The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 6 Chapter 73: Opponents (2)

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The next day, Zhao Nianci, who was determined to win in Bishan County, ordered his Majesty to leave the nest and prepare for the battle in front of the camp. But Wu Jun did not leave the city as he did yesterday, and put on a posture of guarding against death.

In order to provoke Wu Jun to fight, Zhao Nianci sent people to the city to scold.

For half a day, the generals in the river scolded and spoke insultingly.

However, the other party remained unmoved.

After noon, Zhao Nianci dispatched civilians to negotiate under the city, using the words of persuasion to count Sun Ru and Gao Xun. General Wu Jun was furious, and he petitioned Sun Ru.

Sun Ru does not fight.

On the third day, Zhao Nianci ordered the lieutenant generals to lurk in the camp, sent more than a thousand old and weak to the front of the city to disarm and provoke, and finally piled up a bonfire in front of the city to grill meat and drink and laugh.

This move made the head of the city Wu Jun's school stunned, one after the other with bare chests, he continued to contend with Sun Ru.

Sun Ru does not fight.

Not only that, he also tied the two noisiest generals and beat them in public.

Before dusk, Sun Ru mocked Zhao Nianci at the city head: "It is said that the soldiers have more war generals, and there is no disadvantage in the vertical and horizontal battlefields. Zhao Nianci is a warrior of the military. No return! "

Zhao Nianci could not help but be furious.

She told the generals: "Our army is like a dog slaughter when it breaks through the Shu army, and its 500,000 troops will die in the daytime. Now our army gathers more than 20 towns and soldiers, and it has two kings to be handsome. Attacking Wu Jun, this is a military force not in a century of the dynasty, how can you stand still in the mountains?

Then the army siege on three sides the next day.

Under the strict order of Zhao Nianci, more than 20 soldiers and disciples led the ranks of their own soldiers, and the battlefields reflected the Sheshan County as a pearl.

Under the leadership of Sun Ru, General Wu Jun resisted deadly and the fighting was extremely fierce.

By sunset, the corpses were under the city, and the ladders in front of some city walls were nowhere to be placed. A number of soldiers led the troops to attack the city, once occupying a large area, but eventually failed to establish a firm foothold.

Not only that, Sun Ru personally led the elite monks and focused on killing soldiers and disciples, which led to the three war fighters falling into the city.

Wu Jun also suffered heavy losses. Under the circumstances of defending the city defense, the number of casualties even chased out of the city battle.

At night, Zhao Nianci lit a huge bonfire in the camp, sorrowful and enthusiastically sacrificed three war fighters, and allied with the blood. "Wu Jun is weak. Today ’s battle, our army is the siege side, the casualties are still Higher than the number of enemies! So Wu Jun, even if the beasts are still fighting, how long can they be mad? "

"I hate that Sun Ru is sinister and vicious. He even concentrated on the monks to kill our soldiers. This revenge is not swearing by others! Tonight, wait for the rest to rest, because this will be the last time you sleep before you win. From tomorrow, all the soldiers will go round Instead, do n’t break down the city! ”

The soldiers were so emotional that they shouted: "Do not break the city, do not withdraw troops!"

On the fourth night of the night, Zhao Nianci was meditating, and suddenly heard a noise coming from the direction of Laoshan County.

Before she sent someone to check, a monk hurried to report the military situation.

"General, Wu Jun fled the city!"

"What? What happened?"

"It's true! Wu Jun is fleeing eastward in several shares!"

"Miscellaneous! Kill me three war generals, and still want to run ?!

Zhao Nianci did not expect Wu Jun to run.

At the time of the siege, the siege of the large army was indeed a gap for escape. But this is just the conventional means to prevent Wu Jun's death battle to the end. With the firm will shown by Wu Jun in the past two days, they will just run away like this?

In fact, in Zhao Nianci's original plan, starting from the siege of tomorrow, she would be surrounded on all sides, not giving Wu Jun a chance to escape. Because she had determined that, depending on the number and strength of her soldiers, even if Wu Jun died in battle, there was only one way to go.

She must kill Wu Jun to resolve her hatred.

Soon, the lieutenant generals ran out of the line, and the generals also reached the big account.

Zhao Nianci Han said to the generals, "The enemy of Laoshan is the elite of the thieves. You must not let them run like this. Otherwise, 700,000 thieves will gather in the future and Xuzhou City will be difficult to attack. This will be the first time that the army will lead a separate expedition. Sheshan lost three soldiers and warlords, and he was never allowed to have only one county town! Now that the war was only a few days, Wu Jun fled by night and night. He must know that he is not our adversary. We can see that they are distracted. Opportunity! The order will be: Pursue Wu Jun, kill them all! "

"Final command!"

