The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 31: Wishfulness

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The territory of the monster clan is very large. I don't know its tens of millions of miles. Even if Li Zhi has a land wonderland, it is not easy to go around.

It is not easy to open up such a world. Legend has it that the ancestor of Xun Peng and the twelve demon kings did it. They are all capable emperors of Emperor Donghuang Taizeng. Now their bones are nowhere to be found.

The map in Li's hand shows that under his feet is the site of the Monkey King. I heard that Monkey King is a monkey that is detestable, and it must report ugly and flawed. Li Yan didn't care about this. The other side was strong, and he didn't deal with Qi Tianda Sheng, Li Li didn't care.

But now he is very resentful to this monkey. His mother, Mi Monkey King's site is not allowed to fly freely. Simply put, forbidden air.

From the earth to the demon clan territory, Li Xun walked a long distance, but did not go long, he did not intend to talk with Mi Monkey King, it was not unbearable. When he was on his way, Qi Tiandasheng said to him, first go to the Demon King or the Peng Demon.

But how to find and which way to go, Qi Tian Dasheng did not say. When Li Yan asked, Qi Tianda Sheng said that the road was at his feet, just go forward. Li Yan thought that Qi Tianda Sheng's words were no different from farting, but he couldn't talk directly to Qi Tianda Sheng because he couldn't beat him.

In fact, Li Huan didn't need others to teach him how to go. He came to the demon tribe for one thing, so that the demon tribe contributed monks and magical instruments, so that he could form an army that could compete with the Xianting Taoists. This is not easy, at least not easier than the opening of this world by Master Xun Peng.

Li Yan didn't care. He has a way. This method is very simple. Wherever he goes, if he doesn't accept it, he will fight until he is convinced.

He is the king of Datang, and he will also be the king of the army of demons. He did not come to ask for demons, and the army of troops would not be willing to obey orders.

He can't beat Mi Monkey King, it doesn't matter, just hit it. He can't beat Lion Camel, it's okay, he just needs to fight. Where to call it. Because it is impossible for him to yield, it is impossible in this life.

Li Huan knew very well what the demon kings of the demon king wanted, and the other party would not let him die. As for the ox demon king, they have any disputes with the monkey king and lion camel king, and he has no intention of thinking hard.

Millions of people in the north of the Tang Dynasty, east of the Yellow River, are now his people, and the gathering of luck has never stopped for a day. Li Xun's practice is not to mention a thousand miles a day, but climbing has not stopped, it is sooner or later to promote heaven wonderland, he does not counsel.

At this moment Li Yan squatted beside Wu You, watching her footprints on the stone surface show the gods.

That footprint was a foot deeper and looked very shocking. But Li Yan was shocked now, not because of this footprint, but because of the aura fluctuations emanating from the footprint.

In Wu Younahan's eyes, he took out Lu Gujian and started digging in the stone.

Yoda was squatting beside the pit and wondered, "What treasure is Brother Li digging?"

Li Yan didn't answer, it was a long time before he dug up a fist-sized amber spirit stone.

When the spirit stone appeared in the air, the light was like the sun, and Li Yan almost couldn't open his eyes.

Wu You asked with a curious head, "What is this?"

Li Huan didn't know what it was, he turned back to ask Yu Dahua: "What is this?"

Yodaka has jumped down, took a moment to feel the spirit stone, and looked at Li Yan in shock: "This is a unique spiritual stone! It is a very rare material to make a unique magic weapon! In this one, the value is beyond measure, the whole There will be no more precious stone stocks in Peng Moshan than this! "

He took a deep breath and calmed down his mind, "It's also that the spirit stone is too small. If it is a vein of spirit stone, I'm afraid it has been discovered by the demons early. This spirit stone also has a big fist, but I don't know anything The time to drop here is likely to be the era when Master Peng Peng and the Twelve Demon Kings opened up this world. After all, they are high, and there are more such spirit stones in their hands. "

In the end, Yoda's look at Li's eyes has become extremely complicated: "Brother Li, what is your luck? When you first arrive in the demon territory, you can pick up such a treasure by the side of the road?"

