The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 17: Azure Civilization World (1)

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This is not something that Li Yan can figure out right now. At present, this is just a guess. Even if it seems to be very close to the truth, no conclusion can be reached without evidence.

Li's terminal shows that he now has 100,000 contributions.

That was the result of his personal battle with the Abyss. Not only him, but all monks under his command also have corresponding contributions. This is in addition to the monk's supplement and resource supply, another reward given by the blue civilization-from the "blue" system.

What is the 100,000 contribution value? According to the life expectancy of a normal person, it is enough for Li Yi to spend his whole life with pleasure. Not only that, people with a contribution value of 100,000 will be immediately surrounded by respectful eyes when they are learned by others during use.

In addition, they also have certain privileges. For example, if they have an overdraft limit of contribution value, they can be consumed first and then replenished. Then, for example, if they see something at the same time as others, it is Li Zhi who finally gets that thing.

In short, this is the treatment of the heroes of the blue civilization. As an inappropriate example, Li Yan now appears anywhere in the blue civilization. Just showing the contribution value limit will allow many beautiful women to take the initiative to embrace him.

From this point of view, the blue civilization is still very generous and generous to their sage ranks.


The starship first arrived at the space port, where tens of thousands of various starships docked. It was spectacular at a glance. Many warships roamed the periphery, like dragons.

However, just after the war here, the fleet in the dark abyss retreated shortly. The space port was also affected by the fire and many places were damaged. Nowadays, there are many machine ships being repaired. It seems that the project is almost finished.

After taking a closer look, Li Xun found that those starships cruising around were cleaning up space junk-wreckage and scattered parts.

After getting in touch with the space port, the order to enter the port and related matters were directly given to the blue system on the starship, which was anchored under the control of the blue system. The starship came to a standstill, and under the leadership of Ji Ningyun, Li Yan and others transferred from Pangu to land on another aircraft.

"Now we're going to the Headquarters, and we're ready to meet us there."

When Ji Ningyun talked to Li Yan, the latter was looking at the ground through the window, and he wanted to see what the world of the blue civilization was like.

The aircraft is very stable, unlike the landers known by Li Zhi, in fact, he did not want to sit on this, and he flew more smoothly on his own. However, there is no way. There is air control here. He has to show up in front of the public, and he can obtain the qualification for free flight only after being filed by the Ground and Air Administration.

It sounds nonsense.

The data shows that the size of this planet is several times that of the earth. Li Zhi did not feel the difference in size. When he was on the earth, he did not have the ability and qualification to go to space.

However, the differences in landforms were captured at a glance. The shapes of the continents and oceans here are very different from those of the earth. In general, it looks like the continental plate is relatively complete, and it is divided into two parts: east and west. The shape is quite regular and square. The ocean area is naturally larger than the land area.

Unlike Li Jun's assumption, there are no dense aircrafts in the air. There are indeed a lot of passenger planes. There is no private car in the air-I only knew after asking Ji Ningyun that there was no such thing at all.

It's right to think about it carefully. If everyone had a flying machine, air traffic would be messed up. Compared to ground transportation

The operation and management of air traffic is more troublesome, and the chain reaction caused by an accident will be even greater.

"The laws of the Azure Civilization stipulate that Azure citizens have the right to see the blue sky, white clouds, and vast sky when they look up." Ji Ningyun's explanation is simple and rude, which is completely different from Li Zhi's assumption. . "

It turned out to be freedom ... Li Ye felt pretty good.

There is nothing special about the vegetation of the mountains and rivers on the ground. Instead, it is an urban building. It is no longer a large steel jungle. Greening has done a good job. Li Ye thinks that it should not be called greening, because the buildings are surrounded by mountains and rivers. Structurally, there are very few skyscrapers.

"In addition to the military facilities built on flat ground in the plains, the dwellings will be transformed into low-lying hills before construction, and the corresponding mountains and rivers will be scientifically planned."

Ji Ningchi introduced, "The scenery is very important. There is no scenery in the residential area, and it is worthy to be called a prison. People nowadays have high requirements for the quality of life, and they all have high aesthetics, and they have been cultivated since childhood."

Li Ye saw people walking on the ground, some walking with their feet, some sitting on a two or three-foot square plate, and the plate was flying against the ground-not fast. The flying plate under the feet of a fat man is large, and the flying plate under a child's feet is small.

That thing should also be controlled by the brain, Li Li did not see anyone bumping together.

"Everyone has exercise tasks every week. If they don't meet the standard, they will be sent to the training camp for compulsory exercise. At this point, everyone has no choice and no freedom. So people in this era have good physical fitness. It ’s also very healthy. This is the need for the survival and development of the race, and any freedom is greater than this problem. "

Ji Ningyu seemed to become a tour guide. When Li Yi saw anything, she automatically explained to Li Yi.