As the generals were about to release their accounts, Zhao Nianci suddenly stopped them.

She thought for a while, "Although Wu Jun's morale is low, Sun Ru is insidious and cunning, but he should not be underestimated. Be prepared for him to set ambush on the road!"

When she first came to Laoshan, she did not take Sun Ru into her eyes, but after several fights, her attitude towards this opponent changed greatly. This is her cleverness.

She snorted again and again: "The thief clings to the strong city, let alone my opponents, it ’s even more terrible in the wild. When we are chasing each other equally, when we encounter the disadvantages of the terrain, we must let the monks investigate first, but But the speed cannot be slowed down, and the thief army escapes! "

The admirals admired Zhao Nianci's wiseness, and all fisted: "Yes!"

Immediately, Zhao Nianci thought that his sight was unknown at night. In order to prevent Sun Ru from having any unexpected calculations, such as letting the partial division attract the army to chase the long distance, and she led the main force to kill the carbine raid camp, she should respond.

Taking this into consideration, Zhao Nianci did not participate in the pursuit, while retaining 50,000 soldiers to stay in the camp, and guarded against accidents.

Then there was nothing in the middle of the night.

After the dawn of the next day, big and small news reports were sent back one after another.

At dusk, the basic situation is clear.

All the soldiers and horses chased out, and all were seized, killing hundreds to thousands of thousands, and not being ambushed all the way.

However, after summarizing all the battle reports, Zhao Nianci not only did not feel happy, but looked irritated and angry.

First of all, all soldiers and horses did not catch up with Wu Jun's main force. Although they each had their own gains, they did not add up to more than 10,000.

Secondly, Sun Ru did not set aside halfway, Wu Jun discarded a lot of armor along the way, it was a runaway look.

Third, because Sun Ru did not have a conspiracy plan, Zhao Nianci's behavior of staying in the big camp and strictly guarding against death became a joke. This not only dispersed the pursuit force, but also caused the soldiers and horses in the various pursuits to meet Wu Jun and be busy slashing and closing the first level. This greedy military act was not stopped in time by her presence, thereby delaying the pursuit of Wu Jun's main force Process, leading Wu Jun's main force to basically run away.

Zhao Nianci remade the summary report on the crime table, gritted his teeth and said, "Sun Ru, you jerk! I thought you really had some talents. It turned out to be just a few tricks of the worms, which could kill me several warlords! To escape for myself, it was almost close The generals are far behind and let our army hack and kill at will, you ... it's just a waste! "

She suddenly stood up: "It is not necessary to return to the camp, and to march to Xiaoxian after gathering. Ben will lead the camp and then rush!"


Xuzhou, Xiao County.

A large number of Wu Jun were entering the city quickly. The dusty troops on the official road could not see the end. Many of the soldiers' faces were ashamed and looked rather embarrassed.

Sun Ru stood beside the road, watching the team marching with a determined look.

The vice general was anxious. As Sun Ru's confidant, he hesitated to say: "General, Laoshan World War I, our army abandoned the city without authorization, and the soldiers lost nearly 10% on the road. Twice as much ... "

Before he finished speaking, Sun Ru waved and interrupted, "What on earth do you want to say?"

The vice-president stubbornly said: "General, when retreating from Laoshan, we can set ambush along the way and give the thieves a heavy blow ... Some generals even think that we do not have to retreat, in the name of retreat, we take a roundabout attack In fact, it may still work wonders. "

Sun Ru smiled, "Wrecked? Miraculous effect? ​​You look down upon Zhao Nianci as a woman. When she sieges, she can kill thousands of our soldiers in one day, but her number of casualties is not large. Is this just Because she is going to fight a lot? Her ability to line up and find weak points is horrible, and she is not attentive! "

After a pause, he added: "Our strength is low, and our strength is not superior. Whether it is an ambush or a roundabout attack, it is okay. Once we lose, it is a complete disaster! We are divided into several paths to retreat. It was not easy to return to Xiao County with the same number of suspected soldiers scattered along the way.

The lieutenant thought for a while, as if it was such a truth, he stopped talking.

"Say whatever you want."

"Yes ..." The vice general supported me. "But general, you said that you would destroy the thief army, but now it is our loss and retreat. This ..."

Sun Ru was not in a hurry and said, "Why are you in a hurry? Now in Xiao County, everything has the conditions to start."

