
Who made him a teacher, and it is also appropriate for the student to have a little secret of his own

, and, if you think about the timing of the appearance of that light, Takigawa Masakami has nothing to worry about, and the white light that represents a high concentration has already proved to him that Nioh Masaharu respects and loves the sport!

"Since you're so happy, do you want to train you tonight?" Takakikawa Masakami said casually as he pulled Nioh Masaji up.

Nioh Masaharu raised his head and looked at Takigawa Masaka's expression with a hint of cunning, "Ah, it's better to be flexible, Takigawa-sensei will teach me from tonight... 10,000 in March!

" Takigawa Masaka was stunned: "You... Know?

" Nioh Masaharu winked at Takigawa Masaka, "Why does Takikawa-sensei think I shouldn't know!" Stretched out his hand and pointed to the wall behind him, "Obviously that goal is written on the wall of the archery dojo of the Night Forest!" "

March 10,000 is a word composed of a few inexplicable words on the Night Forest's Bow Dojo, and ordinary people can't understand what it means at all... Even if I saw it, I just thought it was a little strange! I didn't think much about it!

However, Nioh Masaharu didn't just see it... He also understood!

March 10,000 -

Nioh Masaharu's eyes were burning "March 10,000 is a requirement to shoot 10,000 arrows in three months!" And according to Nioh Masaharu's speculation, it is definitely not just a simple 10,000 arrows, but at least 10,000 arrows that must hit the target.

This is an extremely high requirement for the archer, you require an extremely high requirement for his mental strength and even perseverance, and also have a high requirement for the level of the archer!

Takigawa Masaka really didn't expect Nioh Masaharu to understand this sentence, and he still wanted to do it, "Nioh, no, Masaji, although I'm glad that you can see through the mystery inside..."

It's not because it's mysterious, but in fact, those words are written there, and everyone will see them, but everyone's understanding is different!

Like the current Nioh Masaharu, the moment he saw these words, he thought of 10,000 arrows in three months. Just like when he saw that he thought like this, just like his grandfather wrote these words for this purpose!

Takigawa Masaka was not only happy, but also felt a little complicated, because the relationship with his grandfather had deteriorated over the years, and because he had changed his high school to release arrows too early, he was no longer as interested in archery as he was at the beginning, not that he couldn't maintain the previous high-intensity practice, but his mood had changed a lot. It made him feel as if he was no longer fit to stand in this archery dojo...

However, the appearance of Nioh Masaharu seems to be slowly changing this mood...

The most different thing about Nioh Masaharu and others is that his feelings for kyudo are not fond... He

chose to practice kyudo because of an attachment he didn't know...

Ordinary people, just like him once was, are passionate and persistent about kyudo, so when one day the love fades, Takigawa Masakami doesn't know what he has left for kyudo. He didn't know if he would hold on any longer, and he fell into a long period of confusion!

But the appearance of Nioh Masaharu made him see a different feeling...

And then there is the persistent pursuit -

from childhood to adulthood, every moment of his life is indispensable to this bow and arrow, even if he loses his love, there is still persistence

! How can he forget this simple thing that depends on survival is like breathing, and even plan to abandon it?

Takigawa Masakami feels that Nioh Masaharu is really a magical child, originally he was a teacher, but now he has become Nioh Masaharu is a teacher!

Nioh Masaharu noticed that Takigawa Masaka's eyes had become very different, as if he was not seeing his own students, but baby bumps, and he dodged this look, "Takigawa-sensei..."

Although this adjective describes Takigawa Masaka quite pitifully, but now Takigawa Masaka gives people a feeling like this! Takigawa Masakami

first shook his head, and then sighed and said, "Nioh-kun, has anyone ever said that you are a genius?" Nioh shook his head and

nodded again, "Yes, yes..."

He is a bit talented in sports, but as long as he has seen Yukimura Seiichi and Sanada Genichiro, as well as the Phoenix of Byodoin, which he has always admired, he knows that he should not be called

a genius! Takigawa Masaka patted Nioh on the shoulder and said, "I don't know if you are a genius elsewhere, but your talent in kyudo is very high, and your strongest point is-" Takigawa Masaka's

eyes seemed to be shining, and his eyes were extremely bright when he looked at Nioh," You have a talent for changing people - it's like there's a magical force around me!

" Of course, he's talking about change for the

better!" "Everyone seems to be a better version of themselves because of you!" Also, for children of this age, every encouragement is very important, Takikawa Masaki thinks and says so.

Nioh, Nioh was a little embarrassed to be said, he grew so big, and no one had ever said that about him.


, Nioh looked at the person whose face was extremely soft in the moonlight, and said in his heart, "What about this young teacher, I don't know that he is the one who will make the people around him better

!" Nioh thought that now, if he were to be his teacher, he would not be willing to change anyone to be his teacher, but if Takigawa Masaka, he would do!"

Takigawa-sensei, no, MASA-san, let's start together tomorrow, March 10,000!" Although

he can't stay here for three months, even if he returns to his own world, he will continue to work hard and will not slack off.

"Okay!" Takigawa said with a smile, "Speaking of which, this is my first attempt!" However, Takigawa said

worriedly, "Are you okay?"

After all, today is the first day that Nioh Masaharu has officially held a bow... Is this really good

? No, is there any accident?

Nioh Masaharu smiled like a fox, "MASA-san, really, how can you bully a child?"

"I just invited you to shoot arrows together..."

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