The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 114: He wants to fight back?

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However, Wang Jian is not an easy one. He is a bit more powerful than the seven-level master of Qi training, and he is training in the army-gongfa, most fierce and overbearing, so it ’s only a moment that he is stiff. He broke through the restraint and had the power to act.

Wang Jian was happy.

But the joy had not yet spread, and Li Zhi had already punched him in the face!

The short period of time when Wang Jian was comfortable with the word "Pro" was enough for Li Xun to shoot.

"Ziqi Juyunquan!"

The power of "Ziqi Donglai" has increased with the improvement of Li Zhixiu's realm. This fist condenses all of Li Zhi's strength and does not have any reservations. Although simple and straightforward, what is the power? Rong Xiaoying!

With a punch in Wang Jian's face, Li Yan clearly saw that the other person's round and fat face was rippling like water waves. This is not a half face, but almost the entire face, which is distorted. Covered with meat, no eyes or nose can be seen.

"This King An ... is so strong ?!"

In the boxing, Wang Jian was shocked.

His mind flashed, his eyes were dark, and a hill-like body fell from mid-air and hit a private house, crashing the entire wall of the private house directly, exclaiming in the smoke and dust, and I wonder who's dream was disturbed .

Li Yan marched into the smoke and found Wang Jian. He lifted his collar, drank aloud, lowered his waist, turned his waist, and threw him out of the private house. Wang Jian's huge body passed from Li Yan. Flying overhead, like a cloud of black clouds, crashed into a large pit on the ground, shaking the buildings rustling into the dust.

While he was dying for his life, Li Xie bullied himself, riding on Wang Jian, punching punch after punch, blasting towards Wang Jian's face, and banging for a while.

Wang Jian's eyes were bewildered, and only Li Zhi wrote a note of "Ziqi Juyunquan", but in the middle of his cheek, his consciousness had been blurred for a short time.

In the panic, Wang Jian waved the bronze double cymbals and was about to smash Li Ji from him, but Li Ji has invaded his middle door, blocking his arms from the inside, and defusing his offensive. That's easy, just like that, Does not affect his continued bombardment of Wang Jian's face.

Wang Jian's teeth were flying and his nose was swollen. He twisted his body intentionally and arched Li Li down. This may be feasible for ordinary people, but his waist is round. It is too difficult to do this. There is no way, he can only Abandoned the double puppet, and clasped his head with both hands.


The wind that was controlled by the word "Zhe" was smashed. Li Maozhen swept across from the river. He was like a finch. He was abnormally healthy. The peach blossom fan fluttered. People didn't arrive. A tiny tornado had arrived in front of Li Yan. The willows affected by the tornado were suddenly shaved, and the branches were all broken, leaving only a bare trunk.

Li Yan pulled back, relying on the speed of his boots and avoiding the storm, Wang Jian was not so lucky. His body of more than 300 kilograms was directly rolled up by the wind and was pumped to the wall.

"Song ... You even beat me ?!" Wang Jian wiped the blood on his face, shook his head vigorously, his swollen eyes blurred, and he yelled at Li Maozhen.

"I'm trying to save you." Li Maozhen swaggered, Peach Blossom Fan waved non-stop, one small but sharp tornado, kept on attacking Li Yan.

Li Yan flickered from left to right, and those tornadoes that did not hit him exploded on the wall behind him, bursting into bursts.

However, Li Xun was physically fit and relied on the boots of the cloud, which was not bad at all. In the gap of the tornado, the swimming fish ran forward, but he gradually closed the distance with Li Maozhen!

"Hateful!" Seeing that Li Yong was about to enter a dangerous distance, Li Maozhen's teeth clenched, and his heart was resentful, but he couldn't help but feel a little frightened. This young An Wang, who has only achieved training this year, was stronger than he expected. Instead of losing defeat under the siege of him and Wang Jian, they forced them to survive, which Li Maozhen could not have expected in advance.

