The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 66: That power

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The ten-year contract was about to expire, and Li Zhi came to the Haihe Jianmen again. Under the leadership of Liu Zhiyan, he went to a secret base to see the training of the built warship.

"Over the years, thanks to the continuous supply of extraterritorial resources, Haihe Yamen has manufactured a total of 36,000 warcraft vessels. There are 12,000 ships in this base." Liu Zhiyan pointed at the tower on the training ground. The magical battleship said to Lee.

The magical battleship is currently doing formation exercises, with thousands of sails competing, ten thousand ships competing for the best, and the scene is spectacular. She continued: "After this stage of the training mission is completed, the magical battleship will enter the sky and perform the next exercise, at most In four months, they can enter the battlefield. "

Li Xuan saw the heads and tails, 36 thousand magical warships, controlled by nearly 400,000 monks, and the lowest repaired were the real world of Yangshen. Such a huge power was unthinkable 20 years ago.

"Your Majesty, General Ji sent someone two days ago to inquire about the progress of the craft warship. How many warships does Her Majesty plan to give her?" Liu Zhiyan asked tentatively.

The magical battleship is nominally manufactured by Haihe Jianmen, co-produced with the Azure fleet, which also provided the main resources. Now that the craft battleship has been manufactured, it is customary for the battleship to be delivered to Ji Ningyun. Just like the monks of the blue civilization today, they are all led by Li Zhi.

"It shouldn't be too stingy, just give her 4,000." Li Min thought for a while, the magic warship is stronger than the ordinary star warship, which has been tested in actual battle. Under normal circumstances, one enemy and four are nothing. problem.

Ten years later, the number of battleships in the Azure government fleet has increased significantly, from less than 50,000 ships after the Rocky Galaxy War to 200,000. If the time is not limited, this number will be even greater.

I haven't been idle in the abyss in recent years, and the number of lost warships has been added. There are still 30,000 more. Although it is still not half of the Azure government fleet, it is also a very powerful force.

Liu Zhiyan said a little embarrassingly: "When General Ji sent someone back, we set the number to be 5,000 ..." Speaking of this, she gave Li Yi a guilty conscience, and she was a little bit aggrieved.

She said that she had only built 5,000 magical warships. She had already thrown her conscience out of the clouds, but she did not expect that Li's cheek would be so thick that she would reduce the number by 20%.

Li Yan shrugged and said very roguely: "Then just build another 1,000 ships before the outbreak of the war. If you can't catch up, tell the other party that you can't catch up. In any case, the 32,000 warships need overall training. Force cannot be discounted. "

Naturally, Liu Zhiyan could not rebel against Li Zhi, and could only say sorry to Ji Ningyi in his heart. However, she was still a simple person, and immediately rushed to discuss with people to see if she could work overtime and build the 1,000 warships in time.

In addition to going to the Haihe Jianmen, Li Zhi also went to the southern foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Here, there are 20,000 monks who practice retreat day and night. Everyone almost never leaves Dongfu, even savages than savages. These are certainly not the monks of Datang, but the people to the abyss.

When Li Yan appeared in front of the foothills, he almost bumped into a face to face with Lu Linxuan, who was about to leave from here. Lu Linxuan changed his face first when he saw Li Zhi appeared, and even smiled as usual: "Are you playing around?"

The method of talking nonsense with his eyes open is naturally useless in front of Li Yan. He pointed to the foot of the mountain: "Are you sending people down or supplies down this time?"

Lu Linxuan gathered her silk hair, a look you saw through, and laughed: "I teach at the crescent moon

Some old ministries have good feelings and will send them some resources from time to time. "

Li Xun said indignantly: "Now, there are 28 saints in the blue civilization, and tens of thousands of Da Luojin Wonderland. The vigorous development of cultivation is already an irreversible trend. If you want to keep your own mountain in the dark abyss, Naturally, we must have our own monk forces, which is not surprising.

"I've known for a long time that the dark abyss is in the face wall base and the azure government. There is no shortage of eyeliners and sources. The only thing I didn't expect was that you would be secretly dealing with them. Although the 20,000 monks here seem to be A lot, but the realm is too low. If you continue to develop so secretly, I am afraid that you will not wait for the day when it works. "

Having said all this, Lu Linxuan knew that the matter had been completely exposed, and his face could not help but pale.

She asked herself how secretive her actions were, and never revealed any flaws, but Li Yan seemed to have known about it and did not know how to find out. Soon, her eyes were filled with anxiety, and she was worried that Li Yan would do something to these people or do something about it.

Li Xie waved her hand to signal that Lu Linxuan should not worry too much.

He said: "But just borrowing a piece of land, I am not too angry about it. Although the dark abyss is another hill, but we have also had the same robes with us, and now we must jointly deal with the second counterattack of the demon. . I won't dwell on anything about this, they can continue to practice here. "

Lu Linxuan was relieved and thanked Li Li seriously.

