the lake?

"I never thought that the thing in the water is so strong, and it's impossible to see through the situation inside from the outside." Bao Datong seemed to understand what I was thinking, "From the fact that he can fool me, I know that he is extremely difficult to deal with. . Precisely because he is the ultimate evil, the people he kills are also very vicious. I almost couldn't suppress it just now. Look at you, you have a unique physique, with extremely strong yang energy. Logically speaking, you shouldn't have Things can get close to you, but the girl who jumped off the building can get close to you, which shows that my judgment is correct."

"What should we do? Azhan isn't here either. I can't contact him at all when he goes home to worship his ancestors!" I was a little worried. "We can't allow him to be so harmful to others. Besides, he might kill me and Nana. Otherwise, can you ask Uncle Bao to help?"

"He went to Yunyou. I was looking for him a few days ago." Bao Datong sighed, "But I can't find him."

"Don't he even give you his contact information when he goes out?"

"I shed tears when I talk about this!" Bao Datong said angrily, "You see he looks very kind, but he usually treats me like a sheep, and he is extremely incompetent as a sheep official. He basically treats me like a sheep." He threw it on a grassy hillside and left, not caring whether I had enough grass to eat or whether there was a big bad wolf nearby. This time, if he hadn't been gone for several months, how could I have come to you! "

Bao Datong was so angry that he told the truth, and then I realized that it turned out that everything he said that he came to visit and study on his father's orders was all false.

"Do you have telepathy?" I grabbed the last straw, thinking that people who practice Taoism will always have these spiritual powers, but I still shook my head when I thought about Bao Datong.

When I got such an answer, I felt a chill in my heart.

Assuming that he did not make a mistake in judgment, and there is indeed a powerful evil spirit targeting us, then his behavior can be explained as that he felt that he could not deal with the evil spirit, so he would rather lose the opportunity to have fun with us and try to find Bao. Uncle. Unfortunately, he couldn't find it.

We were both speechless for a moment.

"It seems we have to rely on ourselves." After thinking for a while, I made up my mind, "Fortunately, A Zhan will be back in three days. By then, the three of us will have a chance of winning together, right?"

Bao Datong nodded without hesitation, "Although he is strong, since I can see some clues, he is not so strong that he cannot be defeated. As long as there is another person with magic power to help, it will be all right. From you and Nana Judging from the dark look on your face, you have indeed been in bad luck recently, and there is bad luck coming towards you, which is one of the reasons why I refuse to leave - well - one of the reasons."

Hearing his words, I almost laughed in this situation, because he was actually willing to admit that he was determined not to leave, and that besides helping, he had other ulterior reasons that were well known to everyone.

"But the problem is - I'm not sure if his target is you and Nana, and I don't know when he will take action." He added, "The only way is for us to be careful and careful to prevent him from taking advantage of us! "

"What should we do? Run away?" I said. "What if we leave and he gets angry and hurts others? What if he hurts Nana's family?"

"You are right. Running away is tantamount to passing your own downfall onto others. It will hurt innocent people and is too unethical." Bao Datong agreed, "I tell you, if you do that, sooner or later, something will happen. We still have to report it to ourselves. The only way now is that the three of us are inseparable and don't give him a chance. Even if there are omissions, at least we can still concentrate our strength. We can do whatever we usually do, and we can't let him see that we are on guard. Don’t make Nana nervous either.”

I nodded, rarely agreeing with him, but when he mentioned Nana, I remembered Nana's weird behavior last night, and thought it would be better to ask. I told Bao Datong, and Bao Datong also felt that from Nana’s mouth, at least we could know whether the other party was targeting us.

"You also have to tell me what happened to you tonight." He asked me after we studied for a while.

I told him the whole thing.

"It's similar to what I saw from above, but I only saw the result. I didn't expect the process to be so thrilling. You're really good for not being scared to death!"

I didn't know if he was complimenting me, but I wasn't in the mood to think about it. I suddenly thought of the toad and felt sick and weird, so I quickly described it to him in detail.

"I didn't see it at all." Bao Datong was extremely surprised. "I only saw the girl who jumped off the building and you climbing up a rope. In fact, it was not an ordinary rope. I don't know what he used to transform. of."

"Transformed? Did I just climb up the wall without grabbing anything in my hand?" I was a little surprised.

"You think you are Superman!" Bao Datong mocked, "Although it is an illusion, there is also real matter in it, but I don't understand what it is. You are too imaginative! But you must have one A toad?"

I thought about it and felt that although I might be under an illusion, the toad's eyes were so real that I didn't believe it was fake.

"As for a toad with human hair, and his eyes are so special, maybe he came here in person tonight!" Bao Datong guessed based on what I said, "You also said that his eyes are full of love for you. He has no hatred - in this case, you can be sure that he is coming for you. Maybe Nana is trying to protect you - no, no, wait!"

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