"Wang, what are you still doing there, but can't help you! Can you be beaten stupid ?!" Li Maozhen saw Li Yan approaching step by step, couldn't help but yell at Wang Jian, with a look of anxiety in his eyebrows He is struggling now.

"Shut up! Here it comes!" Wang Jian was indeed suffocated by Li Ying. If it wasn't for Li Maozhen's response, he would have been knocked to the ground by Li Yan. At this moment, he could hardly breathe, immediately picked up his double cymbals and stepped on Rushing forward with banging steps.

Li Maozhen stared at Li Yan, waving a peach fan, and kept pulling away to avoid being approached by Li Yan.

He saw that the quality of the boots under Li Xun's feet was extraordinary, but that was not the fundamental reason for Li Xun's ease. At most, it was the icing on the cake. Li Xun's stature was very outstanding. They are very precise, that's why he always has the upper hand.

Thinking of this, Li Maozhen suddenly moved her heart, screaming badly, and quickly shouted to Wang Jian: "Stop!"

But late, Li Maozhen saw in horror that Li Wei's mouth twitched a strange smile, and suddenly evacuated from the place. He had rushed to his offensive situation, and suddenly changed, and the cannonball bombarded Wang Jian who was not injured. !!

Seeing Li Zhi doing so, a sudden chill rose behind Li Maozhen.

He also just thought about it. Since Li Zhi's control and judgment of the battle situation is so precise, it should already be seen that he is good at long-range attacks, so he is physically fit and cannot be easily approached.

So in order to gain absolute advantage, Li Yan's most important choice is to knock down Wang Jian, who has been badly wounded, first. In this way, they can break the combined attack of the two and turn their attention to deal with him Li Maozhen!

"Hey ... hey want to break one by one? He wants to knock us down ?!"

After Li Maozhen realized this, his breathing was disturbed by a beat. Acting today, they were the assassinating side. Li Zhi was assassinated alone. As long as he escaped, he succeeded, but he had no intention of escaping, and he wanted to fight back!

Li Maozhen remembered that from the beginning, Li Yan seemed to be chased by Wang Jian, but in fact he was not in danger at all, that is to say, from then on, Li Yan was able to run, but he just did not run. !!

From the very beginning, Li Yan decided to fight back against them!

"Abominable! This guy is so magnificent! It's too arrogant!" Li Maozhen became angry and anger, but his anger, as soon as he rose, extinguished, because Li Zhi's combat power proved that he really has the ability!

This made Li Maozhen feel powerless for a while!

"This guy, the cultivation is really only five layers of qi training?" Li Maozhen was shocked, and produced a most fundamental doubt. "Why can't I feel it at all? His cultivation power, his attack method, basically Don't lose the seventh-level monk! "

Li Mao had already arrived in front of Wang Jian. Li Maozhen felt the danger of mission failure. He gritted his teeth fiercely and left-handedly. The short knife that had previously been shot down flew out again and pierced Li Li straight!

Wang Jian was running, and suddenly saw Li Yan turning his head and rushing, he couldn't help looking at his eyes, quickly stopped the pace of running forward, drank aloud, and defensively!

Although he has seven layers of Qi training, although he knows that Li Zhi only has five layers of Qi training, but after a fight, he has been beaten by Li Zhi himself, his face is swollen like a pig's head, and he has no sense of superiority, only strong. Alertness and fear!

Wang Jian was ready for the heavy blow, but when he saw Li Ji taking out Lu Jijian, he couldn't help but raise a brow. When he saw Li Ji holding Lu Jijian, his face had a faint but confident smile. The strong sense of crisis wrapped Wang Jian's body again. He keenly felt that Li Yan was about to use his killing tricks!

The situation was critical, and Wang Jian no longer had any reservations. He quickly exhaled and hit his strongest blow, giving it a go.

