In the chaotic age, the emperor of mankind tried to create an army composed of superman warriors. Twenty Primarchs were created as the emperor’s sons. The genes that were crystallized by their technologies were used by the interstellar warriors of the twenty legions. We inherited it.

The non-material universe-the dark and chaotic gods in the subspace were afraid of this huge new force, so they took away the Primarchs from the cultivation room and abandoned them into the vast galaxy. Horus, one of the Primarchs No exception, he was thrown to a planet called Kthonia.

Soon after, the emperor launched the "Great Expedition" to collect the old humans to colonize the planet. Horus was the first Primarch to be rediscovered. This is due to the fact that Catonia is close to the earth and does not require subspace navigation. Arrivals.

   For thirty years, Horus was the only son by the emperor. He grew up next to the emperor and became the most powerful Primarch.

   In the Great Expedition, he led the 16th Army of Star Warriors-"Shadow Moon Wolf" to fight side by side with the Emperor. The friendship between them quickly deepened, and the Emperor finally trusted him to command the entire army of the Empire.

   When more Primarchs were discovered and led their respective Star Warrior Legions, Horus began to play the overall role.

With the passage of time, he proved his superb strength, he knows how to use others, deploys properly, never pity those who oppose the emperor, but also avoids unnecessary bloodshed by innocent people, every victory allows him Won the respect of the emperor and the praise of other legions.

The Shadowmoon Wolf Legion is immersed in the glory of being the personal guardian of the greatest Gene Primarch, deeply trusted by Horus and become the best warrior. The Shadowmoon Wolf always appears in the most famous battles. In the process, work hard to build more combat exploits.

   At the same time, Horus also encourages other Primarchs to compete with each other to find the strongest and most capable partners and improve their combat capabilities.

The Ulano expedition in which the Shadowmoon Wolf defeated the Ork Empire was regarded as the greatest battle in the Great Expedition. The result of the victory allowed Horus to receive the supreme reward from the emperor, and he was promoted to the "War Commander"— -The highest position second only to the emperor himself, and has the power to control all the vast armies of the human empire.

   Later, Horus exercised this power to rename the Shadowmoon Wolf to "Son of Horus."

   But in the wild world of Davin, Horus was injured by his friend Eugene Tamba, who was corroded by chaos, and the poison of the evil **** Nurgle attached to the ancient weapon "old enemy blade" made him unconscious.

  Eribas of the Legion of the Word Bearers suggested that the locals help to heal him. However, the desperate legion leaders did not know that Eribas and the healers had been corroded by chaos, and they planned this series of conspiracies in an embarrassing manner.

The dying Horus was moved to the chaos believer's lair "Snake Cave" to accept an ancient evil ritual, and Eribas disguised as the ghost of Horus's old part and entered his mind, and he showed a terrifying picture of the future. : The emperor's deity ruled the galaxy, but the Primarchs were abandoned.

   Eribas also told him that the chaotic gods love peace and have little interest in the material universe, but the emperor intends to destroy them in order to pursue the godhood. What puzzled Horus most was being told that the emperor had used the power of subspace when he created the Primarchs.

   Even though he realized that the person who came was an imposter, he still accepted these revelations.

   Whether it is the isolation of the emperor and the secret plan on the earth, or the establishment of the Earth Council riding on the heads of the Primarchs, Horus's dissatisfaction intensified, and finally it appeared as complete hostility.

The only person who tried to prevent him from changing was his brother, the Red Devil Magnus. He entered Horus’s heart, but he could neither interfere with the powerful rituals of the Davinists nor persuade Horus to remain against the emperor. loyalty.

   Horus, after experiencing Darwin’s affairs, agreed to form an alliance with the chaotic forces to overthrow the emperor. He was already convinced that the emperor was a rotten tyrant who was single-minded to appoint a **** and abandoned his son to mortals.

  The war commander quickly spread the influence of Chaos in his army. He caused Angron's World Devourer Army, Fogen's Emperor Son Army, and Motarian's Death Guard Army to fall to his side.

   Finally, Horus was secretly supported by Conrad Koz of the Midnight Lords Army, Alpharis of the Alpha Legion, and Peturabo of the Iron Warrior Legion.

   In addition, he also enlisted the founder of the Dark Mechanic Cult, Kabo Hall, the manufacturing director of the Mechanic Cult, and many other imperial troops.

The climax of the rebellion was finally set off on the Istavan V. That battle was also known as the "Landing Field The three loyal legions, the salamander, the dark crow guard, and the hand of steel were almost destroyed. Completely destroyed, at the same time, nearly half of the legions raised the flag of rebellion and sent troops to the core of the human empire-Holy Terra.

At the critical moment of the Battle of Terra, Horus personally lowered the flagship to attract the emperor to come to the duel. After a **** battle with San Gilles, the genetic material of the holy blood angel, Horus launched against the emperor. Attacked and died at the hands of the emperor.

   The emperor was also fatally injured, and must be placed in the life support-it was a throne made of pure gold.

   But everything is over. The betrayers failed. The attack on the empire was quickly over. The sons of Horus retreated from the earth and recovered the corpses of their genetic origin after a fierce war.

   In the end, the Son of Horus, together with other betrayed legions, found a refuge in the vast galaxy, the space known as the Eye of Fear.

   They built a huge fortress-like tomb for Horus, and the Legion left by Horus continued to fight the empire.

   But the once inexhaustible army has become considerable. After the casualties on both sides, they are replaced by the chaos enchanted troops possessed by demons.

  Because of the final defeat of the Battle of Terra, all the legions resented the sons of Horus, and finally united to launch a huge offensive against them.

The new home planet of the Son of Horus was destroyed by a combined fleet, and the body of Horus was stolen by the Son of the Emperor. In this crisis-filled situation, the survivors of the Son of Horus decided to elect a new leader Man, he was the first company commander of the former Shadowmoon Gray Wolf Elite Army, Abaddon the Predator.

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