However, since you believe it, then you have to

say other things, such as

the first one-"Little Mud, can you let me go out first

?" Ni-chan blinked the green eyes in the small computer, "Host, who is Xiaoni?"

"I haven't gotten to know Ni-chan yet, does the host have other 'Ni'

?" Nioh Masaharu tried hard to keep himself from being angry, and raised a fox smile, "This is my affectionate name for you!"

"Believe him, this is really a nickname!

Ni-chan believed, "Internet search tells me that a nickname is a good title, Ni-chan thank you host..."

Nioh Masaharu suddenly felt that something was wrong, "... Wait, wait a minute..."

"Internet search, can you use the Internet search?" Nioh Masaharu felt that he should have overlooked something somewhere.

"Yes, that's okay!"

Nioh Masaharu was speechless, but, "Then can I ask you a question? Who gave you this name?"

It is estimated that it is -

Ni-chan told the truth unnoticed, "These two words are the highest buzzwords on the Internet, and the explanation is this, when a person is happily called Ni-chan for a person, that Ni-chan can't help but agree to all the other party's conditions!"

"Nioh Masaharu's beautiful fox eyes turned into dead fish eyes,"..."Sure enough... He guessed right!

"The important thing is... This person who is called Ni-chan will be very happy!"

That's why Ni-chan named himself Ni-chan.

Speaking of this place, Ni-chan's computer eyes turned into stars. The happiness is revealed, and everyone can feel that he

is very happy!Ni-chan is too happy, but Nioh Masaharu is not very happy, I originally thought that this [Ni-chan] is a highly intelligent thing, belonging to the series of eerie pit people, Nioh Masaharu has been mentally prepared enough, ready to fight against this Ni-chan, in case he falls into his trap...

Now, Nioh Masaharu suddenly discovered, yes, white guard, what are you guarded? There is no need to be vigilant at all, this is a stupid computer!

"That little mud, let me out first!" Although he was a little disappointed, Nioh Masaharu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, after all, this was a harmonious society, and he still hoped to meet some normal creatures!

When Nioh Masaharu saw the sunlight outside, he felt for the first time that the sun was so beautiful, and he had never lost the beauty of not knowing the sun before!

"Nishi, are you there?" can you hear me?] asked Nioh Masaharu.

【Ni-chan is the most advanced system, you can do it!】 Ni-chan jumped in Nioh Masaharu's mind and said happily.


Nioh Masaharu was disappointed for a moment, I thought it was just a dream, but I didn't expect this thing

to really exist! A little sad

! He thinks this thing is really good, but he's just an ordinary person, or just want to live an ordinary

life! I always feel that since he became a fox demon, the ordinary life is getting farther and farther away from him, and the only ordinary thing seems to be tennis!

The small computer [Ni-chan] felt Nioh Masaharu's emotion of wanting to fight ordinarily, and suddenly said unsalty, "The host's mood has been detected-

" Nioh Masaharu dead fish eyes: "What did you detect again?"

Ni-chan continued, "Ni-chan just wants to tell the host that his wish to play tennis in an ordinary way cannot be realized!" Nioh Masaharu's eyes widened, wanting to hit someone, "Hehe, I want to help you with the task, what's the matter? Now even the things I like are going to be restricted?"

What about human rights?

[Ni-chan] said aggrievedly, "Ni-chan doesn't mean that, Ni-chan just wants to tell the host that

tennis in your world doesn't seem to be ordinary..."

In order to prove that what he said was true, Ni-chan quickly and manually played a classic tennis court for Nioh Masaharu

Echizen, who was once the best tennis player in the world! A man in a kimono with his hair tied up and holding a wooden racket, Nioh Masaharu was surprised to find that this was not Echizen Minamijiro?

Because he was a native of Japan, this name was simply thunderous and famous for teenagers who were learning tennis!

Nioh Masaharu was very strange, what did Ni-chan do with Echizen Minamijiro for him? Let him set a great and grand goal

? Is this little computer such a human thing? Nioh Masaharu was deeply skeptical of the intelligence and emotional intelligence of the small computer.

With such suspicions, Nioh Masaharu continued to look at it, just watched, it was quite normal, the more I looked at Nioh Masaharu's expression, the more wrong it became, why did this person still glow, and glow white... After the white light, it was still colorful... The most important thing is why it turns out to be the starlight that radiates from the body... Starlight, that's something that only stars in the sky have, can humans have

? What about Newton? Without Newton, what about Marton? What about the laws of conservation of physics? Can this world still be better?

However, the most amazing thing is that before he was surprised, Nioh Masaharu found that behind Nanjiro Echizen stood a Japanese samurai... The color... Purple....

Let's not talk about purple or not, in a singles match, can two people stand in one field?Besides

, if this is not a foul, then what kind of thing is this Japanese samurai-like person? Is it a ghost? Groundbound spirits? Earthbound spirits filmed in the camera

? Is this a fantasy scene, is it a cartoon?

Nioh Masaharu desperately holds his forehead, if all this is true, he feels as if he has gotten [Ni-chan] Indeed

, it seems to be extraordinary, but on the contrary, it is very magical—the magic of the ordinary level simply cannot describe this tennis match! The level

is at least ten above...

Nioh Masaharu had a faint pain in his forehead, and he suspected that what he had practiced before was a fart! For a situation of this level, it was not even a fart!

After looking at Echizen Minamijiro for a while, he suddenly felt that this man was quite normal, and he should not be able to arouse the host's mentality enough... After thinking about it, I felt that this matter should not be considered a violation, anyway, it was the future of the host!

I thought that the Echizen Minamijiro I saw in the last video was magical enough, and it was incredible-but this video, hehe...

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