The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Meeting

"Then good luck to you." John said after hearing the Sheikh's thoughts. "I hope your plan does not include me and my companions."

Sheikh showed a meaningful smile and said, "This is an internal matter of the Mendez family."

John quite agreed with this, "Yes, internal matters within the family should be resolved internally. Where should we go next?"

Sheikh stopped in front of the fence of the house and said through the gap in the fence: "Do you see the laundry opposite? We are going there."

"I thought we were going to school."

"There's a secret passage in the basement there. But before that we need to cross the street."

John also looked outside through the gap in the fence. There were several armed Muggles there, which was not a problem, but there were four wizards not far away from the group, and that was a problem.

"What are your plans?" John asked the Sheikh.

"No plan, four against two, plus a few insignificant Muggles, easy enough."

John took out the wine bottle and took a long sip, "I want the one with the hat and the jacket."

"Very well, the rest is mine."

Reko walked out of the basement of the laundry, where at least twenty people were hiding. The basement, which was not too big, was almost full, and the hot air made him breathless.

So, he came up for some air. Old Batty's injury was not optimistic. Although those people gave up the only table below for him to sleep on, everyone knew that if he did not receive effective treatment, he would not be able to survive.

Thinking of this, Reko felt depressed in his heart. That person was his responsibility. He should send old Barty to the hospital instead of waiting to die in this cramped basement.

"Want one?" Ronan, the store manager, handed him a cigarette.

The poet took the dot and took a deep breath, "I'm going to send him to the hospital, or I'm going to find a therapist outside."

"Wait a little longer, sir." The store manager sat next to the poet, "Wait a little longer."

"What are you waiting for?"

"With any luck, we might all be saved."

Reko was a little confused, "You look like those old wizards when you talk."

Suddenly, they heard a noise outside. Reko quickly put out his cigarette, jumped off the ironing table, crouched down and walked towards the front desk.

The store manager followed him and whispered: "Hey, don't get too close, they will find us."

"I know." The poet replied, stood up slightly and walked against the wall, until he came to the window.

He stretched out his hand to press a piece on the blinds and carefully looked outside. The first thing he saw were a few rays of magic.

But with a scream, he saw a wizard flying by. Several more explosions followed, followed by wails of agony.

Just when he couldn't figure out the situation, a familiar figure flashed before his eyes.

"John?" he muttered, wanting to double-check, but the door to the laundry rang.

Ronan squatted down and looked at Reko with a frown, probably asking him what was going on.

"Open the door, store manager, it's an acquaintance." Reko had a smile on his face. If John appeared here, it meant that reinforcements from the Ministry of Magic had arrived.

The store manager stood up, but still hesitated, but a hoarse voice came from behind the door.

"It's me, Ronan, open the door."

The sound was like "open sesame". Ronan was delighted and immediately went to open the door.

"For Merlin's sake, it's you, John," Reko cried out.

"Reko?" John was equally surprised, "So, others are here too?"

The poet shook his head, "I got separated from them. We made an appointment to meet at the town hospital, but as you saw, old Batty and I were trapped. Oh, he needs treatment urgently."

Hearing this, John didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed. He thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll send out a signal and ask people from the Ministry of Magic to come here."

"Signal? What signal?" Ronan asked excitedly, "Don't do that, sir. I still have more than twenty people hiding here, and your signal will also attract those madmen."

"Wait until we get to the school to send the signal, John. We don't have any manpower here to defend us, and once those crazy people on the street come towards us, it's all over," Sheikh added.

"Hell, you heard it too. Sheikh, old Barty needs treatment, and I don't want him to die here."

Barty Crouch is a good card in their hand. As long as he can get out alive, then the entire Department of Magical Law Enforcement will be equivalent to owing a huge favor to the Round Table.

Although he has no real power in the Department of Legal Enforcement, those Aurors who admire him and his loyal subordinates will be rare connections.

Of course, that's assuming he survives. And what a corpse can bring in exchange is just a heroic funeral and nothing good can be gained in exchange.

"I know, but there are therapists at the school." Sheikh said, "Think about it, John, do you really want to wait here for people from the Ministry of Magic to come to the rescue? Let me tell you, when they come here, you can only help Ba Collect the body."

"This sounds like a good idea." Reko agreed with the plan. "Since you can take us to school, why not take us to the town hospital? Your name is, um - Sheikh?"

"I seem to have heard this name somewhere, Sheikh? Sheikh Mendes?"

The Sheikh nodded and said in a hoarse voice: "Reko Albin. I have seen you several times at dances. You can always make those sweet songs intolerable and unsuitable for children. This can be regarded as A gift, isn't it?"

"Ah, I knew you were not dead. I even composed a song specifically for this." Reko looked very excited.

John waved his hand and interrupted the conversation between the two, "Okay, okay, let's talk about old times later. There is another person inside who is in urgent need of treatment."

A few minutes later, Sheikh came to the basement. He glanced at Old Batty lying on the table, and then looked at the people around him.

Ronan, who was standing next to him, whispered: "I can only save so many, Mr. Sheikh."

"You've done a good job, Ronan, let's go together. Your shop is no longer safe, and the wizards and Muggles dying outside will attract more madmen."

After hearing this, Ronan turned to look at his store, and then responded: "Okay, sir. I hope my store can survive."

John cast a levitating spell on old Barty, who seemed to have fallen into a coma. If it weren't for the shallow breathing, he would have thought it was a corpse.

The underground passage was not spacious, barely enough for one person to pass through. They walked underneath for quite a while before reaching the vicinity of the school.

The dazzling sunlight made John squint his eyes, and Reko followed him out of the passage.

"Look," the poet whispered, looking into the distance, "the pride of the village of Ravenska - the completed tower."

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