The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 292: Quiet Waiting (Updated on May 5)

He was late, about ten minutes late. When he sat down, Ellie had just finished a vanilla ice cream.

"Don't talk, let me guess. Something must have gone wrong, right? It's probably bad news."

Xing Ze sat down opposite Ellie, smiled bitterly and said, "Are you the roundworm in my stomach?"

"Can you change the metaphor? I don't want to be such a disgusting existence."

Xing Ze shrugged his shoulders, picked up the menu at hand and looked at it. "A busy morning." He complained, and then talked about what happened just now.

In the end, Xing Ze decided on his lunch combination, a fish and chips set plus a cup of green tea. Tea is indispensable, even in such hot weather, he still insists on drinking hot tea.

This habit is somewhat incomprehensible to many British people. After all, most of them who like tea will choose cooler tea drinks in midsummer, such as iced black tea.

"Those snake people are connected to the old record gang. So, their human trafficking may be related to the snake people." Ellie speculated while biting the ice cream spoon, "Remember the four bodies?"

"Are you saying that the snake people are using humans to hatch their offspring?"

"Isn't it very likely?"

Xing Ze nodded, "Go on, dear lady. Do you have any good news in the past three days?"

"Not much." Ellie shook her head, "The Muggle police are still tracking the sports car. I went to find those people with the surname Kimball. I can only say that most of the people on the list have been ruled out. Some of them are dead, some are lying in the hospital, and some are missing."

Hearing this, Xing Ze frowned and asked, "Is there no one useful?"

The eldest lady put the small spoon in her mouth back into the ice cream cup, and she asked back, "What do you mean by useful?"

Xing Ze really didn't know how to answer this question. He didn't know what kind of person Frank was looking for. He only knew that his surname was Kimball.

Obviously, this is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"But it's not without some gains. I've seen Frank in some places, but with his flamboyant personality, it's unlikely that he wants to keep a low profile. The University Hospital of Liverpool and a nursing home in the suburbs recognized him. "Of course, the Muggle police are still investigating. As long as they can collect enough information, they may be able to piece together what Frank is looking for." The waiter brought the set meal, and the eldest lady reached out and took the cup of green tea, "I'm thirsty, give him another cup." The waiter nodded and retreated. Xing Ze looked at Ellie with a depressed face and reminded her, "I'm afraid you can't get used to drinking tea without sugar." "Single tea is indeed not my first choice, but that vanilla ice cream is too sweet. I have to find something to relieve the greasiness. Let's talk about the investigation. Since you suspect that the Old Record Gang is related to the Snake Man, have you reminded Rayburn and the others?" "Hmm. But considering that the police have been investigating the Old Record Gang for so long, they should not give up easily. I can only ask them to be careful. "

Ellie blew the tea, took a sip, and frowned at the bitter taste. "Also, about that madman, what do you call him? Shakespeare, right? His identity is still a mystery, and there is nothing to prove where he came from. "

"Don't waste time on those people. Let West see if he can make a potion to resist the poison. Those snake people may secretly use poison. "

"He has already started to do that, and it will take some time. Do you have any news? I think he should have sorted out something in these three days, right?"

Xing Ze swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "It seems that I don't have to go to Brichester alone."


"That Shakespeare wrote four letters for help, and they all got replies. They agreed to meet at Margaret's Restaurant."

"Really? Where did you get the news?"

"It's in that gentleman's diary. Before the police came, I took his diary. But the diary didn't record what they were investigating. "

"When are you going to tell me about this? "Ellie asked somewhat unhappily.

"At least give me some time to sort out the contents of the diary. Another thing to note is that Frank may have more than one employer A."

"Is anyone else looking for that book?"

"I think so. The diary mentions a person many times, but uses abbreviations. He seems to have entrusted Frank and his gang with something."

"Is that abbreviation SUE?"

"No, they call him V."

"Well, there is no clue." Ellie spread her hands, "So are you going to meet those guys who came to rescue?"

"Yes, I'll see if I can get something out of them. If these people and Shakespeare, uh, that guy's name is Quentin, I saw his name in the diary..."

"Who would write his name in the diary?"

A person with multiple names. Xing Ze thought to himself that these time travelers would not be stupid enough to use their real names to complete the task in this world.

"Maybe he is afraid that the diary will be lost." Xing Ze replied, "Anyway, if these people are friends with Quentin, they may have information exchanges. "

Ellie pondered for a moment and took another sip of tea. "Ah, it's really bitter. How did you drink this stuff without sugar? Well, then I will continue to investigate the old record gang and the guy named Kimball. God knows if there is such a person. "

"Be careful, Miss Shafik." Xing Ze reminded, "They will also attack you."

"the same as you."

2:30 p.m., Margaret's Restaurant.

Xing Ze looked at his watch. It was still a while before the appointed time, but the restaurant's front desk manager had secretly glanced at him many times.

Since the last incident in the kitchen, he was probably on the blacklist of this restaurant, but this time he got the approval of the chef.

The restaurant's location near the restroom was reserved for these time-travelers to meet. A waiter brought a plate of chocolate cake to Xing Ze.

"The chef gave it to you, sir," he said.

The busiest time for the restaurant is over, and the kitchen should now be doing the finishing touches.

"Thank him for me."

"Perhaps you can tell him in person later." The waiter said with a smile, "He will come over later."

"Really? Okay."

After the waiter left, Xing Ze scooped out a small piece of cake with a spoon and put it into his mouth. The taste of the cake was quite good, and the feeling of it melting in your mouth was quite fascinating.

After eating half a piece of cake, the chef came to the table. He smiled and said, "I hope you like this."

“Very good, I hope the price is not too expensive.”

The chef took a seat opposite Xing Ze, "I'll treat you to it. The chocolate cake is best paired with Bordeaux red wine, so it will taste better."

"It's a pity that I stopped drinking."

"I guessed it. Otherwise, you would have opened a bottle the last time we came to dinner. It seems that the lady respects you very much. Is she your fiancée?"

Xing Ze almost choked on the cake. He patted his chest and said, "No, it's just a partner. I owe her a meal."

The chef nodded, "Excuse me, sir."


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