The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 2 Chapter 71: attacked

Well, it's really unfortunate to have to make a review report in front of nearly a hundred people tomorrow.

Merlin bless, those people collectively go to the toilet with diarrhea!


When passing the potions classroom, Ask walked in and looked at the clock. It was half past ten, and the Quidditch match would start in half an hour.

"Well, I should get a watch..."

Asker whispered to himself, put his right hand into his pocket, and touched the purse familiarly. The cold feeling on the surface of the gold coin made him very comfortable. Although the means are not very fair, money is money, it is not right or wrong, righteous or evil, it is a special commodity separated from commodities and used as general equivalents. There is a saying that is very good, money is not everything, but without money it is absolutely impossible.

When passing Snape's office, Asker looked left and right, and after confirming that no one was there, he walked over and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Dong, dong, dong~"

There was silence in response to Asker, he reached out and twisted the door handle, but unfortunately Snape was not Neville, and the door to the office was locked. Unintentionally entering Snape's office to do something, Ask yawned and turned his head to look at the aisle behind him. He was debating whether to go back to sleep or not. Anyway, the result of the Quidditch match was already doomed. No suspense to speak of.

Draco also thinks that there is no suspense in today's Quidditch match. He and his teammates are waiting in the locker room, with a relaxed and casual expression, and there is no nervous atmosphere at all, as if the next Quidditch match only needs to go out. One lap is enough to win.

"We've won!"

The person who said this was Miles Bleich, a goalie, a third grader. Different from previous years, this year's Slytherin team has a lot of faces from the lower grades, there are several in the third grade, and only the captain Marcus Flynn and Derek Ston are in the upper grades. The main members are as follows:

Captain and Chaser: Marcus Flynn (7th grade)

Seeker: Draco Malfoy (2nd grade)

Goalkeeper: Miles Bleitch (Year 3)

Chaser: Derian Purse (3rd grade)

Monta Lance (Grade 3)

Hitter: Bol Taylor (6th grade)

Derek Stone (Grade 6)

(PS: Not made up, except for the last names of the three people at the bottom, the others are mentioned in the original text.)

Most of last year's main players had already reached the seventh grade when they were about to graduate. They put more energy on their studies. If not, these young brats would not have the chance to become the main players.

As the captain, Marcus Flynn glanced at the goalkeeper with a trace of disdain in his mouth. No one is more qualified to judge the result of the game than he as the captain. In his opinion, if it weren't for Asker's intrigue, I'm afraid Slytherin would probably lose this year's Quidditch match, because apart from him there are two batsmen, the other players are too young, or even not at all. Participating in real competitions, at most, is only training within the team.

The current Slytherin team is the weakest, and the corresponding Gryffindor is really talented, plus their hard-working training, even if Slytherin has an absolute advantage on the flying broom, it can decide the game. After all, it's a man and not a flying broom.

"Okay, get ready, the time is almost up."

Standing up lazily, Marcus began to urge the players to do pre-match inspections, such as whether the sleeves and trouser legs are tight, whether there is any problem with the balance of the flying broom, and so on. Unlike in the past, today's inspection is very sloppy, anyway, in the eyes of most people, the result of this game is not at all suspenseful.

As eleven o'clock approached, the whole school began to head to the Quidditch field. It was a hot and humid weather, there was a faint sound of thunder in the air, and it might rain today. It would be a good choice to end the game early.

Marcus thought so. Coincidentally, Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team opposite, also thought so.

In the Gryffindor team's locker room, Wood in a red uniform looked particularly energetic. Among all the teachers and students at Hogwarts, he may be the only one who is eager to win, because he is the captain this year. Penultimate year. Next year he plans to quit the Quidditch team to concentrate on preparing for the exams, so this should be his last year as captain. Another reason I have to say is that Marcus Flynn will graduate and leave school next year. At that time, Wood will have one less opponent and the game will be much less interesting. And he has never won a Quidditch championship under Marcus Flynn. If he can steal a championship this year, that would be a great thing, isn't it?

"The Slytherins have better brooms than us," Wood said. "It's undeniable, but we have better broomsticks than them. We train harder and fly in all kinds of weather. . . . "

"That's right!" said George Weasley. He pulled up the collar and made a twisting motion: "My clothes haven't been dried since August."

Wood glared at George, he threw his fist hard, and the expression on his face looked fierce: "...We're going to make them regret letting that little villain Malfoy spend money to sneak into their team!"

This sentence was approved by the players. Everyone turned their heads to look at Harry in unison. He was the Seeker and the only person who faced Draco in Gryffindor. Teaching how to be a man is more able to let out such a bad breath.

"It's up to you, Harry, make them see that being a Seeker isn't enough with a rich dad. Catch the Snitch before Malfoy or die on the field. Harry, because we have to win today, we have to win!"

"So don't stress, Harry." Fred George said with a wink at Harry.

Harry smiled wryly, how could there be no pressure? Looking at Wood's expression, if he can't catch the Snitch, maybe Wood will really let him die in the arena.

However, as of now, it's only a matter of biting the bullet.

"Okay, we're going!"

Wood didn't seem to see Harry's pained expression. With a big wave of his hand, George, Fred, Angelina and others dragged the broom and walked out with their heads held high. Their task was not too heavy. After all, they are all newcomers, and they must be less experienced than them.

Harry, who was walking at the back, was absent-minded. Perhaps because of the pressure of this competition, he felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach and wanted to go to the toilet.

"Well, I..."

"Wood, I'll go to the toilet first, and I'll be right back!"

Katie Bell, who is also a rookie, is a third grader this year and joined the team last year. She is the team's Chaser. Under Harry's astonished gaze, this guy who was usually slow and agile only on a flying broom rushed out with indescribable before he finished speaking. The man disappeared from Harry's sight.


Harry was speechless, but what made him even more speechless was still behind.

"Wood, I have to go to the toilet too!"

"My stomach is uncomfortable, I have to go to the toilet!"

"Wood, find a way to delay for a while..."

Wood's expression was very strange, it was a very complicated expression, Harry thought it was anger at first, but soon, Harry understood what the meaning of this expression was.

"I'll go to the toilet to find them!"

Oliver Wood, the brave and fearless captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch House, when he said these words, Harry always felt that his face was full of sadness, as if he was about to fall at the muzzle of the enemy. Martyrs under.


Harry replied casually with a blank face, and then a gust of wind blew by, and he found that he was alone in the dressing room.


About this time, the bell rang, and the players who participated in the game needed to enter the arena.


Looking at the several flying brooms lying on the ground, Harry first sighed, then threw the broom in his hand over his shoulder, and walked over the flying brooms on the ground towards the entrance of the arena.

"Bless Merlin, it's good that the Slytherin group also went to the toilet..." Harry prayed in the usual tone of a wizard...

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