Li Ye was able to discover this, on the one hand, because the eyes of Emperor Dao were monitoring the Quartet; on the other hand, it was strange that so many years have passed, and Lu Yingzhu, who had said he wanted to leave, did not take the fleet to the Abyss and traveled. suspicion.

Although these monks are not strong at present and do not have the qualifications to participate in the current Star Wars, according to the observations of Li Yan over the years, the deep abyss has invested heavily in them. If not, the resources obtained by the Abyss in these years should not have created only 30,000 more warships.

The higher the weight of these monks, the more attention is paid to the dark abyss, and the more favorable it is to Li Zhi.

Since they built a base on their own site, it will not be so easy to leave in the future. Li Huan didn't need to extort money from the abyss to the abyss, but when he clashed with the blue government, these monks, That is, he asks to go to the dark abyss to help himself.

Li Gang just wanted to leave here with Lu Linxuan. Suddenly his heart moved and he looked up to the sky.

At this glance, he couldn't help shaking.

Not only was he like this, Lu Linxuan raised his head, but his expression was shocked and his eyes were shocked.

At the same time, they felt a majestic force that could not be measured by the existing monk level suddenly appeared in the extraterrestrial stars, and a mighty will in this force was paying attention to the planet Li Zhi!

Li Yan and Lu Linxuan got up together, out of the atmosphere, and flew towards the extraordinary power. On the way, the monks who sensed this powerful force flew out from all directions one after another, and finally converged behind Li Yan and others.

In front of them, the source of the mighty power is distant galaxies and starfields without anomalies.

This disturbed everyone.

Nearly thirty sages were dispatched together to jealous of this unknown and powerful force that could not understand, and suddenly destroyed the starry blue civilization. If that force develops an offensive tendency, they must stop halfway, and must not let it plunder the world of the blue civilization!

Because this power is so majestic, so

The monks in the sage realm all realized the first time. In front of it, the planet of the blue civilization was just a small sail in a giant wave, and it couldn't stand the destruction!

However, weird situations reappeared.

Just when the monks were dispatched together, before flying too far, this sudden force, which was as strong as the law of the universe, disappeared without warning in an instant!

Without the goal, Li Yan and others had to stop and look around one by one, a little dazed.

"What kind of power is that and why is it so powerful?"

"I have never seen it before, and there is no information on the Azure system ..."

"It's terrible! Could it be their power?"

"If it was their power, it would be bad!"

"No, if the demon, it would not suddenly withdraw, and we should attack us directly. Even if we are a joint force, I am afraid we can't resist it ..."

Li Ye and Zhou Bashan looked at each other, and they saw the confusion in each other's eyes. Obviously, everyone didn't know anything about this unknown force.

This power suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, leaving them unconfirmed for a moment. It was a sudden fluctuation of the natural force of the universe, or "artificial".

"That's not the power of the demon. However, the sentry of the demon army has arrived. The war is in front of you, everyone, go back and prepare." Li Yan glanced to the left and forward. Realm monk.

After listening to his order, the monks in the saints' realm were puzzled, but they had to be depressed for the time being. The immediate issue they needed to pay attention to was the upcoming battle with the demon. For the rest, they have no time to distract. As long as the power is not from the demon, they can be a little more at ease.

Only today I felt such a powerful power, and the monks of the Sages could not help but cast a faint shadow on them.

Prior to this, they always thought that their cultivation had reached the sage realm, not to mention the highest power of this universe, at least the top existence, and nothing could threaten them.

But in the face of this majestic force, they found themselves wrong.

When the crowd returned, Li Yan fell behind, and looked back at the source of strength deeply, his eyes flashed momentarily. Through everyone's reactions, he has determined that in the face of that power, that feeling is unique to him.

"I have walked for so many years, and I have walked so far ... Is the mystery finally going to be solved?" For a time, Li Zhi's heart was mixed with mixed feelings and mixed feelings. He pressed the dragon's agitation in his body and looked as usual Discuss the next battle with Zhou Bashan and others.

At the same time, Sun Wuji and other heavenly demon sages also flew up from the heavenly demon's planet, flew towards that power, and stopped in the same way.

"Head, that power ..."

Suspicious Chen Xuanzhi just opened his mouth and was interrupted by Sun Wuji raising his hands. The latter looked dignified and closed his eyes for a while and thought slowly, "Leave it alone."

Sun Wuji is no stranger to the characteristics of this power. He searched and waited for thousands of years, just for seeing this power, he has never been able to do so, but never thought he would feel it again today.

However, Sun Wuji also felt weird. When the astral storm occurred thousands of years ago, as long as he clearly felt it, the "artificial" force hidden under the storm. But now, it is felt by all saints.

What this difference means is that Sun Wuji thinks he doesn't understand it, but just vaguely thinks it matters.

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