The Demon’s Menu

Vol 3 Chapter 18: The obvious answer


Jason narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

The most direct meaning of this message is nothing more than the ‘coffin’ itself.

What does ‘coffin’ stand for?

The dead!

Edward happens to meet this standard.

So, does this message refer to Edward?

Jason thinks it's not that simple.

The detective bought the ‘coffin’ doll three days in advance, and it took three days to clearly state that it was ‘Edward’ without having to go around in circles.


At that time, the detective couldn't say the name "Edward" clearly, but could allude to "Edward" in an indirect way?

Thinking of this, Jason looked at John and motioned for John to continue.

"After the first three people died, the death did not appear afterwards."

"But no one has any valuable clues."

"Over time, everyone gave up."

"And there is a rumor about the‘ missing Edward ’in the underground world.”

John tells about the news he bought from the news dealer.

Did n’t anyone die after that?

Did not find any valuable clues?

Will it lead to ‘death’ if you find ‘valuable clues’?

Jason pondered.

"I need to see that old house."

A moment later, Jason said.


John said nothing and started the car directly.

For John, Jason is already a friend.

He would not let his friends walk to the countryside.

At the speed of John, Jason quickly came to the former home of the Edward family.

After the baptism of last year's fire, this old house has long lost its original appearance. Jason stood by the road and could only come from the foundations of the vast, but broken courtyard walls and the scorched soil Guess the prosperity of the Edward family.

In terms of floor space, the mansion of the Edward family can be called a manor.

There are gardens, fountains, parking lots, etc.

In an open area, there are swimming pools, basketball courts and other facilities.

Moreover, Jason also saw the remnants of stable buildings.

In this regard, Jason was not surprised.

Isn't it normal to be able to afford a bank and own a rich man with a few purebred horses?


The remaining fluttering ‘food’ breath in the stable is not normal.

Jason smiled as soon as he grinned.

He pursued the scent of ‘food’ and walked into the ruined manor step by step and ran directly to the stable.

John followed behind, looking around with vigilance.

With the previous investigation, John has been able to affirm that "Edward's disappearance" is not something that was lost on his own, but something deeper.

John is retired without leave.

But this does not mean that he has no ability.

On the contrary, after retirement John became stronger and stronger.

Without high-intensity tasks, John maintains his pre-retirement exercise style, and he relaxes to a certain extent and naturally becomes stronger.

A P30L appeared in his hand.

This is a modified military pistol with increased ammunition capacity.

Like the two spare Glock pistols he hid around his waist, they were his usual firearms.

He didn't know what Jason had found in the stable.

However, he is ready to shoot.

Under John's watch, Jason walked back and forth in the collapsed stable.

Not that kind of search!

Just walking!

Sniffing his nose from time to time.

Search with a strange smell?

There was a surprise in John's eyes.

He has seen some talented people who can complete the search by smell, and after training, such people are much more powerful than the best hounds.

After all, even the best hound can't communicate with people.

"Does Jason have a similar ability?"

"Then he was a" searcher "before?"

"Still the" tracker "?"

John thought silently.

He became more and more curious about Jason's previous career.

As for Jason's current career?

John said nothing would believe that a guy wearing an ice hockey mask and wielding a machete would be a writer.

Although the writer has all kinds of quirks, for example, when writing a manuscript, he likes to wear bare feet, wear big pants, eat and drink from time to time in the name of the wind, and then eat bad stomach and go to leave for rest.

However, I will never wear an ice hockey mask and wave a machete!

It ’s impossible to inspire!

Just as John guessed, Jason stopped.

"found it!"

Jason said this and bent down to remove the rubble that blocked his sight.

Soon, a piece of concrete floor appeared in Jason's field of vision.

Boom, boom!

Jason raised his hand and knocked, making a hollow sound.

"Secret passages?"

"I'll get the hammer."

John said.

The organ in front of it is obviously opened from the inside, and if you want to enter from the outside, you must violently destroy it.

Jason waved his hand.

"Not so troublesome."

The words fell, Jason squatting there, and fell with a punch.

boom! boom! boom!

With one punch, cracks appeared on the concrete floor.

Then the second punch, let such cracks continue to spread.

After the third punch, the top layer of the concrete floor was completely cracked.

Jason wiped this layer away, and then punched it again.

John, who stood aside, stared at this scene stunned.

He looked at the cement floor that was gradually smashed open, and then looked at Jason's fist without damage.

"Jason, are you sure you are a writer?"

"of course!"

"I wrote" Crossroad Tracker "!"

"You have seen it!"

Jason answered without looking up.

Hearing this answer, John naturally raised an energy that he wanted to spit out.

"Do you know why you have only written a book that is okay in a small area for ten years, but you still can't reach the level of best-selling books?"


Jason asked subconsciously.

"Because, you didn't make yourself a protagonist!"

"Trust me, art comes from life!"

"When you are your main character-the name 'Jason' will become an indelible symbol."

John said seriously.

"is it?"

Jason said in his mouth, then the fist he held was smashed again.

The scent in the nose is getting stronger!

He can't wait!


Another punch came out, this time with the clatter of cement, the secret door was smashed open.

Jason looked inside, and after confirming that there was no danger, he extended his hand and directly caught the hole that was smashed. Then, his arm pressed hard.

Suddenly, a round table-sized cement block was moved by Jason.

Then, he threw it aside.


John felt the ground tremble a few times.

Looking at the huge cement block, John's eyes flicked.

He evaluated Jason's strength.

Then he immediately made up his mind: never fight me with Jason.

Be sure to open the distance and solve it with a firearm.

