The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 66: Unexpected fog

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the earth man is too fierce!

In the last three days, Meng Chao slightly strengthened the existing skills and exchanged a "primary treatment". After healed all the injuries, he did not light up the new skills.

The current contribution value is 7523.

An unprecedented sum of money.

He thought about it, he shouldn't spend a slack every time he gets the contribution value, he has money in his hand, and he doesn't panic.

It was on this day that Dragon City encountered another fog, the largest and most unexpected in ten years.

Near the college entrance examination, all candidates live on campus.

At twelve midnight, Meng Chao woke up inexplicably, feeling that the air was stagnation, and the thin screams were rushing like a dark tide.

Immediately afterwards, a harsh alarm resounded throughout the city, overturning the students from the bed.

"What's going on, haven't you heard the meteorological bureau say a monster is attacking the city tonight?"

"This is a super alarm, a lot of space is torn in the city, and the worst has happened!"

"Isn't it saying that the space has gradually stabilized, and the monsters will only attack from the outer periphery of the city, and rarely pass through the gaps in the space and appear directly in the urban area?

"who knows!"

Everyone wears clothes with all their hands.

They are still adjusting their boots, Meng Chao has rushed out.

In the corridor, he saw an extremely shocking scene.

The shining night sky where the stars were originally somehow appeared a huge vortex.

The vortex dragged hundreds of squirming cantilevers, the color was thick and colorful, just like the **** wound was torn apart in the night sky.

Inside the wound, the stars disappeared, accompanied by the darkness, and a giant monster that could not be described by pen and ink floated over the city.

They wobbled, both like demonic jellyfish from **** and huge, bloodshot eyes.

The cobweb-like blood streaks, the oddly shaped pupils, and the **** tissues around the eyeballs are all available and lifelike.

There is also a tentacle that resembles a nerve cable, hanging down all the way, as if to be dragged to the end of the street, like a fishing, fishing up the human soul.

The giant eyes burst into a strange light, scanning the city like a searchlight.

Occasionally, the **** red mansions swept to the dormitory of the 9th Middle School, and the students in the corridor felt that their hearts were shocked and the index went crazy.

"It's the ‘Eye of the Devil’s Eye’. This beast is good at group spirit attacks, so don’t look at it!”

"Quickly calm down, sit on the pile, don't mess with breathing and meditation!"

"Where is the army, where is the extraordinary, and so many super beasts, what should we do?"

Many classmates are seeing such a horrible scene for the first time, and all are messed up.

The roar of propellers came from the sky, and an air strike force composed of eight armored airships and dozens of extraordinary men finally arrived.

The machine gun roared, the heavy artillery swept wildly, the transcendental rose into the air, and the swords and giant swords struck with lightning.

The super beast "Cracking the Devil's Eye", which is good at mental attack but weak in body, has been torn innumerable wounds, like an out-of-control balloon, screaming and flying in the sky.

A severely wounded Devil's Eye, happened to fly over an armored airship.

Its tentacles immediately danced wildly, its fragmented body entangled with the armored airship, and fell with the armored airship in the grinning and shriek.

The explosion produced huge sound waves and firelight, which deeply shocked the students' hearts.

These teenagers grew up in the glorious years of the prosperous Longcheng.

Under the suppression of the majestic steel demon like armored airships, no matter how powerful the monsters are, they must stalk their heads-this is the common sense that supports their worldview.

Now, the steel demon fell down.

"The fissure eye in the textbook, the flying speed is never so fast, the tentacles will not be so strong, and even the bullets are constantly playing, this, what is this!"

Many students looked pale and lost their eyes, unable to control the trembling of their muscles.

If you test their psychic index at this time, you will surely find that many people's psychic index plummets by dozens of percentage points in an instant.

They are about to collapse.

Fortunately, at this time, a loud war song sounded deep in the campus.

The familiar melody is like a stream of magma, running down the eardrum, rushing between nerves, blood vessels and brain cells, helping them to gather courage and restore calm.

In the corridor, Meng Chao was the first to respond with a fervent melody, his head roared.

He doesn't have a full five notes, so it's not good to sing.

However, these martyrs sang on the earth for decades, and sang war songs for decades in the outside world. They never sang with their human voices and listened with their ears.

It sings with boiling blood, listens with an excited heart, and resonates with courage and faith!

Chu Feixiong first got rid of the shock, stood side by side with Meng Chao, rushed to the playground, school, the whole city, and the monsters that shrouded the city, sending out the roar of the earth's youth.

His voice is more absurd than Meng Chao, but what does it matter?

When countless young people and countless singular songs converge into earth-shattering roars, when each wave throws itself up and turns into a storm-striking wave sweeping the world, they are an invincible force.

