The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 249 Straight Male Logic (Thanks to Tian Hui, Yue Ran and Bai Chen’s beating

Chapter 249 Straight Male Logic (Thanks to Tian Hui and Yue Ran Baichen for the reward)

"You should be at St. Mungo's." This was the first thing Xing Ze said when he walked up to Ellie.

"Same for you." The eldest lady replied unceremoniously.

"I have a health certificate issued by a therapist, so I can be discharged early."

"me too."

Xing Ze frowned, "Is this some kind of word game? Can you drink?"

"Merlin's beard!" Ellie changed the wine glass to another hand, "You are about to become a mother-in-law, Xing Ze. I won't delay you too much, I just want to invite you to the dance on Wednesday night."


"That's right, the Shafiq family's ball."

For a time, a lot of information flashed through Xing Ze's mind. He remembered that the Shafiq family was indeed the only family that did not send him a letter.

Xing Ze took a few steps forward and came to the eldest lady, "Why didn't your father come and invite me in person? Instead, he sent you? Is he afraid that I won't agree?"

The eldest lady spread her hands and said: "My father has a lot of things to do, especially things in Ravenska Village."

"But he's in the carriage outside. I don't think he'd waste much time if he came in and had a drink."

"What?" Ellie's eyes widened, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Your shoes are dry." Xing Ze lowered his head and said, "There is water outside the main entrance of the bar, and anyone who comes in will basically be hit. So I guess your carriage is parked at the side door.

"The manservant waiting near the side exit is not William, but he looks older and more professional. He has looked down at his watch three times since I started talking to you, which shows that you are pressed for time.

"Either you are in a hurry to get something done, or there is someone waiting for you outside, and someone who can set your time. Also, if you haven't changed your perfume recently, that means the cologne you are wearing comes from that person. "

Xing Ze leaned over and took another sip, and then continued: "Cronya cologne is very tasteful and not something that ordinary people can afford. I have seen both sides of your father, and without exception, he will have this scent on him. The smell of perfume. So why doesn’t he come to see me?”

The eldest lady tried her best to suppress her inner surprise, "You are still as annoying as before. There is a reason why he can't come in. Give me an answer, Xing Ze, will you attend the dance or not?"

Xing Ze raised his index finger to indicate to Ellie to pause, "Let me guess. Recently, conservatives and reformists have been writing to me like crazy. The reason why your father can't come to see me openly is because he, like me, has not yet Take sides.

“As far as I know the Shafiq family has been neutral, which is indeed a pretty good policy for a family that is keen on trade and wealth because no matter what happens, you are at peace, just like Sweden.

"So he can both acquiesce in Barrow Foley becoming your protector and allow Professor Bubbaji to organize this party. Well, yes, just like the manservant standing at the side door, Professor Bubbaji Also peeking at us.

"I don't think she cares about whether we can create some sparks. Judging from her political views, she should belong to the reformist party. Apparently, the patriarch of a neutral family showed up at the reformist party and invited him on the spot. It was not appropriate for me to go to a dance when I was in the prime of my life.

"This matter will definitely cause an uproar in the Conservative Party. But your father is very smart and asked you to invite me. In this way, even if you are held accountable later, you can use the excuse that you invited your colleagues to the dance at home.

"It just happens that that colleague is me. If you think about it this way, your father seems to prefer the reformists."

If the eldest lady was more surprised before, now she was frightened. She hurriedly took a sip of the wine in the glass and said solemnly: "It's just an invitation to the dance. Come or not."

"Of course I will go." Xing Ze saluted politely, "After all, you invited me."

"I'm really honored." Ellie chuckled, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Please say."

"Have you ever been in love?"

Xing Ze thought about it seriously and replied: "I don't know how this question will help you and me."

"Humph," the eldest lady said with a smile on her lips, "Let me reason, you haven't, not even once."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because no woman will like you."

Xing Ze frowned, "I suspect you are cursing me."

"Don't doubt it, I am." The eldest lady finished the wine in the glass, handed the empty glass to Xing Ze, and then quickly walked to the side door of the bar.

After her figure completely disappeared, Xing Ze took out the note from under the wine glass, which contained the start time and necessary information of the dance.

Outside the bar, an inconspicuous Yeqi carriage drove slowly. After the initial run-up, the coachman shouted, and the carriage headed towards the sky.

After entering Yunxiao, the ordinary carriage began to change. Within a few seconds, it turned into a large and luxurious carriage.

In the car, Ellie looked gloomily at the full moon outside the window. The frost-like moonlight shone on her face, making her face look even more delicate and beautiful.

"You look a little unhappy." Albert followed his daughter's gaze and looked out the window. "If you have any questions, you can talk to me."

Ellie shook her head, "I'm fine, just a little tired."

"Did that bastard say something again?"

"Father." There was impatience in Ellie's tone, "Although he is a bit, um, a bit unique, he can't be called a bastard."

"Okay, then explain to me why you appeared in Ravenska Village and made up like this ghost."

Looking at the photo placed on the middle counter, Ellie couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get it?"

"Your brother rushed to St. Mungo's as soon as possible. He almost didn't dare to recognize you. Was it that Oriental man who asked you to dress like this?"

"Of course not, this costume is for..."

"He forced you to do this?" Albert leaned forward, "In order to satisfy his dark little hobby."

"Father, he didn't..."

"There's no need to rush to answer me, daughter. Think about it again."

"For Merlin's sake." Ellie reached out a hand to cover her face.

"So it's true." Albert seemed to be sure of something big. He took out his notebook and started scribbling.

Looking at her old father who was almost possessed, Ellie couldn't help but ask: "What are you writing?"

Albert raised his head and replied: "I am recording his charges. Tomorrow, I will settle accounts with him in private."

Ellie let out a long breath and whispered: "I hate straight men."

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