Then he thought of Jason hitting the concrete floor unscathed.

Suddenly, I added another: use armor-piercing projectiles.

I thought to myself, John said involuntarily.

"Have you heard of" Tracker "?"

Trackers will only be circulated in some top organizations in the underground world.

For ordinary people, they only know another name: Punisher!


Jason shook his head.

He really hasn't heard of it.

Moreover, his attention has long been attracted to the underground chamber.

A straight ladder was in front of me.

There is thick gray on it, but some parts on both sides of the ladder and on the crossbar are as clean as new.

When I saw this scene, Jason's mind came up not long ago, when someone climbed the ladder and left here!

This time will not be too long, will not exceed one day.

Even within a few hours!


Jason whispered, instead of choosing a ladder, he jumped down and stood steadily below.

The height does not exceed 3 meters, which is similar to the next step for Jason.

With the help of the light above his head, Jason, who perceives the extraordinary, instantly took the secret room in front of him.

The back room is about the size of a basketball court.

The surrounding walls are smooth, there is no extra decoration, only a tall statue is placed in the middle!

The scales are clear and meandering, and it is a snake.


This snake has two heads!

The two heads extend from the coiled body, facing left and right, the snake head looks down slightly, the snake eye looks at the center of the coiled body, and a pair of footprints clearly extend from there to the ladder.

The dust proves this again.

Of course, the more important thing is this statue of a two-headed snake!

The smell of ‘food’ comes from here, but when Jason approached, he noticed that the ‘food’ smell in front of him was not only quickly fading, but also had a rotten sour smell.

The latter is just appearing soon.

Suppressed by the remnants of ‘food’, you can only smell it when you are close.

"Jason, Jason?"

John's shout came over his head.


Jason replied and walked towards the position of the statue of the two-headed snake.

Behind him, John climbed down the ladder and got a flashlight in his hand.

After looking around, John's flashlight locked the statue of the two-headed snake.

Then, when he and Jason approached the statue and saw the two heads in the middle of the snake's body, they couldn't help but locked it with the gun in their hands.


In the middle of the body of the two-headed snake, the position where the two heads stared at was a coffin.

At this moment, the lid of the coffin had been half-opened, and there was a figure looming inside.

Jason bent down and after inspecting the surroundings, he removed the coffin cover completely.

Suddenly, the "silhouette" in the coffin revealed completely.

That ‘human silhouette’ is not human at all!

It is a humanoid ‘wrapped’ sewn from ‘snake skin’.

On the snakeskin, the scales of the snake are obvious, and the lines are clear. Even though this 'package' has been split at this moment, it still carries an inexplicable 'fresh' feeling.

The bulging marks from the outside remain, and John can surely have a "person" coming out of it. Then, he subconsciously looked at the thickness of the dust around him.

Judging from the seals here, it takes at least a year or more for dust to accumulate to this extent.

And a living person cannot be sealed in snake skin for so long.

Plus the coffin!


A dead man went out from here not long ago!

John's breath came slightly out of this answer.

But immediately returned to normal, and an unprecedented light appeared in his eyes.

"Is the dead resurrected?"

He whispered to himself.

"Resurrection of the dead?"

"This is not a resurrection."

"Instead ..."


Jason stared at the special language inside the coffin, which was composed entirely of picture complex words.

The level of proficiency [picture complex language] is enough for Jason to recognize some simple combinations of words.

The inside of the coffin is full of the combined words of "reincarnation" and "snake".

Jason looked up at the statue of the two-headed snake.

It happened that the eyes of the two snake head statues at this angle were also staring at Jason, looking at the lifelike snake head exposed in the darkness of the ground.

Relying on the level of proficiency [picture complex language] Jason is not enough to understand the whole ritual, but the "mystery" and some foundations of the ritual construction can be roughly guessed.

For example, the two-headed snake 'statue' in front of me was alive.

It is a real two-headed snake!

Only after being poured with copper juice, a statue in front of him was made.

Moreover, this double-headed snake has been manufactured for at least a hundred years.

Therefore, it will give off a light smell of spoiled food.

Of course, and more importantly, the ‘people’ in the coffin absorbed the power of the double-headed snake through the ritual and carried out a ‘rebirth’, which accelerated the rate of decay of this double-headed snake.

It is precisely because of this that he missed an ‘additional meal’.

Jason can tell from the residual ‘food’ aroma that this double-headed snake must be delicious!

Jason could almost see grilled snake skewers, snake soup, etc. left one by one.


Jason chuckled.

With a chuckle, John woke up thinking about the meaning of 'resurrection' and 'reincarnation'.

He watched Jason's face looming in the glory of the flashlight, and there was a chill in his back.

He always saw a hungry beast open his mouth.


John tentatively asked.

"It's all right."

"I just lost the" extra meal "that was supposed to exist, which made me a little unwilling."


"I believe I will make it up soon!"

Jason said with certainty.

After talking, Jason walked out.

There's nothing pretty here.

As for that spoiled food?

Although he loves food, Jason will never eat broken food, and he has a bottom line.

"Did the three people who had died before discover this place?"

On the way back, John asked.

"I don't know ~ ~ Maybe it is here."

"Maybe something else."

Jason shook his head. He couldn't judge from the existing clues what the three people had found out before they were tragically killed, and, one more thing, puzzled Jason.

The other party is so arduous, why is this arranged?

When he boarded the car, Jason was thinking about it.

John, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was hesitant. After several times, John finally asked.

"Who is the man in that coffin?"

Faced with John's inquiry, Jason was startled—

"The answer is obvious, don't you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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