The opponent's strength is not as good as theirs, and the weakness on their side cannot be completely breached.

Nioh hooked his lips and chuckled, the model was established, although the opponent's two seniors were also carefully selected, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and matching each other very well, if the game met the doubles two of other schools, maybe it would really let them win, but unfortunately they met them, this game will eventually be their victory!

At the beginning of the fourth game, Maori was about to return the ball, and found that Nioh, who should have been not far away, suddenly came to his side and grabbed the ball.

Then there was a backhand that hit the ball into the opponent's left half.

Maori was about to say that he had just observed that there was someone

in the left half, so why did he play the left half? As a result, he found that there was indeed someone in the left half, but the person in the left half did not catch the ball? Well, what is the situation that the person is standing there as a decoration?

The half court is the little white senior in Nioh's mouth, Xiao Bai stared at the shoulder with a stiff face, no, the ball that passed by just now was only 2 centimeters away from his racket.

Was this an accident?

Since this was Nioh's first more formal riposte in this game, even Xiaobai, who had been a senior for two years in the third grade, didn't think too much about it. Just regarded this incident as an accident -

however, the people on the sidelines didn't think it was just a simple one, especially Yanagi, who had been taking notes, and after seeing Nioh's return ball, Ryu quickly opened Nioh's notebook (he had been remembering about Maori's predecessors and opponents just now) and made a heavy note behind Nioh's observation.

Masaharu Nioh: - Very good at spotting opponents' weaknesses and shortcomings, and very fast (within four games).

By the way, after writing this information, he also drew a circle on Nioh's name, wrote the words "data tennis", and then put a question mark.


for Yanagi and Yukimura, who were keenly aware of Nioh's first counterattack, Nioh estimated that he had figured out the opponent's data, at this moment, Xiaobai and Ah Chang on the other side didn't know anything.

Maori felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say anything was wrong -

and this led to the fact that at this moment, Nioh's brain was highly excited, positive, and happy, of course, he found his opponent's weakness, but the opponent didn't notice that he had found it, and it was perfect! I didn't

expect to meet such a lovely opponent in doubles for the first time!

Of course, what makes Nioh happiest is that if the opponent is so cute, then he can complete Yukimura's request, finish the game 6:2, and then go to Tokyo happily!!

The first ball to the left half,The opposite Xiaobai seniors still think it's an accident.,Is there a second one.,Although this time it's not sent to the left half.,It's sent to the right half.,But this time it's him who guards the right half.。

And in the first half, in the second half, pick him wherever he is, and the ball will go to his left-hand side.

At this moment, two games have passed, and the score has reached 4:1.

Yinhua's Xiaobai finally realized it.

If Xiaobai couldn't see it now, he would be called the third grade of Yinhua Middle School in vain.

And the person who targeted him was the white-haired stinky boy opposite, who looked like a first-grader.

This kind of Xiaobai is very unhappy, he dares to despise the third-grade seniors so much in a competition like a first-grade, and what is so bad is -

"What are you doing?" Ah Chang, who was also a teammate, came over to ask him.

Xiaobai said unhappily, "What are those people in the tennis club doing? How can they reveal our information to their opponents?" They were also obtained by a mere first-grade student, doesn't this make them certain to die

? Ah Chang was puzzled, "What are you talking about? How could it be?" How could their information be leaked?"

Otherwise, why could that first-grade target me to such an extent?" I haven't seen him before, and he didn't know me before, so it was impossible for him to discover my weakness in this game?"

The voice of the voice is not small, so Maori, who happens to be standing in the front at this moment, listens to their conversation.

After listening to this, Mori looked back at Nioh in disbelief, "...", he is a person who is a big man in Lihai and understands how cruel this junior is, (no way, in the eyes of the seniors in the second and third grades, the four-pointed star who started the revolution in the first grade, each is very cruel, and each has its own murderous point!) Even a genius such as Mori Shouzaburo thinks so, after all, even he respectfully did a little transparent for a year in the first grade, and only began to be powerful in the second grade. Well, although his name of genius has been spread in the first grade, but no matter how talented he is, he did not dare to 'revolution' the predecessors of the tennis club

! So, ah, how ferocious the four-pointed star is, I know it in my heart!

Because I understand, Maori looked at Nioh's eyes more and more unbelievable and a little hairy in his heart, but he absolutely believed that Nioh had already understood the opponent's group just through this one, no, three games of the game...

"Nioh—" Maori didn't even dare to call Little Nioh, he was a little cowardly.

"What's wrong with Maori-senpai?" Nioh looked at Maori with a calm expression, not knowing what a big psychological shadow he had caused him.

However, this calmness looks a little innocent to Maori, and Maori can't help but complain in his heart, you are still pretending to be innocent here, what are you innocent? You see how much psychological shadow it has caused to people, you are still innocent!

Believe it or not, now, even π can't count the area of his psychological shadow, can you believe it?

However, he didn't say these words in the end, after all, he is an opponent now, and the other party is completely restrained by them, which is a good thing for him, as for the superfluous words, let's talk about them to Nioh in private.

"It's okay, let's keep playing. "The blow is still silently buried in my heart.

Nioh glanced at Maori inexplicably, and finally returned to the second half.

The game continues.

A match that made everyone around him look very aggrieved, and Nioh was targeting the opponent's third-year Xiaobai the whole time. The weakness is seen through, and it is also very obvious, the speed is not enough, the backhand is not strong enough, and the receiving strength and flexibility of the hand racket are not enough.

All of this is almost transparent in Nioh's eyes....

Such an aggrieved game has produced a huge shadow in the hearts of a pair of third-grade whites, and it has also made him more and more irritable and not calm.

Nioh... looked at Xiaobai, who was not calm on the other side, and his heart was very calm.

is even a little happy, isn't that it, only when the opponent is irritable and leaks flaws, he can strike more without hesitation and neatly...

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