The Exorcist

Chapter 6: Lost City Chapter 45: Hand-to-hand combat

Chapter 45: Hand-to-hand combat

When Wan Li cleverly exploited the enemy's internal contradictions to win without fighting, Sima Nan was walking into the tower step by step.

He can't tolerate it! When he saw the red stone in Ruan Zhan's hand, his eyes turned red.

As early as his youth, he had his own dreams and goals, but after many years of hard work, he could not achieve them. But after meeting Abai, he found that he could achieve his goals, and it was the magical stone that could help him. !

However, he tried his best and couldn't find where the stone was hidden. Unexpectedly, Abai actually gave it to Ruan Zhan now. why is that? That was what he dreamed of, why would Ruan Zhan take it away? Abai only belongs to him, why should he help others?

All this made him lose his mind!

"Damn boy, it's useless for you to hide in the mouse hole!" Ruan Zhan couldn't be seen, but when he heard the footsteps on the stairs, Sima Nan knew that he must have hidden in the dark room on the top floor, and chased after him. Reluctant to give up.

Sure enough, when he chased him to the top floor, he happened to see Ruan Zhan's figure disappearing behind the darkroom door.

"Thankfully you majored in psychology." Sima Nan sneered, "People instinctively think that the higher they are, the safer they are. Who knows, but the higher they are, the more dangerous they are. Can't you even judge this?" However, even though he said this, He didn't rush into the darkroom recklessly.

Sima Nan had calmed down a little now. He was angry just now and entered the tower with Ruan Zhan without thinking. At this time, he suddenly thought that there might be a conspiracy. Ruan Zhan hid inside first. It was bright outside and dark inside. He could not clearly see Ruan Zhan's current situation. In addition, the darkroom door was closed tightly. Except for the glass window as narrow as a gap, he was almost isolated from the outside world. If Ruan Zhan designed If a trap is laid, he will be in big trouble.

However, he couldn't let the red stone fall into Ruan Zhan's hands, nor could he tolerate Abai looking at Ruan Zhan differently, so he couldn't wait.

Gritting his teeth, he set up a barrier in front of him with his left hand. With a slash of the air with his right hand, an invisible talisman immediately struck the thick wooden door of the dark room from his palm.

There was a violent 'pop' sound, and the wooden door fell inward, and Sima Nan then cast a fire hand seal.

He was very cautious and did not know what was going on in the dark room, so the fire handprint did not hit the inside, but hit the door frame, causing the door frame to burn and act as lighting, illuminating the entire ninth floor at once.

I saw Ruan Zhan standing opposite the darkroom, like a host waiting for a guest to arrive, calm and composed. Although he was covered in blood, he was proud but not afraid. This made Sima Nan feel a little guilty - why is he so confident? This kid is full of tricks, does he have any tricks up his sleeve? Or did Abai give him some help?

"What? Don't you dare to come in?" Ruan Zhan twitched his lips and smiled provocatively.

"I don't have to go in!" Sima Nan replied, waving his hand and casting another invisible spell.

Ruan Zhan quickly set up a barrier in front of him, and heard a "bang" sound, like steel plates colliding. Sima Nan's invisible talisman was pushed back and hit the wall next to him, blasting a whole A piece of wall covering.

Sima Nan couldn't help but say 'Eh', feeling a little guilty.

He understands his own strength and carefully grasps the timing of his appearance. Although those resentful spirits did not fight Ruan Zhan as he wished, and both sides suffered losses. Instead, they were suppressed by Ruan Zhan, but Ruan Zhan was also exhausted. Under such circumstances, this brave boy still fought with him for several rounds, and even used his cleverness to inflict minor injuries on him.

He believed that this was Ruan Zhan's limit, and it was impossible to resist his invisible attacks. But the situation in front of him clearly reminded him that Ruan Zhan not only blocked his attack, but also relieved his strength, so that the invisibility charm that bounced off only knocked off a piece of the wall. Although it seemed powerful on the surface, it was Only he himself understood that he was just moving gracefully. In fact, this palm seemed to be an understatement, but he had already used eight points of his strength.

Is this kid's skill rising again? Or did he get some help, or - his skill declined?

With this thought in his mind, Sima Nan frowned and took another invisible talisman.

This time, he used ten percent of his strength to strike hard at the weakest point in the barrier, fully expecting to break it. However, the scene before him was completely beyond his expectation. Not only was the barrier not broken, there was not even the tremor that occurred during the first blow. The invisible charm that bounced off did not hit the wall at all, following the invisible barrier. The wall fell directly to the ground and quickly disappeared without a trace!

Sima Nan paled.

