The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 213 It’s about weight

After drinking the potion, Ellie regained her breath. She walked into Lao Qiao's weapons store with the support of Xing Ze and Scott.

"I never thought I would be in such a mess." The eldest lady said with emotion, "This is more embarrassing than you putting a stink bomb in my crucible."

Skrtel glanced at Xing Ze strangely, and the latter coughed awkwardly.

"My father has always taught me not to show my weak side to others, even if I am a woman." The eldest lady continued.

"That's why you didn't get angry that time." Xing Ze suddenly understood something. That prank didn't have the expected effect.

Yes, Ali Shafiq could have yelled hysterically, cursed the instigator angrily, or cried like a girl.

But she didn't, she just calmly accepted what happened. Because she knew that if she did that, it would only attract more ridicule and let more people know how to provoke her.

Tina found a chair with a backrest for Ellie. The eldest lady nodded gratefully to her.

The Sheriff wisely walked to the door to guard. It was obvious that Miss Shafik still had a lot to say.

"I don't know if it's too late to apologize."

Ellie chuckled lightly and said: "Don't worry, at that time, I had already cursed you countless times in my heart. I even cursed you to drink to death..."

Xing Ze's face changed slightly. You succeeded in this, he thought.

"It's a pity you don't drink."

Xing Ze replied dryly: "Maybe in the future."

"I hate you," Ellie breathed out, her tone weak.

"I can see that." Xing Ze smiled, "So, hold on with this hatred. I met a few fleeing wizards on the way here, and they said that there are therapists in the school. When I got to the school, You'll be fine."

The eldest lady shook her head, "Don't worry about me. If you take them to school, I will only become a burden."

"Are you trying to show some righteousness, Miss Nix?"

"I am a member of the Shafiq family. My family's name is engraved on the high tower in this city." The eldest lady's face became very serious. "I am not showing any hypocritical righteousness, I am just trying to preserve a family." I won’t let you be a drag on your face.”

"Of course you won't." Xing Ze turned his back and squatted down, "We can find a car. Before that, I will carry you on my back."

Ellie frowned and said angrily: "This is really ridiculous. Are you crazy? The place we are going to pass is extremely dangerous. If you carry me on your back, you will all die."

She said the last words very quietly. After saying that, she quickly glanced at Scottel at the door and Tina not far away.

"I agree." Skrtel, who was standing close to the door, interjected. He was still watching the door and did not mean to turn around. "I think the stolen car needs a driver. My skills are not lazy."

Tina raised a hand and said, "I have a good relationship with the therapist, so you can get the first care."

Xing Ze raised his lips slightly and turned to look at Ellie, "Look, three against one, I'm afraid you have no choice, dear lady."

"You are all crazy, you are all contaminated by dreams."

With Tina's support, Ellie reluctantly lay on Xing Ze's back. To Xing Ze, Ellie was as light as a feather.

But he still said: "Wow, you should eat less desserts, miss."

The eldest lady's brows were knitted together, her face looking so ugly that she wanted to kill someone, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Xing Ze shook his head, "I can't even feel your weight."

"You said I'm fat!"

Woman. Xing Ze sighed in his heart that as long as they mentioned their weight, they would definitely shift all their attention to it.

"We have to go, Sheriff." Xing Ze quickly changed the subject, "Is it safe outside?"

"You can go at any time," Skrtel replied.

"Damn it, Xing Ze, tell me clearly, you just said I was fat!"

"Another reason?" John narrowed his eyes and walked slower.

Sheik, who was walking in front, nodded, "Yes, another reason. You insisted on saving old Barty not just to ensure that Scrimgeour would come to the rescue. You planned to send out a signal when you were in the laundry, so it was not for School survivor. So, I'm curious, what's your other reason?

"In order to save your companions? But you have decided to send out a signal, and you have not even confirmed whether there are any other companions of yours among the survivors here. This is all unreasonable."

John's steps stopped completely, "I don't like people who ask for details. The last time I met such a guy, I almost died in an abandoned winery."

"Forgive me, John. If I hadn't become so annoying, I would have died five years ago. Over the years, I have learned that if you want to survive in this damn world, you have to pay attention to every detail. .So I live by intelligence.

"If you ask for something from me in the future, remember today. I will give you as much information as appropriate based on your performance. Believe me, friend, it will be good for you and me to reveal some inner secrets for the future."

"Hmph." John laughed. "You've forgotten, Sheikh, you've forgotten where we are now. In the future? Hell, I don't even know if we'll make it out of this town alive."

Sheikh shrugged his shoulders and stopped at the top of the stairs, "Don't be so pessimistic, John. We will survive. This place is impregnable and has sufficient supplies. What's more, as far as I know, the Sabbat Order will not take the initiative to join the war. , at least not now.”

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because if they start to join the fight, the situation outside will not be so optimistic."

"What are you hiding, Sheikh? At this time, do you really need to be like this?"

"For Merlin's sake, John. How do you think I've been here these past few years? Assassinations, hunts, poisonings, betrayals by trusted men. Life in the ditch has taught me one thing, and that's not to do it all at once. Show all your cards.

"Especially when you think you have a good deck of cards. Although doing this can shock your enemies, it will also give them insight into your plans and heart. Believe me, John, I know many secrets, but not I won’t say it until I have to.”

The black wand tapped the back of his hand rhythmically, and the smile on John's face did not change. "If I knew this was the case, I should have let Amelia capture you and interrogate you."

"But aren't you standing with me now?"

"Yeah, I'm starting to regret standing here now."

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