The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 171 Lively School

The dry days lasted until mid-March.

This morning, before Xing Ze had time to pick up the newspaper, Ben rushed into the office from outside.

He was running out of breath, and moved one hand excitedly to hold something in his hand, which was a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Have you read the newspaper?"

Xing Ze spread his hands and said, "I'm just waiting for you to announce it."

"Lei... Ravenska." Ben said excitedly, "The mayor of... over there was arrested."

"You mean Manel Mendez was arrested? By whom?" Professor Boubaji raised his head in surprise.

"By the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Xing Ze didn't seem too surprised by this. He asked: "For what crime?"

"Unlawful assembly," Ben said. "It's all written up in the newspapers. You can take a look. Wow, this must be the biggest news of the year."

Professor Bubaji asked Ben to read the newspaper, read it carefully for a while, and then said: "Illegal magic gathering, this crime can be big or small.

"The Ministry of Magic may have approached Manel because of other matters. This kind of operation has not happened once or twice. Principal Dumbledore was summoned to the Ministry of Magic on many unfounded charges."

"So I'm very curious about what conspiracy is hidden in this." Ben deliberately said in a sinister tone, "You know, since the Death Eaters disintegrated, the Ministry of Magic rarely takes action against wizard families."

"That's interesting." Xing Ze smiled, then put away his things and walked out of the office.

"Where are you going, Xing Ze?" Ben asked him, "While there is no class today, maybe we should go to Ravenska Village to have a look."

"The matter has already been published in the newspapers, Ben, what's the point of going now?"

"I heard that the wizards there are preparing to hold a march against the atrocities of the Ministry of Magic."

"A march? Are they planning to go to the Ministry of Magic headquarters to demonstrate?"

Ben shook his head and said, "Of course not, in town."

"Well, I hope their parade works." Xing Ze said and walked out of the office.

He walked straight, intending to talk to Ellie about what was in the newspaper, but he was stopped by Hermione on the way.

"We found Nico Flamel." The girl said proudly, "We also found out that the magic stone was hidden under the restricted area."

"Congratulations to you, Miss Granger." Xing Ze smiled but did not stop.

"Wait, sir." Hermione caught up, "Harry has other discoveries, and he suspects..."

"Do you suspect that the mysterious man wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone?"

"How do you know?" The girl was stunned, but quickly realized it and trotted to keep up with Xing Ze.

"Simple reasoning." Xing Ze replied, "The magic stone has many magical abilities, one of which is to make people immortal. If there is anyone in this world who hopes that he can live forever, it must be the mysterious man .

"What's more, he is in urgent need of something to restore his body, and the magic stone contains huge magic power, which can allow him to complete the resurrection ceremony faster.

"Otherwise, he can only suck the blood of unicorns to store magic power for his own resurrection."

Hearing this, Hermione suddenly realized: "So, Harry is right, Voldemort does want to steal the Sorcerer's Stone. And Snape is helping him."

"Ah, Miss Granger." Xing Ze reminded, "Don't mention that name casually. Also, is Harry still holding on to Snape?"

The girl stopped and waved to Xing Ze, telling him to come over.

She whispered in Xing Ze's ear: "We found out that Snape was originally a Death Eater. He may have always been loyal to the mysterious man."

"Maybe," Xing Ze straightened up and said, "Then what are you going to do? Go tell Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore won't believe us." Hermione said discouragedly, "How could he believe the words of a few students?"

"Don't be discouraged, Miss Granger." Xing Ze encouraged, "You are really amazing for being able to track it down to this point.

"If you ask me, with Lu Wei guarding the penalty area, there shouldn't be any problems."

Speaking of this, Xing Ze suddenly thought of something. He narrowed his eyes and started thinking, ignoring the mutterings of the girl next to him.

He wants the Philosopher's Stone to be used to reshape his body because the Philosopher's Stone possesses huge magical power. The fragments, the statue fragments also have magic power, huge magic power.

"I see, I understand, I understand why the Avery family and the Death Eaters cooperate with the Sabbat Order."

"What are you mumbling about, sir?" Hermione asked, blinking.

"Nothing." Xing Ze shook his head, "I just figured out a problem that has been bothering me for a long time. Thank you, Miss Granger."

"'re welcome?" Hermione replied a little strangely. She didn't know why Xing Ze wanted to thank her, "Oh, sir, there is one more thing."


"It's about Lena Custer," Hermione said.

It's her again. Xing Ze frowned slightly, "What did she do again?"

"She established a mutual aid association for mixed-race wizards. But in my opinion, this mutual aid association seems to have changed a bit."

"Don't worry." Xing Ze sighed, "No matter what she did, just let her go."

"But she is slandering you. She keeps slandering you as a person in mutual aid meetings, and she often instigates conflicts between pure-blood and mixed-race students."

"Many pure-blood students have suffered disaster, and she recently tried to recruit Harry to join."

"I guess Harry didn't agree. Because they hurt Ron, right?"

Hermione nodded angrily, "Those cowards, they didn't dare to trouble Malfoy, so they pointed the finger at Ron."

Another kind of school bullying? Xing Ze murmured in his heart that the unlucky ones are always the weak ones who don't want to take sides.

"Senior Cedric has established an anti-mutual aid alliance, and the Weasley twins have joined it. Ron and Harry also want to go." Hermione paused, "I would like to ask for your opinion, Mr. Xingze. "

"You want to ask me if I want to join the Anti-Mutual Aid Association?"

The girl nodded, "I don't understand, sir. I didn't know that the wizarding world takes blood so seriously. Aren't we here to learn?"

"Only stupid people would value bloodline so much." Xing Ze replied frankly, "I can't give you any advice, Miss Granger. Just follow your own instincts.

"In fact, not many people can know the right thing to do at the moment, and we can only choose what we can afford under objective conditions. I think you are so smart, you will definitely find the answer."

"I'm not as smart as you think." Hermione showed a helpless expression, "I just rely on rote memorization of many things. When it comes to communication, I'm even worse."

"People are not static." Xing Ze said, "Just like Snape, although he was a Death Eater before, he will also change. The same goes for you, Miss Granger. Just take your time and find your own Just follow your own pace.”

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