Li Yan smiled at Wu You and said, "This is the luck of the county master."

Pursuing a fox demon can chase a unique spiritual stone, Wu You really has no luck.

The point is that if she doesn't have a good grasp of her body now, she can't balance if she is too strong, and she won't be able to jump out of a big pit on the ground. When Li Min helped her pull her calf off the stone surface, she couldn't find the spirit stone buried under the stone surface.

"It's not my luck, it's my own will!" Wu You waved his little fist, his eyes turned into a crescent moon with a smile.

Yoda froze, "What is it?"

Wu You should reasonably say, "Everyone else says that there is a will in heaven, but I think my elder brother is heaven, so I call it in heaven!"

Yoda opened her mouth and looked at Li Yan again: "Is it so good?"

Li Yan smiled: "It is the county master's excellence."

Wu Youdu affirmed: "It's Brother Yun's outstanding!"

"No, the county master is excellent"!

Yoda's face turned black. What's the matter with this, do you still humble yourself?

Li Min asked: "This spirit stone can be a magic weapon?" Since it is a spirit stone, it should naturally have this effect.

Yodah shook his head: "It's still too few to create a new magic weapon ... In fact, the best magic weapon is the highest grade of acquired magic weapon, and the entire demon tribe is also very few. There are not a lot of mountains in total ... but it can transform the low-quality magic weapon and increase its power. "

Yodah said the head was Tao, as if he knew it well. This is also normal. After all, he is a demon of the demon tribe. Although young and not high in cultivation, he is a demon in the traditional cultivation of immortals, unlike the mortal world strictly controlled by Xianting.

Although Lu Gujian can master the world's magical instruments in the world, he said that breaking the sky is also the grade of the lower grade magical instruments. Otherwise, Li Zhi will not take the gourd's gourds at all. Last night, even the door could not be opened, it still left a lot of shadows in Li's heart.

Lu Gujian has always been his weapon. In the past campaigns, Zeng Jin brought a lot of convenience to him. This suddenly turned into a shortcoming, which had too much influence on the combat power, and he was not used to it.

Li Min took out Lu Gujian and asked Yoda to yell, "Can you see how my long sword can improve with this spirit stone?"

Yodak is also familiar with Li's sword. After all, he always sees each other and knows that it is a Tianzi sword. He groaned, "If you want to talk about ordinary middle- and low-grade instruments, I can help Li Xiong Lian. But although Brother Li ’s sword is not high-grade, it is still not mortal in nature. I have to go back to Peng Moshan and let his father's power come forward. "

Li Ye was a little disappointed. There is still a distance to go to Peng Moshan, which is not a day or two. The key is to say whether you can go out smoothly on the site of Mi Monkey King.

It was only before Li Li thought that if he had luck, he would get a unique spirit stone. How can he improve the power of Lu Gujian. If you have any trouble later, at least you will not lose out on the magic weapon competition, otherwise he will not be able to exert this combat power, but it will be aggrieved.

I ca n’t use this stone right now, and its effect has dropped a lot, Li Li feels a bit sorry.

At this moment, the dragon spirit in his body suddenly became active, swam for two laps, and swiftly walked along the path of Li Zhe's meridian, and finally broke into Lu Gujian.

Long before Li Yan reacted, Long Qi opened his mouth against Lingshi. The light flickered on the spirit stone, flying out of the amber-like aura shaped like a snake, and entering Lu Gujian, lighting the ancient runes of the sword body all the way.

As Qing Mang emerged, the sword body trembled violently, and almost came out of his hands.

This process did not last long, the sword body quickly returned to peace, and Dragon Qi swam back to Qi Hai, floating as usual.

Lu Gujian, as if polished, became brighter, and even heavier, and the seemingly ordinary runes had some kind of captivating power.

