The Exorcist

Chapter 7: Yin Tong Chapter 18: Be careful with QQ

Chapter 18 Be careful with QQ

"I went to Xi'an to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Zhang Zixin." Ruan Zhan said, "Lv Yan and her son are more powerful, and Bao Datong still monitors and tests them. But if you find anything, don't act rashly, as that will alert the snake. You must wait until I come back. We cannot let the other side attack first before we are ready."

Bao Datong nodded in agreement.

Ruan Zhan looked at Xiao Xia and Wan Li again, "You two work together to find the whereabouts of missing children. Firstly, you have some relationship with the police, and the channels for obtaining information are relatively smooth. Secondly, you just need to look for clues. , there is no need for a head-on conflict. If there is any news, notify the police as soon as possible. If it is relatively secretive and it is not convenient to publicly notify, then notify Bao Datong and me."

"What should they do if they meet Zhang Jialin?" Bao Datong asked.

Ruan Zhan nodded, "I have thought about it, so I will make arrangements before I leave. Although the little girl is powerful, if Xiaoxia and Wan Li are just defensive, she can't do whatever she wants. But you must remember, never separate, if something happens Just come back here as soon as possible.”

"Don't worry, we can handle it." Wan Li patted Ruan Zhan on the shoulder, "No matter how good the plan is, accidents will happen, but we were able to avoid danger before, and we will be able to in the future. Don't be distracted!"

"Yes, I can also protect myself." Xiaoxia followed Wan Li's words.

Although she felt flustered and reluctant that Ruan Zhan was leaving again, she knew that it was a serious thing that had to be done, and she would not hold him back. A good woman would never do that.

"Now that the work has been divided, I will tell you about the new situation I have investigated in the past few days." Bao Datong said, "We all know that Zhang Zixin went to Xi'an to investigate some supernatural incident and disappeared, but Xi'an is very big. Even the police don't know where he went specifically, because he could have gone anywhere after getting off the plane. He is an ordinary person, and he is not as beautiful as me. No one would notice him if he was thrown into a crowd, so there are clues. It stopped when he arrived in Xi'an. You know, the police only knew that he went to Xi'an, but they didn't know that he was looking for supernatural events, so of course the police didn't know what happened next."

"Aren't you going to torture Zhang Zixin's timid friend again?" Wan Li asked clearly.

Bao Datong smiled, feeling a little embarrassed for such a thick-skinned person, "Can you stop being so smart? Besides, hey, listen to others' advice and eat well. Last time, Azhan said that I used illusions to control people, which was a violation of morality. I have never done that thing again. This time I did not 'torture' him, but reasoned with him. I enlightened him earnestly, explained human principles to him, and built up his confidence. Only then did he reveal something else. Little, very, very small messages.”

"How young?" Xiao Xia almost laughed when she saw the rich expression on Bao Datong's face.

"It's very small, but very useful. Didn't I say that Wang Yong was very timid. Although Zhang Zixin had reservations about him at the time, he did the same to the police. He only said that Zhang Zixin went to Xi'an, but did not say It was because of a supernatural incident, not to mention the specific place where Zhang Zixin went. He thought that if he said anything, the evil spirits would find him to take revenge. Coincidentally, not long after the police investigated the disappearance case, he went to interview a construction project in a surrounding rural area. , but when digging the foundation, two hibernating snakes were dug out, big snakes, very big snakes." As he spoke, he extended his arms to show how big the snake was, and finally stretched out his arms.

"That's too exaggerated!" Wan Li said happily, "That's a thousand-year-old locust tree. Even two people can't hug it."

"Anyway, it's a big python. And because of the geographical and climatic conditions here, there shouldn't be such a big snake, so the local people in the countryside said it was a snake god. The problem was that when the excavator was digging the foundation, it was broken on the spot. One, of course, died, and the other ran away. Reporter Wang started to fall ill after returning home, and he still feels uncomfortable from time to time. He felt that it was because he offended the gods, which made him feel even more unable. The nonsense also led to him not revealing a word for so many years. In fact, he just suffered from external cold due to Yang deficiency. As long as he exercises more, relaxes his mind, and takes some supplements, he will be fine."

"What other important information did he reveal to you?" Wan Li asked next.

"It's just a place name." Bao Datong said a little proudly, "However, although it is a place name, it allows us to go straight to the topic."

"Stop being so secretive and tell me!" Xiao Xia threatened, "Don't force me to torture you to extract a confession!"