Speaking of this, his eyes were gloomy and sharpened, "I would have paid so many soldiers' lives and lost so many pawns, but he wasn't an enemy!"

Not an enemy, but naturally an inducer. This principle is still clear to the deputy, he said: "Our army has paid such a large price but has not yet achieved any substantial gains. It is inevitable to invite people to criticize it. If King Wu's side is dissatisfied, I am afraid the general's situation is ... . "

He didn't say it explicitly, but the meaning was simple.

Sun Ruwang's direction towards Laoshan on the west side is not heavy but stable: "The more you pay, the more you can get. When King Wu gets more than 200,000 thieves, he will not be dissatisfied."



Li Yan sat opposite Li Maozhen, and there was only one person beside each other. Cui Keli and Zhao Bingkun.

The first to speak was Cui Keli, who told Li Maozhen: "Since the coalition forces have gathered in Song Yi and Yi Yi, the action plan of King An's soldiers and horses has been revoked. All Qi Wang's troops are now dispatched. This doesn't seem right? "

Li Maozhen shook the fan lightly, and his eyes were slightly curved with a smile: "What's wrong? The king's ministry charged ahead, fighting for the coalition forces, fighting in the blood, and restoring An Wang's soldiers and horses. Is it wrong?"

Cui Keli said, "No secret words are spoken in front of the Ming people. King Su Wenqi has a loose temperament. How can he even talk to the woman now when he speaks?"

Li Maozhen immediately frowned.

Li Yan coughed and laughed and rounded the field with a smile: "Ki Qi's Ministry is willing to fight ahead. Of course, the King of Solitude can't stop it, but His Majesty the King of Solitude also has a heart for building the country.

The reason why Cui Keli argued with Li Maozhen was simple.

Regardless of Li Yan or Li Maozhen, the prefectures and counties hit by his soldiers and horses naturally captured it, and it will become his sphere of influence after the war.

Until the war, Li Jun and Li Maozhen's soldiers and horses have in fact been fighting for the site by taking advantage of the choice of stationing.

Until now, this problem has become increasingly contradictory, and the following generals have already been in friction.

For Li Maozhen, "the false security king" naturally obeyed his life, but the old part of Li Zhi believed that the "false security king" was the true security king, so even if the "false security king" was unwilling to fight, they would not Dry watching. And if the "False King" has not disputed, it does not fit his identity.

After the war situation changed, the original marching strategy must be changed accordingly, and Li Maozhen took the opportunity to let his soldiers and horses lead.

Zhao Nianci's use of troops in the direction of Laoshan was the product of this situation.

Not only that, Shangguan Qingcheng originally intended to attack Wuning Suzhou, but was also ordered to rest in Shexian County, and her task was replaced by Li Maozhen's confidant Liu Zhijun.

After listening to Li Yan's words, Li Maozhen groaned.

He secretly pondered: "Although 'An' Wang 'fully listened to my orders, but after this battle, he could not directly transfer authority and soldiers to me, which was too weird and sudden, and difficult to convince. The only feasible strategy In this battle, let him provide convenience for my ministry to occupy as much territory as possible. Later, I will grasp the overall situation of the world, and then gradually change through the change of official position, with the cooperation of 'An Wang' Li Yan's old part, annexed his power. "

With this in mind, Li Maozhen smiled uncompromisingly: "The march strategy was agreed between King Wang and King An, and there is no reason to change it. In fact, this is to keep your ministry intact, after all, there will be a lot of war in the future, which you need to rely on Your Ministry ... this is what King An said. "

Cui Keli immediately set his sights on Li Yan, full of doubt, puzzlement, and scrutiny.

Laoyu, your eyes are really expressive, and your acting skills are good ... Li Yan held back a smile, coughed again, and pretended to say: "This is indeed the meaning of the lone king ... Well, King Qi thinks, When is the time for our officers to go to the front to replace your troops? "

The old **** Li Maozhen was there, revealing the look that Zhizhu was holding. "If the attack of the king's soldiers and horses is frustrated, then An Wang's ministry will be in battle."

He added to his heart: "Why isn't the king able to clean up?"

Li Yan glanced at Cui Keli, revealing his gaze for advice.

Boy ... Your Highness, you still pretend to be like that, very detailed ... Cui Keli made a contemplative appearance, nodded solemnly after a while, "This is also reasonable ... .... also hope King Qi does not break his word. "

He thought to himself: "Gao Ye is a promising general in his own right, and assisted by Confucianism, is it so easy to deal with?"

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