In the hallway, the dormitory building, the teaching building and the campus, all the teachers and students sang in unison, and the rolling waves condensed into an indestructible defensive net, smashing the mental attack released by the "Evil Eye of the Sky".

The brain waves of thousands of teenagers condensed into a substantive golden blade, counterattacking the sky, causing the "split demon eye" to twitch violently and hiss.

These beasts were met with spiritual backlash.

It is not difficult to say that it is difficult to resist the attack of the soul.

Encouraging courage with ferocious military songs, arousing memories with the loved ones’ relics, using children’s photos to ignite hope, and even using a variety of more popular entertainment products to divert attention, has certain effects.

The point is that when hundreds or thousands of people gather together, someone must take the lead.

Someone took the lead to stabilize the index of the mind and came up with various ways to boost morale. His brain waves were continuously released and formed a brain wave resonance with the masses. That is a virtuous circle, and everyone will become more and more calm, heroic and fearless.

In the high morale and fearless battle of blood, even the timid people will become unstoppable.

Conversely, if someone collapses in an instant, his fear brain wave will become a virus and infect everyone around him.

When everyone is caught in the collapse of the group whose mind index is mad, it seems that countless fear bombs exploded fiercely. Even if Meng Chao is in it, it is difficult to ensure that his spirit is not affected.

Fortunately, they stabilized today.

In addition to the 9th Middle School, other parts of the city are gradually recovering in the battle song.

The citizens were free from the initial panic, and defended and counterattacked on the spot in accordance with the emergency regulations.

Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!

Countless searchlights reflect the night sky like daylight.

Anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns spilled out hundreds of lines of fire, hitting the Devil's Eye like a deflated ball.

However, in addition to the Devil's Eye, there are more types of monsters that invade the urban area from the ground and connect with human short soldiers.

For a time, gunfire, gunfire, shouting and explosion sounds rang from all corners of the street.

Around the 9th Middle School, several buildings are burning.


Chu Feixiong pointed to a tall building not far from the school.

A fire broke out beneath this tall building, but it was entangled by a tentacle of a devil's eye. The residents in the building had no way to go to the ground and no door to the ground. Many people cried for help on the balcony, and even some people collapsed when their mind exploded. , Panicking and jumping off the balcony.

"Go and save people!"

Meng Chao and Chu Feixiong took the third-year senior team and hurricane rushed out of the dormitory building.

They met President Sun, Yan Motou and a large number of heavily armed teachers at the school gate.

"What are you doing?"

Yan Motou carried a heavy machine gun usually mounted on an armored vehicle, and slanted a ghost-headed sword more powerful than the heavy machine gun behind his back, glaring at him.

"Principal Sun, Teacher Yan, are you going out to fight?" Chu Fei Xiong Zhuang shouted with courage, "Exactly, take us together!"

"Don't be fooling, just go back. Before dawn, no one is allowed to take a half step out of the campus!" Yan Motou glared with a beard.


"Isn't the Survival Commission promulgating a decree, if everyone encounters a monster, should everyone watch and help each other and fight desperately?"

"Monsters are raging around, how can we watch the fire from the other side?"

"In the "Mind Test" a few days ago, I have seen many fierce monsters, there is nothing terrible at all, I want to fight!"

The chorus of the war song just now caused everyone to secrete too much superenkephalin, and the mind index soared to more than 120%. The side effect was that I was not afraid of seeing Yan Motou, and shouted like chicken blood.

"Classmates, I understand everyone's feelings and I absolutely agree with your fighting beliefs." Principal Sun stepped out from behind Yan Mo.

The shrivelled old man also put on a loose camouflage suit without any weapons, empty-handed, and gently smiled, "It's just that you are about to take the college entrance examination, many people have the opportunity to enter the undergraduate school, and achieve extraordinary, even if not Admitted to undergraduate, can also pass professional training, glowing in many jobs.

"The society, the school, and your parents have invested a lot of resources to cultivate you to the point where you are today. Everyone expects you to bear fruit, how can you be meaningless before you mature?

"Yes, in order to survive, we are sacrificing every moment, but sacrifice must also be valuable. Every drop of human blood flowing must be exchanged in return, understand?"

Chu Fei Xiong is an exalted type. After the soul index exploded, the king of heaven was not afraid: "Principal Sun, how can you go out and fight?"

Yan Mo's head was glared, Principal Sun stopped and smiled: "We are old, the wounded, the disabled, every drop of potential is squeezed out, it doesn't matter if you die, but you are still young. The o’clock sun is the future and hope of Dragon City-you have to rush out and fight, but it’s okay, but always come first and come later? When my teacher and the whole school are dead, you will cross our bodies and pick up It doesn’t matter how you kill our weapons, okay?"

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