In Li Zhi's perception, Lu Gujian became more powerful, as if giving birth to an indomitable will.

The unbelievable spirit stone in Li Zhi's hands is already dim and looks no different from ordinary stones.

This scene left Yoda-chan confused, completely unaware of the situation, but after Lu Gujian's momentum rose, he felt a sense of sharpness and perseverance, and there was no trace of aura fluctuation in the spirit stone. Be clear.

Yoda Suona said: "Brother Li, how did you learn the refiner? And I have never seen this method. It is inscrutable. Let the refiner be completed in an instant. How did you do that?"

Li Yan groaned for a moment, "Maybe he has his own deliberate intentions?"

Wu You's face was full of worship, and the idiot shouted, "Brother Ye is really amazing!"

Yoda: "Hehe."

In fact, Li Zheng was also a little confused. He had never encountered such a thing before, and he didn't know that Long Qi had such a role.

However, if you think about it, it may be that the level of the magical tools and spirits in the world is too low to enhance Lu Gujian, so the Dragon Qi function has no chance to play. Now I have encountered the unique spirit stone. It is not surprising that Longqi and Lu Gujian have the same characteristics.

But nowhere, Long Qi directly absorbed the aura in the spirit stone, and improved the quality of Lu Gujian, which surprised Li Zhi.

If Lu Gujian was only an inferior product, then it is now infinitely close to Zhongpin.

Li Xun wondered, maybe in the future, he must find a way to get some spiritual stones and magic weapons, so that Long Qi can improve Lu Gujian as much as possible?

With this in mind, his eyes looking forward became firm, and he became increasingly fiery. He seemed to see the spirit stones piled up into the mountains, countless magic weapons.

"There is a small city not far away in front of us. Let's check it out." Li Yan smiled.

Said it was not far away, in fact, the distance was not close, but Li Zhi was now a little eager. They hurried all day long, and came to a river valley plain at dusk, only to see a city here.

This monster city is indeed not small in size. On the perimeter of the city wall, it is not allowed to be in the state city of Datang. But to say that the thickness and height of the city walls are not comparable to ordinary cities, the towering city walls give people a great sense of oppression. If there are guards on the wall, even real life can't be easily attacked.

Compared with the world, the monk monk's strength is undoubtedly much stronger. After all, each of her Majesty King has 100,000 monks, and almost all monks are monks, so there are many monks in the fairyland.

However, there are many monks in fairyland. In fact, relative to the world, most of the demon clan still have the strength below fairyland, so the defense effect of this wall is not small.

On the hill in front of the river valley, Li Yan looked at this monster city called Panfeng City from afar, feeling deep in his heart.

Unlike his imagination, Panfeng City is not an isolated city. Because of the vast area of ​​the river valley and plains, there are many villages around the city, and the villages are scattered in a good field where the end is not visible.

Because of entering the summer, the crops in Liangtian are growing well, a green ocean. Whenever the gusts pass, the green sea waves rise and fall, looking refreshing.

Different from the world, Liang Tianzhong's demon bent over to work is not rare, but it is flying in the air and breaking up, and he is spreading fertilizer in the fields.

In a piece of farmland, a few strong old cows are plowing the ground faster than galloping horses. When the field was finished, the old cows turned into human figures and walked out of the field to rest.

There is also a large area of ​​wheat fields, where a demon is reading a spell to cast spells, and the clouds are raining. From time to time, the small sky is covered by heavy clouds, and the heavy rain falls.

And not far from Li Yan, there are monks in the mountains to mine. Spirit stones were transported out of the mines in batches. After loading, they were dragged on the road by monsters. They were smooth and fast, and rushed to Panfeng City under the protection of monks in the air.

In front of the city gate of Panfeng City, businessmen were pulling in a long line of goods, and they were entering and leaving the city.

This wonderful scene made Li Xun bewildered.

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