"Xitou Store. Zhang Zixin went to a place called Xitou Store."

Ruan Zhan left the Bloodwood Sword to Xiaoxia before leaving.

Although Xiaoxia couldn't make the sword magnify, Ruan Zhan's skill was much stronger than before and he could control the Bloodwood Sword freely with the talisman, so he gave Xiaoxia a talisman. Whenever she had to use the Bloodwood Sword, Put this charm on the hilt of the sword and the sword will enlarge. Even though she couldn't retract it, it was at least better than wandering around with a fishing rod box on her back.

The broken banner was given to Wan Li. Although it was not known whether the power of this banner could absorb the spirit hidden in the child's body, it would have some deterrent effect for the time being. Wan Li has a special physique. He has no natural talents but is born with extremely strong yang energy. Therefore, he learned a few tricks from Ruan Zhan and gradually became able to enlarge the small metal flag by himself. Of course, he could only release it but not close it.

Because the destination was clear, Ruan Zhan expected that he would be back in at least three days and at most five days. Xitoudian is remote and poor. The villagers must be convinced of supernatural events, so it should be easier to inquire about it. Even if the locals are unwilling to speak out because of fear, there will be brave men under the heavy reward, as long as those evil spirits don't stop and cause trouble.

"Don't worry, they have all come here to cause harm to people, and they don't have the energy to chase Ruan Zhan." Bao Datong said.

But this sentence didn't make Xiaoxia feel better. She remembered that when they first cooperated, the evil scholar had multiple incarnations and finally managed to merge. That time, Ruan Zhan almost died underwater.

"But Ruan Zhan is many times more powerful now than before." When Xiao Xia expressed her worries, Bao Datong comforted her, and Xiao Xia understood that he was right. Now Ruan Zhan has gone through so many fierce battles and dangers, and is no longer the same as before. But how could she not worry about him?

"Don't worry. Think of something else?"

"I'm more curious about how you persuaded Wang Yong." Xiaoxia distracted herself.

Bao Datong grinned, "It's very simple. Remember, all such people have a guilty conscience, and those who feel guilty are afraid of being punished. Zhang Zixin died, leaving behind poor orphans and widowed mothers, and Wang Yong served as A good friend, but he did not dare to tell where Zhang Zixin went because of self-protection, so that Zhang Zixin’s bones could not return home. He has always been very guilty about this, so I only need to tell him about the travel notes of hell. I have been here a few days ago Tian bought a copy at a small bookstall for only one yuan, so I’ll lend it to you to read.”

"I don't look at it. I didn't do anything wrong."

"What's wrong with studying?" Bao Datong said to a guest with a smile while talking to Xiao Xia, "If bad people were worried about being punished after death, there wouldn't be so much crime in the world. "

"Who cares about you! I'm going upstairs. I still have some work to do." Xiaoxia stopped arguing with Bao Datong and went back upstairs.

She was a little tired. She had to go to work during the day and go out with Wan Li at night, but the new work she took on was not finished yet, so she had to seize all the time.

She simply changed her clothes, soaked in water, and then turned on her laptop to work. Because she has a QQ pet, she also opens QQ when working. I just don’t know why, but my computer, which is usually in good condition, seems to be working against her today. It keeps getting stuck, either crashes or unable to save, and inexplicable web pages always pop up.

Isn't it a virus?

Seeing the dark screen again, Xiaoxia was extremely annoyed. She kept pressing keys on the keyboard, but it was completely useless. The computer just couldn't be restarted!

It's over, the results of her hard work for an hour and a half just disappeared without a trace! She thought helplessly, reached out and picked up the bowl of cold instant noodles, and took a random sip. She must be infected with a virus, but she is a computer idiot. She only knows how to surf the Internet and process documents. She knows nothing else. She will not know until Wan Li checks it for her.

Maybe it was a virus in Bao Datong's pornographic website. He used her computer to contact Uncle Bao yesterday, and then played games for a while. He was so unruly that he might have browsed some web pages that he shouldn't have browsed.


When Xiaoxia stood up and walked to the door, wanting to go downstairs to ask Bao Da, a voice suddenly appeared in the room behind her. This shocked her to the point where her hair stood on end and she almost dropped the instant noodles in her hand. Turning around suddenly, there was nothing in the room, only silence. Perhaps it was a psychological effect, but Xiaoxia felt that there was an indescribable sense of horror in the silence, as if the tables, chairs and benches suddenly started talking.