I saw him leaping violently from the ground, and when he was in mid-air, the big twins lifted high, and the round body was like a meniscus at this moment. A wave of air condensed on the double cymbals, and a huge battle appeared suddenly like tearing the void!

With all his strength, he slammed down the double crickets, and bent his body backwards. With his slam, his four hands blasted forward, and the whole person became shrimp-like, but it was a powerful man. Shrimp, the war elephant that just appeared, ran up and went straight to Li Yan.

Wang Jian shouted: "Idols give me strength and break the sky for me!"

The war elephant snarled the eardrums, and gave birth to a circle of golden magpies. The war elephant was bigger than the building. At this moment, it is magnificent, majestic and extraordinary, like an idol! The momentum of its rush, indeed, has the power to break through the gates of heaven!

Li Maozhen's eyes brightened, her eyebrows beamed, and her voice couldn't help but be agitated: "The king's fat, the fat is not white and long, it really is resistant. After suffering such a serious injury, he can still use the idol technique!"

"The two of us have cooperated for so long. No one in the enemy's hands has been defeated by the power of this idol! Li Yan, I'll see how you can take the thunder strike!"

He said in his mouth, it depends on how Li Yan took the move. In fact, the meaning was obvious. He had already determined that Li Yan could not take Wang Jian's move at all! Because even if he is facing the power of idols, he can only hate the ending on the spot!

"Idol? Tianguan? Fool who!" Li Yan snorted softly.

At the same time, Lu Gujian in his hand was standing upright on his chest, his eyebrows were flush with the center of the sword body, his eyes were suddenly stunned, Lu Jujian was green like a moon, and the power of Qinglian in his body poured into the sword body. With the trick in his mouth, suddenly, with a solemn tone never before, he uttered a low drink: "Ziyun Mountain!"

A loud sword groaned, Lu Gujian flew from his hand to lift off, and the dark sky shrouded in an endless purple tide. After the clouds steamed, the purple clouds raged, rolled away, crackled, and lightning landed!

Lightning flashes and thunders, in the purple cloud tide, Lu Jujian is dazzling and green, instantly transformed into a mountain, the height of which is unknown, the walls stand thousands of thousands of meters, like black and not black, green and blue, surrounded by purple gas, imposing, In the tide of lightning, it seemed extremely terrifying!

"Fall!" Li Yan finished his tactics with his hands in front of him, and suddenly shouted, as follows:

Like Jianqi Shenglian, Ziyun Mountain is also the practice method of "East of Ziqi", but it is not the same when it comes to power!

Everything is long, but in a short time, the huge and terrifying Qinglian Mountain fell from mid-air with a thunderous potential and slammed into the gods!

The idol growled his head and wanted to fight against Tianwei.

With a bang, Ziyun Mountain fell on top of the idol and fell straight!

Like Wuzhishan's suppression of Qitian Dasheng.

The idols are scattered and instantly annihilated!

Wang Jianzheng spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the body like a hill is comparable to Ziyun Mountain. He is as small as an ant and was hit by a heavy blow in the middle of the air. He suddenly fell into the stream. In the pit, the sound of thunder, the water falls violently!

Wang Jian crawled out after a while.

Li Maozhen trembled like a pot of cold water, pouring down his head. He looked at the river, not thinking, as if he had forgotten to breathe, even the peach blossom fan stopped waving!

He never thought that Wang Jian would make such a powerful blow and he would be defeated!

And it ’s a monk who has been trained five times, in such a crushing way!

Suddenly, Li Maozhen issued a sharp roar, leaping down from the willow tree, pulling out a spiritual sword, doing all his body repairs, turning it into a streamer, stabbing at Li Zhi, without going ahead!

Li Yan threw his sword and made a strong blow, although he defeated Wang Jian, but Li Maozhen's flying knife was launched, he must not be able to cope!

Li Ye was hit hard with a single blow. It was the perfect time for Li Maozhen to advance and kill Li Ye!

"Go to death!"

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