The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 281 Four Corpses

West's words made Ellie couldn't help but cast her eyes on Xing Ze, who asked in confusion: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"I think you're quite capable at attracting some strange creatures."

Xing Ze rubbed his chin in agreement and said, "Is this why you like to follow me?"

The eldest lady pouted and said nothing more.

Xing Ze turned to West and asked: "I am more concerned about the identities of these corpses. Have you found any clues?"

"No, there is nothing to prove their identity." The therapist replied with certainty: "I checked dental records and collected some fingerprints, but nothing worked."

Wizards also see teeth. In the seemingly backward and old-fashioned magical world, many things are actually the same as the Muggle world, especially in terms of medical treatment.

Omnipotent medicinal potions and healing spells all come with certain risks and side effects. In essence, the decoction of magic medicine is similar to that of Chinese herbal medicine, but the side effects are much higher than that of Chinese herbal medicine.

Therefore, St. Mungo's and other wizarding hospitals will use some Muggle methods in the treatment of many diseases. In its research in this area, the Magic Research Institute has been trying to combine Muggle medical technology with wizard medical technology to create a unique hybrid system.

"I can only tell you some inferences, judging from the degree of mold wear of the teeth and the maturity of the bones. The deceased was a brown male about thirty years old, short hair, six feet four inches, muscular, and could It can be seen that long-term exercise causes yellowing of teeth, which is caused by long-term smoking.

"The cause of death was suffocation caused by respiratory muscle paralysis. A large amount of unknown toxins were injected into his body. What is known so far is that this toxin can cause general paralysis and hallucinations. I guess the larvae were put in at this time. .

"Depending on the individual's constitution, the toxin will start to attack the nerves after ten to fifteen minutes, causing death. The causes of death for the rest of the people are similar. Oh, by the way, there are bite marks on his right calf, which is close to human, but I guess Probably some kind of ape."

"Ape?" Ellie looked confused. "Can monkeys live with snakes?"

"Perhaps in dreams, they will run hand in hand under the sunset."

The eldest lady rolled her eyes at Xing Ze. This man's ability to tell cold jokes in a serious manner never disappoints people.

West coughed to get the topic back on track. He pointed to another corpse and said: "White female, long red hair, five feet eight inches, also about thirty years old, with neat teeth. She should have a long-term Nursing. There are varying degrees of bruises and contusions on the legs and feet.”

Then came the third body, also a white woman, much younger. West estimated that she was around 23 to 26 years old. She had long black hair, blunt trauma to her back, and broken ring and little fingers on her left hand. , judging from the irregular wounds, it should have been bitten off by something.

The last body was that of a white man, six feet tall, about thirty-five years old. He was the most injured of the four bodies. He had several claw marks on his back and bite marks on his neck. The right leg bone was broken and the right palm was comminuted.

West pointed to his left leg and said: "There is a steel plate in his left calf, which should have been inserted after a previous injury. I will go to the Muggles to check again and see if I can find out the identities of these people."

"As for those snake-man corpses. I hope the Ministry of Magic will not transfer them to the Magic Research Society, otherwise, I will not get any further information."

"I asked John to communicate." Ellie said.

West nodded and said: "Speaking of this. Although I know now is not the best time, but...but Miss Shafiq, I hope you can help me prepare the research room as soon as possible, so that I don't need to use the Holy Light." Gosh.

"You also know that we can't keep studying something so dangerous here. This riot won't be the last time. Also, I really don't want to continue seeing outpatients anymore. Those patients, I mean, some of them are so stupid. Fuck. I can stand treating fools, but I can’t stand treating pigs.”

"It's almost time, Mr. West," Ellie replied. "The approval from the Key Hall has been received, and the funds are gradually being received. Soon you will be able to reorganize a team of your own."

"This is probably the best news I've heard today."

However, for Xing Ze, the sooner West's scientific research team is established, the better. After all, once it is completed, he will be the first to be studied.

The riots at St. Mungo's attracted the attention of the Ministry of Magic, which was not a good thing for the commission. Fortunately, the person responsible for the investigation was an old acquaintance - Alfred Malfoy.

The two met the young Auror in the foyer. He was busy communicating with the hospital's guard captain about the whole incident.

After seeing Xing Ze and Ai Li, he handed over the matter of questioning the guard captain to his deputy, and walked quickly towards the two men.

For Xing Ze, Alfred never gave up. Although they had little chance to talk at the ball at Shafik Manor that day, he had always wanted to find an opportunity to have a good chat with the hero of Ravenska Village.

He also did not give up on Ali Shafiq. Although this eccentric aristocratic lady never gave him a good look, she seems to be in a good mood now, well, it should be said that she is full of energy.

"Is there any explanation for those corpses being arranged in an S shape?" Ellie asked Xing Ze, but before Xing Ze could answer, she said to herself: "Some tribes, whether they are Muggles or wizards, are magical. Regardless of animals, there will be strange sacrificial rituals.

"Most likely, this is a sacrifice. A ritual sacrifice to the snake gods. What do you think?"

"Let's discuss this topic later." Xing Ze replied.

Alfred came to the two of them and said hello kindly, "Good morning, you two. Can I ask what you are doing here?"

"This is a hospital." The eldest lady replied, "I think your IQ should be able to guess what we are here for."

"Injured at the same time?" Aldred looked confused.

"This is none of your business."

"It's just a coincidence."

Before Xing Ze could say anything, Aili's elbow hit him hard on the side.

"I understand." Looking at Xing Ze who smiled reluctantly, Alfred nodded.

"What do you understand?" the eldest lady asked angrily.

The young Auror looked embarrassed and stepped back involuntarily.

"Well, you came to the hospital..."

The eldest lady straightened her back, "I really doubt how you became an Auror, Mr. Malfoy. You just believe what others say. If the people in the Auror office are at the same level as you, I'd be really worried. The future of British wizarding.”

"'s Xing..."

"Nothing more, sir. Please stop blocking us. Unlike you, we have business to do." After that, Ellie walked past Alfred with a cold face.

Xing Ze patted the young Auror on the shoulder and followed quickly.

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