The wounded soldiers filled every free corner of the cabin, and Kerkus carefully passed through the group of grumpy wounded men to the turrets and flight workstations on the front deck.

The continuous blows scarred the stormbird's void shield, and its body was also bumping up and down.

Although the wizard used witchcraft to teleport them out of the battlefield, they did not directly teleport back to the Ghost of Destruction. Instead, they got them to the place where they first landed.

There, they boarded an ancient storm bird.

Compared with the Thunderhawk, the Stormbird has a large enough volume to install a void defense barrier, but its size is not enough to absorb all the kinetic energy of the projectile.

The energy of some projectiles is often transmitted to the spacecraft, causing Kerkus to almost fall over several times.

Finally, he came to the turret control room with difficulty. He could see a soldier operating the heavy bomb guns on the gimbal, which were installed on the two wings of the spacecraft.

At this moment, the red pirate company commander's mood had already fallen to the extreme, but the picture that came into view on the screen made it even more dim.

The storm bird flew through the gunpowder at an accelerated speed, and the battlefield was full of wreckage and burning gas.

This storm bird is not Huron’s usual vehicle. There is no mark on it to show that it is transporting the leader of the war gang. However, it is still caught in this maelstrom and flocked to the retreating aircraft together with other aircraft. Red Sea Fleet.

A valuable strategy, but it cannot guarantee safety.

Starcastle’s small air defense firepower has been activated, and these gunboats have been deliberately aimed at. Every successful kill will cost the battle gang another twenty soldiers.

The condition of those large battleships is not optimistic either. Due to the interruption of communication, they can only fight on their own. Some even plan to break through and leave alone, but they are completely exposed to the continuous fire from the enemy.

On the contrary, it is the strike fleet of the Alliance of Misery. Although they have the same communication difficulties, Dieterian has installed a unique point-to-point communication device on each ship, which can issue the simplest commands.

Although the number of warships of the Alliance of Misery is far less than that of the Red Pirates, they rely on mutual cooperation and focus to fight against the scattered Red Pirate fleet.

Through the pulsating graphic feed, Kerkus found that only a few ships were still trying to fight back, but they became the targets for the first time. The shields that hadn't collapsed were also flashing dim flames, and they were only one step away from failure. remote.

Other warships began to show the unique centrifugal force of the Chaos Fighting Gang, and began to retreat under bad conditions, and even used their hull armor to withstand ruthless blows, intending to use their precious energy for the subspace leap.

The situation changed abruptly, and now the red pirates are dying.

Kerkus carefully observed the situation on the battlefield. The bright exploding flash made the screen white.

For a while, everyone focused on the source of the light.

"Damn it."

After the picture was clear, Kyle Kus took a breath.

Starcastle’s powerful main weapon was activated,

At war with the Mother of Tears

The battlecruiser Hawkhook suddenly suffered a heavy blow, and the bow of the ship was instantly shattered, and then the hull was pierced with holes by the swaying light spear, and there was a violent explosion-its void shield lasted less than two seconds. .

It served in the empire’s expeditionary fleet and survived many worse conditions. It also witnessed the cruel sibling struggle on the planet Badab. This ship has fought for the Star Claw for more than two hundred years. The huge ship fell.

The artificial star of the reactor escaped the **** of magnetism and finally enjoyed a moment of freedom.

This gradually dissipating giant plasma ball swallowed countless small spaceships, and their own reactors also exploded, producing a chain reaction.

The sky curtain was packed with layers of light balls, and the dazzling glow obscured the remaining ships.

As the light extinguished, several warships on both sides were burning and drifting with the flow.

As the former castle owner of the Star Castle, Kerkus certainly knows the power of the Hell’s Eye. In many enhancements, this Star Castle puts firepower at the first priority, because its role is to deter Xiaoxiao.

According to estimates after the most recent transformation, when the pupils of **** are fully fired, any area of ​​the four firepower firing circles will have the firepower intensity of the superimposed firepower of the two battleships.

And in the upper center of the Star Fort, there is a giant Nova Cannon called the "Evil Eye of Hell". This Nova Cannon is said to have been dismantled from a huge old hulk by Huron. It is extremely powerful, with almost nothing. The battleship can withstand its full load with one blow.

It was this terrifying cannon that had just defeated the battlecruiser Void Shield of Eagle Hook.

With the demise of the Eagle Hook, among the many secondary casualties, the large cruiser Midnight Solitude suffered the most damage.

Half of its port side was completely torn apart, the honeycomb deck structure was directly exposed to the vacuum, the flames of oxygen appeared from time to time in the ventilated cabin, and the bulkhead was burned to a red glow.

It is like a paper mold that has been burned in half, and its bare interior is covered with gleaming ashes.

More deadly, the command center of the Midnight Solitude was completely open in the void, its helmsman had disappeared, and the engine had lost control.

In the end, the power of this warship also disappeared. It left the battlefield and floated into the distance with its usual nobility and elegance.

But the dying hover made it break into the moving orbit of a light cruiser.

The small warship tried to stop, but its inclined flanks were hit instead, so the two ships entangled and destroyed together.

And these tragedies are just a trivial episode in this devastating drama.

The remaining fighters of the Mother of Tears were wandering over the retreating Red Pirate fleet, dropping bunches of bombs, and the undulating explosions were like clusters of poignant flowers blooming on the steel field.

The Red Pirate fighters had lost the means of communication, and they all refused to take off again-without the guidance of the flight control center, it was undoubtedly flying around and looking for death on this chaotic battlefield.

More and more chaotic warships disappeared silently in the void, and none of the soldiers and crew on it were spared.

"The power of destruction!"

Kerkus cursed.

"We are suffering the biggest loss since Badab's shame!"

He beat the bulkhead helplessly, leaving a bright silver dent in the metal.

"Sir, can you drive a storm bird?"

In the incompetent rage of Kerkus, the gunner suddenly asked.


Kerkus admitted truthfully.

"Then you should let me work hard, sir, don't let me be distracted, we'll be there soon, we'll be about to destroy the Phantom, and there can be no mistakes at this time."

"Nothing is useful."

Kerkus pointed to the miniature screen, which showed the perspective of the fighter's head.

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