- Ordinary.

Please bite the last few words, thank you!

Ba Wei now thinks that this kid Nioh Masaharu is completely interesting, "..."Life span can be said to be the most tempting thing for human beings, is it possible that it is because the other side is a child, so he doesn't care about this kind of thing? If it were someone else, Ba Wei might still think so, but looking at the eyes of this Nioh Masaharu, Ba Wei felt that this kid named Nioh Masaharu thought very clearly, but he just didn't want to!

—— He really just wanted to be an ordinary person!"

"I don't want to be a demon, and Ba Wei doesn't force him, he's a god anyway, how can he do anything to force humans. This is not in line with his noble temperament

!"Is there a way to do it? Help me close the bloodline!" "A bloodline like Tianhu, which is very noble when he hears it, if he doesn't close it, he doesn't have any power to protect himself now, and when he goes out, it's a piece of gold and silver treasure or fragrant bread that no one guards, and he can be bitten to death by someone as soon as he goes out! So—it must be closed!" "I

don't have a way, but I know who has..."

Ba Wei said with interest, he is a nosy demon, but after all, today's matter is too unbelievable, plus this person is brought back by him and has a certain sense of responsibility, so it's okay to be nosy...

"It's better to choose a day than to hit the day, let's go now!" While it's not too late now, with his protection, there won't be any moths.

Although his intuition told Nioh Masaharu that this guy was not such an enthusiastic demon, there was no way, so now I had to follow him to do so. Otherwise, he might be in trouble tomorrow!"

Nioh Masaharu followed Ba Wei away.


Hu Che looked at the ghost cut beside him, "Ghost cut, is Lord Ba Wei such a warm-hearted person?"

Ghost cut shook his head, "When is he enthusiastic? He is only most enthusiastic when he is watching the excitement!" "Even if this matter is his own divine envoy, he must speak fairly!

Is this something to see again?

After all, their family, Lord Bawei, went in such a high-spirited manner. I must have gone to see the excitement

!,Although,Onikiri thought it was a little incredible,but..."It's been a long time since I've seen such a vigorous Baei-sama, maybe Masaji-sama's arrival will also be a good thing

!"Since Mikagejin ran away from home from this shrine and disappeared, this is the happiest day for Baei-sama in nearly 19 years

!"If only Masa-sama could come more often in the future!" Oni said longingly.

Toraki didn't speak, because he knew that Onikiri's wish was impossible to fulfill, and they all heard Nioh Masaharu just now, and he was a person who wanted his bloodline to be shut down, which meant that he didn't want to have anything to do with their mysterious existence!

Although it was the first time we met, it may have been the last time we met

! Oni Che wanted to cry a little, "..."It's rare to meet someone, but it can still make Lord Bawei, such an energetic person, really a little reluctant!


Halfway through.

"Where are we going?" Although he followed Ba Wei out without any scruples, it was only after walking for a while that Nioh Masaharu remembered that he didn't seem to ask the location.

This is really a mistake, Nioh Masaji said in his heart, he can be allowed to go out alone, but thanks to his usually clever appearance and heart that has never been deceived by others, how can he feel relaxed his vigilance against this person everywhere today

? Because he is a fox, and he is said to be a fox, they are all foxes, and they have become the same race, so they are extremely relieved?

This is not good!

Nioh Masaji secretly raised his vigilance in his heart.

"Don't worry, I won't take you to any strange places, now we're going to Inari Shrine in this city!" Nioh

Masaji's eyes widened in shock, did the fox demon in front of him say something shocking casually, "... The shrine of the god Inari?"It's

not like people like the god of Mikage who will be impressive.,But the group that needs it is still a certain range of gods.,It's the people who need to get married.,Of course, it's young men and women.,The audience is naturally not as good as a god of a child like him.。

However, the Inari God is different, it is a very old, even very famous great god!"Why do we want to go to Inari Shrine?"

Ba Wei looked down at Nioh Masaharu, it's not that he is discriminated against in height, it's just that the current Nioh Masaharu is just an eleven or twelve-year-old little hairy head, and he is indeed not very tall

!" "No way, who let Inari God

be called a god who protects the sky fox in some cases!" The sky fox is a dependant of the Inari God, like Nioh Masaharu, if you really want to temporarily close the bloodline, you can only find the Inari God.

Basically, as long as it is the blood of the Heavenly Fox, if it is to find the Inari God, this kind of question will generally not be rejected

! After all, how can this be said to be my own family, my own family members are easy to do things and talk!

" Understood. Nioh Masaharu nodded, but there was a wave of turbulence under his calm heart, although he heard a lot of myths, but the plot of the mythological story happened to him, this is the first time!!

Inari Shrine.

"Mikome-sama, the god of the Mikage Shrine, Lord Bae-sama, has arrived. Kneeling

in the hall, the shrine maiden who was devout in her belief in the gods opened her eyes, "Please come in!" They

are just shrine maidens in the shrine, and they are not many levels lower than the gods, not to mention that the shadow god is not an ordinary nameless god, so the attitude is naturally more respectful!

However, the shrine maiden is a little strange, although the shrine is indeed nearby, but I have never seen this Lord Ba Wei come to visit before.

Today, what's

the matter? With such a question, the witch went out to greet her, and just glanced up, the witch was attracted by the figure behind Ba Wei, this is...

This was like a natural attraction, and she saw this person at first sight, and this feeling made the shrine maiden can't help but give Nioh Masaharu a big gift. This is a heartfelt attraction and respect!

"My lord, is there anything wrong?" The shrine maiden is very smart, and since Ba Wei is here, it is estimated that she has come for the sake of this adult.

This behavior surprised Ba Wei, but he felt that it was a bit normal, after all, this is the shrine of the Inari God, the god of the Sky Fox, and the witches here are naturally very fond and respected by the Sky Fox bloodline.

Nioh Masaharu returned the salute before saying, "Yes." Nioh Masaharu told the shrine maiden what had happened to him today.

The shrine maiden smiled gently, "I see, Nioh-sama wait..."

However, she believes that in the face of this adult who has a good impression at first sight, even if it is Lord Inari God, she will be willing!

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