He saw clearly that it wasn't that Ruan Zhan had become stronger, there were only the two of them in the entire tower, and no one was helping Ruan Zhan, it was that his skills had inexplicably weakened! What's going on? Did Ruan Zhan cast a Taoist technique that he didn't understand, or was he unintentionally plotted?

Feeling his body, there was nothing abnormal, and then feeling the aura around Ruan Zhan, it was not that strong, and it was still a little weak due to the injury. That aura is something that everyone has, and most people can't see it, but with his way of doing things, he can see it clearly at a glance and there's no mistake. But where does the problem occur?

Sima Nan gritted his teeth and prepared for the third attack. This time he was not trying to attack Ruan Zhan, but to confirm his physical condition. However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he felt that most of the spiritual energy in his body seemed to have disappeared, and the invisibility spell could not be cast at all!

He was shocked and looked up at Ruan Zhan. Seeing Ruan Zhan staring at him arrogantly, his aura was not weak but strong, which was in sharp contrast to his condition.

"What kind of Taoist skills are you doing?" Sima Nan said as he shrank toward the stairs without revealing any trace, and at the same time put his right hand behind his back.

Ruan Zhan remained motionless, but withdrew the barrier in front of him, as if he knew that Sima Nan was unable to attack him at the moment, "What? You feel that your spiritual energy has disappeared? Okay, I can tell you. This is not a Taoist technique, but It’s because of this tower.”


"That's right." Ruan Zhan looked at Sima Nan's suspicious eyes and said slowly, "The so-called guilty conscience is that when you came to this tower to release those resentful spirits, you didn't stay here longer, so you didn't know what was inside this tower. The Feng Shui formation can not only calm the resentful spirits, but also absorb all unnatural energy. The higher you go, the greater the power of resolving energy. This is the top floor, so if you are hesitant to enter the dark room to kill When you killed me, most of your superpowers had been neutralized!"

"So this is why you led me into the tower." Sima Nan was so smart that he immediately understood Ruan Zhan's intention. "You think that I am old and not as tall as you. I will definitely lose to you in close combat. You don't want to use He has superb Taoism, but wants to use the most barbaric and primitive methods to solve all this."

"There's nothing wrong with being primitive." Ruan Zhan sneered, "The most primitive traps can often catch the biggest beasts. You lose because you don't understand simple and straightforward truths. You have to have a complex plan for everything you do, and you lose. You have to leave a way out for yourself. If you didn't completely destroy this tower, wouldn't you have used it as a bargaining chip for yourself to control the resentful spirits in the future? Otherwise, why would you have given me a chance today?"

Sima Nan pretended to take a step back towards the stairs unintentionally, while slowly drawing something with his right hand behind his back. He was afraid that Ruan Zhan would notice what he was doing, so he didn't dare to move too big or too hasty, he just moved his fingers.

"No matter what you say, using force is the most inferior way. It is a waste of your natural talents and your father's hard work." He and Ruan Zhan were talking, trying to distract Ruan Zhan's attention, " I don’t need to tell you about military strategies, but you should understand that in Taoism, attacking the heart is the most important, followed by self-cultivation, then using artifacts, and the worst is casting spells. As for you, you directly rely on physical strength. What’s the difference between fighting with a farmer?!”

Ruan Zhan didn't speak, but stared at Sima Nan for a moment, which made him feel frightened and he couldn't help but speed up the movement of his right hand.

He is more powerful than Ruan Zhan. He does not need to use such obvious void-drawing symbols. The small-scale movement of his hands behind his back can allow him to pass through the distorted time and space and return to a place outside that is beneficial to him. After learning from Ruan Zhan that this tower can absorb various supernatural powers, he regretted his carelessness at first, but after a closer look, he felt that the tower was not overbearing. When he returned to the outside, his spiritual power should be able to reply.

At that time, he still had the upper hand. He relied on real Taoism, while Ruan Zhan just relied on his hard work and wisdom.

He quickly finished drawing the talisman behind him, feeling the slight breeze brought by the twisting of time and space, and smiled contemptuously at Ruan Zhan, "Boy, let's talk based on our strength!" After that, he raised his feet and left.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound beside him, as if an arrow was shot towards him. He subconsciously dodged, and the cool breeze passed through his ribs and hit the twisted passage of time and space.

Time was urgent, so he didn't react and still took one step forward. However, instead of returning to the outside of the tower as he imagined, he hit an invisible wall, which made him stagger and almost fall.

This kid actually used his palm thunder to break up the time and space channel again!

Sima Nan was shocked and angry. He stretched out his hand to hold on to the staircase railing to avoid falling. He heard Ruan Zhan say in his ear, "You are so cunning and powerful. How could I not notice your right hand?"

He noticed his right hand but pretended not to know. Wasn't this a trick on him?