She was stunned for a while, then slowly walked back to the room, put the instant noodles on the table, walked to the window and looked outside, fearing that Zhang Jialin would come to harass her again! She reminded herself that she was not a protected person now. She wanted to be a helpful person to those missing children and a helpful person to Ruan Zhan!

Outside the window, the lively scenery unique to summer evenings is still there, and there are still many pedestrians, but there is no shadow of Zhang Jialin.


There was another sound suddenly from behind, and then a faint light flashed in the room. Her computer automatically restarted after being frozen for a long time!

The system self-test was going on quickly, the displayed numbers kept flashing, the desktop popped up three times faster, and then QQ automatically logged in, and then, the screen made a 'pop' sound - it went black again!

Da da da--

Before Xiaoxia could react, a burst of footsteps came from far and near, as if someone was wearing ill-fitting shoes walking on the stone road that had just rained. It was clear and dragging, and every step was like stepping on her heart. Gradually, the sound got closer!

In the computer! Something came into this room from the computer!


There was another sound, but the computer screen did not display an image. Instead, two regular white light spots appeared on the left and right sides. The light spot shone strangely, getting closer to the center little by little, and at the same time expanded and deformed outwards, turning into something the size of an almond. The black screen gradually faded and turned gray, and a dazzling light appeared at the bottom of the screen. So bright!

A face!

A face appeared on the screen, and the entire screen was filled with a face, as if there was a head in a black box! It was impossible to tell the difference between male and female in this face. The facial features were blurred, and the eyebrows and nose could not be seen clearly. There was only a gray face, a pair of pale eyes without pupils, and a blood-red mouth.

"Auntie." The dazzling red color moved slightly and made a sound.

It turned out that the computer was calling her!

Xiaoxia jumped up in shock, and her first reaction was to rush over and turn off the computer, but she couldn't turn it off anyway. Even if she unplugged the power, it was still there, and let out a string of sinister laughter!

Gritting her teeth, Xiaoxia rushed towards the cabinet. All the mirrors have been removed, and there is also the Five Elements Forbidden Talisman given to her by Bao Datong in the cabinet. As long as she gets it, she can restrain this evil!

With a 'crash' sound, the cabinet door opened, and Xiaoxia reached out to grab her black leather bag. She grabbed it hard, but the black bag didn't move at all, and Xiaoxia felt that the hand was plush, and there was a wet and cold tingling on the side of her hand. It was obviously not the texture of a leather bag!

"Auntie." Pi Bao called her.

Subconsciously, Xiaoxia lowered her head. There was no leather bag, Zhang Jialin's head was clearly in her hands, her hair was being held in her hands, and Zhang Jialin's tongue was as long as a puppy, and he was licking her hand!

Xiaoxia screamed and fell to the ground. She saw the doors on the three-open cabinet opening one after another. There was a child sitting in each space - Zhang Jialin, Xiaotong and Yangyang.

Play with me!

Three children stretched out three hands to her!

In panic, Xiaoxia knew that this was an illusion cast by the computer on her, but the illusion could also be fatal if the spell could not be broken. At this moment, her courage was exhausted, so she hurriedly got up and rushed to the door, but the door was closed heavily. There was only one step left, but she couldn't open it no matter what!

Crunch - the laptop turned at an angle on the table and made a sharp sound. The face on the screen faced Xiaoxia again, with a gray face, pale eyes without pupils, and a blood-red mouth! And the three children in the cabinet slowly crawled out!

She had no way out, and she caught sight of the phone next to the computer. She narrowly escaped the interception of the three children, rolled from the bed to the other side of the table, and reached out to grab the phone.

And when she was doing this, the computer always automatically adjusted the angle, keeping that face looking at Xiaoxia.

"Auntie, it's useless." Seeing Xiaoxia pick up the phone, she said mockingly.

Xiaoxia ignored it, didn't press the dial button, and shouted directly, "Bao Datong!"

A moment later, a rush of footsteps was heard from outside the door, and then the door was knocked open by a ball of fire, and the figure of Bao Datong jumped in!

"Draining all three rivers, the waves are overwhelming, and I'm sleepy!" Bao Datong read quickly and pointed at the computer.

As his finger fell, a stream of water rushed out from nowhere and poured onto the computer. The computer made a "squeak" sound and emitted a puff of black smoke. The face and the three children disappeared in an instant, and the room The indescribable silence inside was immediately broken!

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