Why can't he wait for two or three seconds, and he has to call his name in front of so many people?

Alas, Nioh thought with some distress that he wouldn't be on the wrong boat! I really didn't expect Yukimura to be such a person who didn't play according to the routine.

Although he is willing to work hard, he is also a lazy faction, and he doesn't want to be chased by others every day! Unfortunately

, no matter how much he regrets it now, he has already gone up this boat, and he will not be able to get off

for a while! "This section must be rowed!

"Come on, come on..." Nioh hunched his back, looked lazy and lazy, and walked to the side of Yukimura with a decadent step, in the expectation or anxious eyes of everyone.

Why is there another

one? The eyes of the candidates are red, these first-grade stinky boys don't take them seriously, do they? Angry people come one by one? It's

too much.

Not only the third grade, but the second grade and the seniors were angry, and the people who also belonged to the first grade were also very shocked, I didn't expect that there were so many people among them, so fierce, so bold?

Marui's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, from the beginning of school to now, he thought that he was still playing well with Nioh, otherwise he wouldn't have stood with Nioh when he was in the club, as a result, he originally thought that Yukimura called Nioh's name just a joke, but he didn't expect Nioh to really pass?

Jack on the side, looking at the four people standing in the crowd, said enviously, "When can I have such courage!".

Marui tugged on Jack's shoulder, "Jack, are you mistaken, the point is when these people conspired with this plan! Such an interesting thing didn't even allow us to participate?"

The captain

had a cold sweat on his forehead, he didn't know the strength of these people at the moment, but at this moment, the pressure had reached his side, and today he had to defeat them mercilessly with the most powerful strength no matter what, so that they could understand what the world was sinister, otherwise they would be the ones who would be embarrassed at that time!

Yukimura saw that they were all here, and crossed his shoulders and said, "So, can the senior competition start?"

The captain had a gloomy face, facing the other party's preparedness, their side couldn't retreat at all, all they could do was to move forward and defeat this group of people who didn't know the height of the sky!

Although he has always been very confident in his own strength, Lihai University has been the champion of the Kanto Championship for 13 consecutive years.

He has also been the head of the tennis department for a year, and it stands to reason that he should be more confident at this moment and not afraid at all, but why is he a little flustered when he looks at the purple-haired teenager in front of him?

The matter of the tennis club also spread very quickly to all major clubs. Everyone knows that the four freshmen in the first grade are going to challenge the seniors in the third grade to make a revolution -

"In previous years, it was okay to have one or two thorns, but this year there were four at once

?" "Tennis club, is this going to be famous?"

Everyone laughed, but no one took this matter seriously in their hearts, and every year there are people who dare to challenge their predecessors in major clubs, but the gap in age and experience brought by two years is not something that can be crossed casually.

It is basically impossible to succeed

in the challenge, but this event can indeed be regarded as a lively view, so everyone gathers in the tennis club with the mentality of watching the excitement.

And when they arrived, the game had just begun -

Yukimura faced the minister, Sanada was the deputy minister, and Yanagi was the senior who was being chosen.

Finally, there

is Nioh - Nioh looked at the black-haired Zhengxuan senior in front of him, this is his opponent, and this person is the one he has been eyeing yesterday, he has been observing him for a long time outside, and he basically understands this senior's style of play...

Nioh crowned his palate, his eyes flashed with excitement, the reason why he chose this senior, is because, he is an agile player, at the beginning, Nioh wanted to choose a strength-type senior as his opponent, but Yukimura, who saw through part of his strength, stopped him, and said that since he chose the revolution, he couldn't completely support it, and if the strength could not surpass the other party by a large margin, don't take your weakness out at this time!

Forced by Yukimura's strength and majesty, Nioh had no choice but to give up this choice with tears in his heart.

But he didn't find someone randomly in the main election as Yukimura thought, after all, although the four of them had already decided on their opponents yesterday, even if they were all positive choices, they were not chosen casually.

The four of them decided to make a revolution together, but at this moment, it was just a temporary ally, they still needed a leader, Yukimura became the one who challenged the minister with absolute strength and leadership, which means that after defeating the minister, he wanted to become the new minister, that is, the boss!

In short, the requirements of the three of them are very clear, Nioh originally wanted to paddle water, thinking that as long as he defeated a positive candidate, there was no need to fully expose his strength at this time.

As a result, if he was so good by the big guy, he couldn't do it without working hard

- in the end, among the existing eight main selections, the remaining five main selections, this senior was selected -

an agile player, with fast reactions, strong athleticism, and skills that are also worth learning. There are things he is good at, and there are things he is not good at... It is very suitable as a whetstone for him to move forward, even if it is within the allowable range

, it can make him break through!--It couldn't be better!

Sure enough, when he finished choosing, Yukimura threw a pleased look at him, and it seemed that he was very satisfied with the person he had chosen

! Now in this arena, Nioh looked at this senior and sighed again in his heart, he really felt like a thief ship!

He revolutionized to live a good life, and he didn't want to pick up the ball in the stadium every day! But it wasn't for the next step of hell, he was chased and trained every day

! He was still very Buddhist!

It's a pity -

Yukimura: The thief ship has been boarded, it is forbidden to get off the ship, during the ship, for your safety, please fasten your seat belt~

Nioh: ... Alas

, life is getting harder and harder, why do you want to run a little?

Yukimura: ... Nioh, where do you want to go?

Retract your foot from the outlet—

Nioh: ... No, I just moved my feet, and I didn't mean anything else

! He still can't beat Yukimura, so he has to bow his head under the eaves!

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