"Isn't it everywhere?" Li Min asked.

Ji Ningxi nodded his head, his voice was heavy: "The world here is quite peaceful, and the power of the blue civilization is also very strong, so we can protect these rights of citizens and let society run smoothly.

"After the outbreak of the war with the demons, many places became impoverished, the society has been completely retrogressed, and the related order has not been guaranteed, let alone the star domain that has been occupied by the demons."

This remark made Li Yan's eyes slightly dark, and his heart was very unpleasant. The destruction of beautiful things can make people feel uncomfortable.

The aircraft landed at the Facet Headquarters airport.

The headquarter of the facetaker is a military facility, and the architectural style on flat ground is naturally different from other places. It is simple and tough, and practical first.

When coming out of the aircraft, Li Ye saw that the huge square was crowded with people, and the people were very emotional. Young people even shouted on the huge virtual screen in all directions, introducing them to the abyss World War I scenario.

Obviously, the people are welcoming heroes and welcoming the hope of survival and continuation of the blue civilization. This should be a deliberate arrangement at the headquarters of the insurgents.

As a sage monk, only a little attention is needed to capture the faces of trust, respect, and even worship, and those bright eyes of hope will be touched by anyone who sees them, feeling glory and responsibility. major.

On the specially-built ceremonial platform, Li Zhi met with Bai Lin, the principal of the face-office headquarters.

The facet plan was put forward by his ancestors. The Bai family was regarded as a general family, and many of the descendants served in the fleet. In person

In the process of exploring the universe, and fighting against the demons, many white family figures and blood and sweat were left.

Bai Lin is an old man with nearly two years of age—earth people of this era have extended their lives a lot, but they can live up to a hundred years at the most—their hair is white and their spirits are haggard. One glance through the heart.

Of course, in Li Yan's eyes, the more than one hundred-year-old man is just an ordinary person. He even killed a thousand-year-old monk, how many thoughts can an ordinary person give him?

However, looking at Ji Ningyun's respectfulness, Zhou Bashan, and others in a regular manner, we can see that this general Bai Bai has extremely high prestige. In fact, he is also one of the great figures in the parliament. Regarding his status, few people in the blue civilization are really higher than him.

After several monks from the sage kingdom came to power, more than 100,000 people gathered here were put into the square in an orderly manner. Now they are waiting and waiting for Li Yan and others to speak, so as to confirm that the blue civilization already has the power to compete with the demons and to make the earth's humans survive.

After General Bai smiled with kindness and stretched out his hand to ask, as the captain of the monk's team of monks, Li Yan walked in front of people in the eyes of much expectation and began to give a speech.

He was accustomed to this kind of thing, naturally it was his hand. He did not use any sound reinforcement equipment, nor did he let his voice be transmitted to everyone's terminals through the Azure system. Instead, he used aura to accurately deliver the voice to everyone's ears, ensuring that everyone heard the same volume .

This is a big deal. Although the ordinary people don't know the difficulty, they are unconscious and excited.

After a speech, Li Yan and others didn't stay much longer. They left the podium according to the arrangement of General Bai, leaving more than 100,000 people with high morale, still unable to calm down.

In the meeting room of the Noodle Base, Li Min and others spent the rest of the day.

During the various exchanges, the content involved was very complicated, including the issue of supplementing Master Luo Jinxian.

Except for General Bai, all the main figures of the Azure Assembly were present. As for the Azure government-that is just an executive body, which is equivalent to the Shangshu province of the three Great Tang provinces, none of the leaders are qualified to attend this meeting. In the evening, it is naturally a welcome banquet again, this time the scene is more than on the Pangu.

In the next few days, it will be all sorts of official duties and transfers. There are a lot of things to be done for Li Yan and others to integrate into the battle sequence of the blue civilization. This includes training new monks to join the team, letting the military know how much combat power they have, how to establish their logistic support system, and so on.

As for the cultivation resources rewarded by the blue civilization, Li Zhi gave several saints to the monks.

Of course, there is no equal distribution. Instead, they are distributed according to the results of their respective battles, with reference to the losses. Li Yan and Zhou Bashan had the most, and the other three had no opinion. After all, the facts are there, everyone is saintly, and they still have faces.

After the resources were in hand, everyone gave it to the monks in Wonderland in their own circles-these people have already come here with the starship. The original Luo Jinxian team of 3,500 people lost about 500 in World War I, but now it has been added to 4,000.

Both Li Wei and Zhou Bashan have expanded their teams. The remaining three are just to make up for the losses.

A week later, Li Yan and others came to the conference room again. This time the meeting was all military personnel, most of them came from the Star Fleet. The theme of the conference was also clear: counterattack the demon.

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