The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 529: The first collaboration

While waiting for the arrival of the Terra mission, Soshyang was not idle either. Although there was still a lack of materials and personnel, part of the maintenance work for the Mark of Victory had already started.

   The first is the outer area, and the boundary formed by the metal cables adjacent to the dock is surrounded by a group of welded drones.

In order to inspect each damaged area, the maintenance crew disassembled most of the armor, leaving the deck directly exposed to the void, but soon they will be covered by heavy ablative armor plate, only the most powerful space The ordnance can only penetrate.

  Inspectors floated between the steel grids and hurriedly opened the semi-finished partition before filling the payload.

The priests of    Mechanics hurried through the cavity of Da Zhang, shunting binary instructions everywhere, evaluating and measuring while commanding.

   Soshyang spent two hours driving the shuttle to tour the Star Fortress as a whole, shuttled between the steel cliff and the cabin between the arc flash.

   Loken was accompanied by Soshyang. He walked at a leisurely pace, doing his best to show everything, obviously he was extremely proud of being able to preside over the work.

   "We spent a lot of time recovering, sir, thanks to the internal structure design drawing of the Ramirez-class star castle provided by Mars, we were able to work so smoothly."

The    shuttle turned on an invisible axis, then began to climb, gliding between rows of half-finished decks.

  Occasionally, a avenue opens, allowing people to get a glimpse of the heart structure of the fortress. The complexity is daunting.

   Soshyang watched all this, silent, but his eyes deep in his face saw everything in sight.

   Loken knows very well that when he is in this kind of emotion, it is best not to speak.

   The war captain is studying this fortress, just as he studies every weapon he possesses-looking for flaws in it, and assessing its power.

   "These parts will be completed within a few weeks."

   The shuttle passed through a circular opening that was opening, exposing the pillars of a hall, like a rib against a deep sky full of stars.

   "This will be your strategic research room then, my lord, by the way, we have expanded the space of the hub to accommodate more arrays of thinkers."

   Soshyang leaned forward on his seat, placing his elbows on his knees.

   A larger hall slowly entered the field of vision. A dome made of armored glass was inlaid with concentric circular arch beams. The elevator revolved on the center line. A large number of thinkers' computing cores were drawn into the grooves under the dome.

   There are thousands of slave laborers working in this space alone, and most of them can barely be called humans, and at the same time, you can see that Lovelace is commanding.

   The deck of the shuttle trembles, and it seems that it has been impacted by some kind of atmospheric disturbance, and the observation window is momentarily filled with cracks caused by static electricity.

   "A brief burst of oxygen under the action of gravity."

   Loken explained.

   "In order to get a closer look, would you like to land, sir?"

   Soshyang nodded in agreement, still studying the superstructure around them, gazing at the beams and skeleton-like pillars, like a priest who was tearing apart the flesh and blood of sacrifices for divination.

   The shuttle fell toward the illuminated deck, and a teardrop-like cloud of air that kept vibrating at a survivable temperature enveloped the latter, and the worst part of the background radiation had been eliminated.

   Then, the carriage of the shuttle extended outwards, and steam clouds overflowed the matte gray deck below.

   At the bottom of the unfolding slope, a delegation of Mechanical Teaching is waiting. A phalanx of 20 guardians of the Guardians with long-handled combat scepters was accompanied by a lame Mecha-Cult monk in a scarlet uniform.

   This person has a swollen rib-like mechanical chest, under which is a crab-like sliding device, and his face is a smooth mirror-like mask.

   This is the messenger of Zhao Akada.

   "Lord Soshyan, welcome."

   This messenger is named Jailzinho Zavala, a sage of Zhao-Akkada, he replaced the previous messenger, and also reflects the importance of the casting world to the trade of misery alliance.

In fact, what they value is not only this single transaction, but also the friendship of the entire suffering alliance, especially Soshyang expressed the hope that the future alliance hopes to have more cooperation with the casting world, and even after signing the contract, Zhao-Aka Da immediately posted it.

   One hopes to rejuvenate the world, but suffers from isolation and helplessness.

   One needs to recover vitality, but a penny stumps the hero.

   One is rich, the other is powerful, and the two sides naturally hit it off.

  Although Zhao Akada can't fully undertake the repair work of the entire Starcastle, they can at least let Starcastle restore some functions first, and others can take time to take time.

   "Master Zavala, you have worked hard."

   Soshyang stretched out his arm, lightly grasped the opponent's raised mechanical arm, and then looked around in a circle.

   "The progress is faster than I thought."

   "The main reason is that this area has not been severely damaged, and the only work that takes time is purification."

   Under the leadership of Master Zavala, they entered a rotunda with a diameter of 130 meters.

   The hall was emitting a gentle light at this time-although Soshyan could not find an obvious light source.

   Except for a fan-shaped section, the walls of the hall are mechanically polished rock. The polished and reflective properties of the rock look like marble.

   The non-stone wall seems to emit light as if it has an internal light source. A curtain of energy invisible to the naked eye is swaying and jumping in front of this wall, revealing a rippling and charming rainbow light in the multi-spectral enhanced vision.

   This is the enlarged and renovated central hall. Currently, only the most basic work has been completed. Those walls are a huge display screen that has both the functions of visualization and projection.

   There is a leaf-shaped arch in the center of the wall, and a numeric keyboard and a wheel are installed on the simple door.

   Soshyan walked over and stood in front of the energy scene and then turned to look at Ilzinho Zavala.

   "I came into contact with the priests of Mars a few days ago. They seem to have prejudice against certain casting worlds in the Storm Star Territory, and even call some of them as wizards, do you know?"

   Obviously, the "certain world" in Soshyang's mouth refers to Zhao Akada.

   In fact, this is not a lie. He did communicate with the representatives of Mars. The other party did not like the world of Zhao-Akkada, and he did call the tech priest above him a "wizard."

   "Wizard? No I don't know, but what is the difference? In the end, ignorant people will still mistake sufficiently advanced technology for witchcraft."

   Ilzinho Zavala narrates without a trace of emotion.

   "A long time ago, we used to be ahead of all the worlds of our time in certain technological advances. At that time, we also entered into a contract with Qianzi."

   "I know that, maybe for this reason, you are detested by Mars?"

   "It doesn't really matter."

   "How did you lose your technology after that?"

   "No, it's not lost."

  The multispectral eyepiece of the tech sage made a slight click, indicating that it was turning.

   "We voluntarily gave up those technologies."


"Because it is too dangerous, our ancestors tried to use technology to create a consciousness that far surpassed human beings... That consciousness will not be bound by the laws of nature, and it can twist those laws into what they want, everything they do. Struggle is to make it a reality."

   "Sounds... quite heretical indeed."

   "So they gave up."

   Soshyang looked at the technological sage, wondering if it was really wise to have a relationship with the marginalized casting world.

   But then, a notice interrupted his thoughts.

   "My lord, Terra's envoys have left the subspace node."

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