The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 188 Three Minutes

"Okay, Reko, take the director and go first." Ellie said to the poet, "He can apparate now."

"No, let him take you away first." Old Batty refused, "I can still persist."

The appearance of a follower is a profound spell. This spell not only tests the concentration of the caster, but also requires taking into account the condition of the follower.

Therefore, even high-level Aurors like Alfred rarely master this skill.

Old Barty knew how to do it himself, but just now, the sawmill owner in Ravenska Village suddenly twisted into a monster with bone blades in his hands and a head like a wild wolf.

If it hadn't been for Ali Shafiq's spell, he would have been split into two pieces by now, like firewood in winter.

Batty Sr., who has participated in many battles, knows how serious the injury to his back is. At the same time, he also knew what the monsters behind the door were.

The lunatics in the Key Room called them dream things, but among other insiders at the Ministry of Magic, they were known as dream visitors.

These malicious creatures will mess with your brain and affect your sanity. When the group of people turned into monsters, he obviously felt an invisible fear and indescribable disgust.

The feeling that went straight into his soul made him so cold that he couldn't fight back immediately.

And many of his guards, those chicks who had not yet experienced the baptism of war, stood stunned on the spot. Some of them even forgot to escape and allowed the monsters to tear them into pieces.

This is not the first time Barty Crouch has seen visitors from dreams. He and his team had encountered them a long time ago when hunting down Death Eaters.

In Golderswood, a remote and isolated town, the residents there worship a god named the Black Goat of the Forest.

Recalling the night in that eerie town, Old Batty couldn't help but feel his heart tightening. He put away his thoughts and focused on the current situation.

"We will use Apparition ourselves to keep up." Ali Shafiq's voice rang in his ears.

"Are you sure?" Old Batty asked. Even if he couldn't see the monsters, the pollution of the dream was still there, and the spirits of the people present were more or less corroded.

And the conditions for performing Apparition were so harsh, so he turned his attention to Alfred.

The hands of his most proud disciple, an elite member of the Malfoy family, were trembling slightly at the moment. Judging from his current mental state, there was a high probability that an accident would occur when using Apparition.

"Stop arguing, Director." Edwin urged, "The old seal I set up won't last long, and those monsters will rush in soon."

After the poet by the window determined his foothold, he strode towards Old Batty and said, "Come on, Director, now is not the time for personal heroism."

Looking at these unusually calm people, Old Batty sighed: "I really don't understand how you can stay so calm."

"Just get used to it." Reko raised the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand towards the director. "If you deal with these ghosts all day long, you will either force yourself to stay awake or become a lunatic."

"Now I finally understand why the outside world calls you crazy." Old Batty held the poet's hand, and with a loud crackling sound, the two disappeared.

At the same time, the office door was knocked down hard, and the furniture piled haphazardly behind the door began to tremble.

Ellie waved her wand to help the female scholar reinforce it, but after the battle in the church, her magic power had not yet been fully restored.

"I thought the old seal wouldn't expire so quickly."

Edwin looked solemn and turned to Alfred: "You have to rely on yourself. There is no time for Reko to take you again."

Alfred walked out from behind the sofa and replied angrily: "I didn't intend to let him help me."

"Hey," Ellie stopped Alfred when he was about to use Apparition. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. I almost threw up when I saw these things for the first time. Just forget it."

These words of encouragement made the young Auror immediately regain his confidence. He nodded gratefully to Ellie and then disappeared.

"I can't tell, but you are still a warm-hearted person." Edwin said aloud, "Okay, it's our turn, you go first."

"He is a good fighter. It would be a pity to die from the split." Ellie poured some magic power on the door again, "Can you do it?"


"Then we will meet at the town hospital."

"You bastards are spreading like a cancer and you deserve to go to hell."

Perhaps because he knew he couldn't survive, Luke Mendez's attitude became extremely fierce.

However, after Xing Ze shot the wizard whose palm was torn apart by the dismemberment curse, he suddenly became much quieter.

"Say, keep talking." Xing Ze took out the magazine of the pistol and looked at it. There were still three rounds left.

He pushed the magazine back into the gun, reloaded it, and then walked quickly to Luke, "Don't mind me, I only care about what are you doing here? Car bombs? Very innovative, pure-blood wizards learned from Muggles Terrorists. I really don’t know what to say about you.”

"My family..." Luke suddenly laughed, "My family has always had a saying: If a bad eye affects you, have it removed to make it sound.

"You people are like bad eyes that must be removed, otherwise you will stain our bloodline."

Xing Ze chuckled lightly, "I think you must have failed in sociology. Although I am not interested in your blood theory, I still want to tell you one thing. Just treat it as if you helped me get rid of your own companions." reward.

"According to my investigation, the Mendez family has long been married to Muggles. Obviously, the Elf War caused your family to lose most of its members in order to ensure the continuation of the family.

"Your great ancestors began to intermarry with half-blood wizards and even Muggles. I think your father has not had the chance to tell you all this."

The expression on Luke's face gradually distorted from the initial shock. He shook his head desperately and denied: "This... this is absolutely impossible, you damn bitch, don't think I'm so easy to deceive."

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business. Tell me, how to destroy that magic procession circle?"

"What magic circle? I have no idea what you are talking about?"

The gunfire rang out, followed by Luke's throat-piercing wails and curses. He trembled and looked at his legs, seeing the bullet holes and blood flowing out of them, and he screamed loudly again.

There was no guilt on Xing Ze's face. He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, "There are still three minutes left before the parade will end. Guess, boy, can you survive these three minutes."

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