The first volume is over, and I have tried my best to write the entire story. Of course, with limited level and average ability, there must be many logical misalignments and loopholes.

The creation of online articles requires a trade-off between the amount of updates and the quality of the work, and things often happen while focusing on one at the expense of the other. An online article author who can weigh updates and quality well has undoubtedly reached the level of a great master. So I hope all readers can be tolerant of me, a newcomer.

The first volume needs to explain the background of the story, so it is relatively long and detailed, which must be quite painful for readers who are following up. Starting from the next volume of Secret Chamber, I will write more clearly and refreshingly (probably).

The first volume uses two running group books - Malignant Sore and Ravenska's Shadow. It is a new group running book. If you need it, you can download it from Magic City and Pure Beauty Apple Garden.

In order to help readers who are not Cthulhu fans, or who don’t understand Cthulhu, to clarify some things, I will give some detailed explanations of the settings. If you are a Cthulhu veteran or a legendary investigator, you don’t need to read the following content.

The Invisible Church (original): The Old One worshiped by the Invisible Church that appears in the article (one of the names for alien gods in the Cthulhu Mythos) is Zhathgua, or Tsatogua. He is an old ruler who belongs to the Northern Continent system. He is located in the underground world of Ngei and has also traveled to the Hyperboral Continent (the predecessor of today's Greenland).

Sabbat Order: The name of the Sabbat Order comes from Lovecraft's novel "The Sabbat". The gods it worships are the well-known alien gods (one of the names for alien gods in the Cthulhu Mythology). Aratotip, among whom the Black Man and the Black Pharaoh are his clones.

The sacred object owned by the protagonist, the shining cube with three eight sides, is a prop used to summon its clone. The summoned Dark Demon or Night Demon is also the clone of Nyarlathotep.

Why were these two gods chosen to appear? Because these two are probably the more communicative beings in the Cthulhu Mythos.

Nyarlathotep often spreads confusion and forbidden knowledge among humans. And Zhathgua shows strange kindness to those who travel deep underground in pursuit of true knowledge.

The most famous one is the Archmage Ibon. This magician learned profound knowledge from Zatgua and compiled it into the "Book of Ibon" by his apprentice Theron.

As for the opposition and conflict between the two sects in the book, there are also traces to follow. At that time, the cult of Iheuti was flourishing in Hybrier, and C.A. Smith, who created the Northern Continent series, once wrote in a letter that Iheuti was the wife of Nyarlathotep.

The cult of Iheuti regarded those who worshiped Zategua as a cult and set out to arrest Yibon. The final result was that Yibon disappeared together with the high priest of the Ihewuti Order, Morki, who came to arrest him.

In fact, it was Ebon who relied on the knowledge Tsathogua taught him to teleport the two of them to Sekranosho, the planet Saturn and the hometown of Zatgua.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude again to all the readers who have always supported me. I have no way of repaying the great love. I can only try to improve my hand speed and write more as a repayment. So let’s see you in the second volume of The Chamber of Secrets.

PS: I don’t know if I should create a group. There is a role collection, you can go and leave your own role, both villains and uprights are required.

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