This thought made him furious, and he was about to explode, but suddenly he thought of something, "Why are you not under the control of this tower?" he blurted out.

"This tower has an effect on all supernatural powers, but I sealed my psychic powers before entering the tower, which is equivalent to adding a layer of confinement to myself." Ruan Zhan said as he slowly walked out, waving his hand and rolling up He blew a gust of cold wind and extinguished the fire burning the wooden door. "It first dissolved my self-seal, and then it was my turn for my powers. In other words, my powers will disappear a few minutes later than yours. But in just these few minutes , that’s enough for me!”

"Is this why the seal I gave you was lifted so quickly?" Sima Nan walked towards the stairs.

He can no longer use the time and space distortion technique now, but he still has to seize a favorable terrain to see if he can use his last bit of strength to protect himself and return to the outside. He felt a little frightened now, but on the other hand he was relieved.

When he learned that Ruan Zhan had suppressed the resentful spirits again, his feeling was indescribable. He thought that Ruan Zhan's ability had been greatly enhanced, and he actually became afraid of this battle. Now that he knew that Ruan Zhan had only lifted the seal with the power of the tower, he suddenly felt that his chances of winning had increased!

Ruan Zhan is not a talkative person, but Ruan Zhan did not attack him as soon as he approached the door of the darkroom. This proved that it would take time for him to completely lift his self-seal, so he had to take advantage of this opportunity to escape immediately. I don’t care about style, winning is the most important thing!

Thinking of this, he ran away! But he only felt a heat behind him, and he hurriedly fell to the ground, narrowly avoiding the fire handprint.

"What a coincidence. My calculation was accurate and my seal was completely lifted." Ruan Zhan said coldly.

Needless to say, Sima Nan also knew. Just seeing that the fire handprint passed over his body and hit the wall, it went out automatically. It would only hurt him but not the tower. You knew that Ruan Zhan was at his best now and could completely control his power.

Sima Nan was furious. After finally gaining the upper hand, Ruan Zhan reversed course again, which he couldn't bear. He didn't speak, gritted his teeth and rolled towards the stairs. He used the few seconds he disappeared from Ruan Zhan's sight to touch seven places around him with his hands - the crooks of his arms, legs and knees, the palms of his hands and the center of his eyebrows.

As his fingers pointed, these seven places seemed to have been punctured with blood holes, and blood suddenly gushed out. As soon as the blood came out, Sima Nan immediately turned over and sat up, muttering something in his mouth, and made a strange technique with his hands. However, he did not make any move to attack and ran towards the bottom of the tower.

Seeing this, Ruan Zhan stepped out and used the time and space distortion technique to reach the entrance of the eighth floor, blocking Sima Nan inside.

"You actually spent all your last strength on setting up the Blood Barrier Barrier?" His expression was as cold as a knife, "You want to protect yourself? It's useless!"

Before Sima Nan could answer, he struck Sima Nan's head with a thunderbolt from his palm, causing Sima Nan to lie on the ground in embarrassment again.

"This is for those resentful spirits who have suffered great injustice. You took advantage of them for your own gain!" Ruan Zhan said, then raised his hand and slapped him again, "This is for being lured here by you. The Japanese onmyoji accidentally injured Chinese civilians!"

"This is for your poor women who you seduced with your stone men!"

"This is for those people who were killed by the poison. It was you who gave their parents a double blow!"

"This is because you took over someone else's body!"

"This is for all the people you sacrificed, the people you regarded as useless dogs, the people who became your stepping stones for your purposes!"

Every time Ruan Zhan said a word, he waved his palm, sometimes with thunder, and sometimes with fire handprint. Although there was never a direct hit on Sima Nan, most of the attack power was blocked by the blood forbidden barrier. However, every time blood burst out on the barrier wall, Sima Nan was still traumatized behind him. Not only did he fall Time and time again, his body suffered varying degrees of damage, and the seven bloody wounds also bled more, staining most of his white Chinese clothes red!

He had been trying to escape from the tower, but he could not avoid Ruan Zhan's attacks from different angles, and now the blood barrier could no longer hold. He had fought against Ruan Zhan before and knew that he was always ruthless in battle. He would have no chance of survival if he continued like this. Even if Ruan Zhan's spiritual power is resolved by the tower's ability, he is no match in terms of physical combat. He must find a way!

With a 'pop' sound, the power of Ruan Zhan's palm thunder weakened this time, but his blood barrier was also broken at the same time. He was hit hard on the waist and fell straight to the wall like a rag doll. , fell down again.

And what fell at the same time as him were two things in his pocket, a small palm-sized mirror and a small cloth man!

He actually forgot this in the sudden change! This is something that can turn defeat into victory!

Sima Nan lay on the ground. Although he couldn't stand the pain, he laughed gloomily -

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