The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 22: Scholars and soldiers

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Compared with the Central Plains, although the grassland is vast and relatively flat, it is by no means a thoroughfare. Mountains, blisters, woods, valleys, and hills are even more mysterious because of the gentle terrain. A Central Plains man who has never been to the grassland is no less lost in the grassland than in the mountains.

Because of the coming of the war, the number of garrison troops in Gubeikou increased, and of course, the scouts sent out were dozens of times, and even dozens of times more than usual. The increase is not only the number of people, but also the exploration distance, from thirty to fifty miles to eighty miles. Without being able to find the Khitan Army, Gubeikou Shou will extend this distance to a hundred miles.

Scouts ride into the prairie hundreds of miles, basically tantamount to suicide.

Whenever there is war, the tribes on the prairie can be called everyone, and women and children can fight in battle if necessary-if they have swords and arrows in their hands. In this case, scouts are in danger even if they encounter grassland people who hunt and graze.

This is Zhang Zai's first visit to the grassland.

Even as a scout rider, he needs to keep calm observation and cautious behavior from time to time. He is also deeply impressed by the magnificent scenery of the grassland. Along the way, the stunning gaze in his eyes has never dissipated, and there is infinite pride in his chest, and there are many impulse for poetry.

The two Confucians who followed him reacted in the same way.

Writing poems near the water, ascending to the heights, and observing the scenery, this book is the interest of book business, it is the habit engraved in their bones. The desert is lonely, the river is setting sun, why the flute should complain about the willow, the spring breeze does not pass the Yumen Pass ... This is how these ancient poems spread.

Since ancient times, there has been no first, and no second Wu, of course, there is no reason to make the ancients more beautiful.

It's a pity that the riders have always had a dead face on their heads, and they must not give them a chance to stay, and they are not allowed to speak at will. This allowed Zhang Zai and others to fill the stomach with beautiful articles, which could only be chewed several times in their mouths and swallowed back.

I ca n’t chant poems, I ’m really embarrassed and more uncomfortable than Ji Sansan, so before noon, the riding team took a short break, and when they were eating food and drinking, Zhang Zai went to the cow's egg and asked the other party how they were looking for Khitan The trail of the army.

It has not been a short time for everyone to enter the grassland, and even if they are looking for a shuttle, the straight-line distance has exceeded 80 miles.

"The prairie people will definitely drive a large number of cattle and sheep to serve as military rations. A fine ride of 100,000 people will certainly have more than one million cattle and sheep. How can such large-scale livestock operations leave no trace, even the Khitans? Intentional cleaning, as long as we are sharp, we can always catch clues. "

Nougat gave a glance at it obliquely. I didn't want to tell the other side about these military affairs, but when I remembered the command of the commander before leaving, I could only endure patience and say a few words coldly.

"You can't find the army, you can't find the animal dung? As long as we find them, we can infer where the Khitan army is, how many people, and even their direction of activity."

Speaking of which, Niu Xiao suddenly smiled, "You scholars will not understand these things.

"Do you know how the feces of sheep are different from the feces of cows? Do you know how to judge the number of the other army through the marks of wild grass being damaged? Tell you, on the grassland, as long as you are careful, you have a little luck, everything Nowhere! "

Zhang Zai did not expect that the name in front of him was vulgar and stupid, and the soldiers who were sweating all over the body had such knowledge. In surprise, he opened his mouth and said, "The cow dung is a pool, the sheep dung is an egg- child......"

There was nothing wrong with this sentence, but when thinking of the name of the cow egg, Zhang Zai closed his mouth immediately, and looked at the cow egg with complicated, weird and apologetic eyes.

Originally, there was no problem even if Zhang Zai shut up, but when he looked at the bull's egg, he let the bull's eye sink, and felt that this stupid scholar was ridiculing himself with yin and yang, and wanted to have an attack.

But for the unity of the team, he just snorted heavily and stopped talking.

In fact, Zhang Zaiben wanted to ask how to judge the quantity of the army by the traces of the broken grass being trampled, and it can distinguish the difference between sheep dung and cow dung, which is very rare for his five-body diligent student— —This kind of thing is very common, but I will be impressed every time I see it once—but I do n’t have to worry about seeing a cow egg, and I also know that my verbal response has problems before I stop talking.

According to Zhang Zai's character, whoever is faced with a slightly learned scholar, at this time will never hesitate, and must apologize.

However, the bull's egg in front of him looks so vulgar. When the other party took off his pockets, Zhang Zai saw crawling lice in the hair of the other's hen's nest, and under the coldness of his heart, he just raised a bit of high-mindedness, and replaced it with a strong scorn.

That thought of apologizing disappeared.

"Brother Zhang, I heard that in the dynasty, there were many master monks, and Tsing Yi Yemen was all-pervasive. Let's go out to check the enemy's movements. Will there be strong ones to respond?"

Next to Zhang Zai, a fellow student with a narrow eyebrow asked him.

Zhang Zai looked around and saw that no one paid attention to them. He shook his head and said solemnly: "You look at yourself too high. Although there are many monks in the dynasty, there are also many monks in Khitan. During the war, no one was fighting in their own position kill?

"Not to mention the Yuguan battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides have gathered, and even Luzhou in the west is now in full swing. We are just a few scholars, and we are not important people. Who cares for us elegantly? Are you still in Huainan and we are guests of the Throne of Wu? "

Disciple Liu Dahe said, "Don't we all risk our lives?"

Zhang Zai Sunran said, "Bianguan can fight to death, why can't you and me? I don't like crude men like cow eggs, but I have to accept

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