The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 116: Fall from the sky

In the afternoon, the Hans harbour is hot.

The sun is very poisonous, and no one wants to feel such sunlight.

But as the propeller roared from weak to strong.

The people of Hans harbour came out of the door subconsciously, looked up, and looked into the sky.


Several huge shadows appeared.

The oval body is like a fish.

In fact, on the side of the oval head, there are fangs and teeth, and on the top is the dorsal fin!

Especially the icy eyes from the paintings made the noon's poisonous sunshine lose its temperature.


Everyone in Hans Harbour is very familiar with fish.


They have never seen sharks hundreds of meters long, even thousands of meters long!

Not to mention flying in the sky!



At a loss!

Every harbour people was stunned.

Including those defense forces.

They let the pungent sunlight shine on themselves, and let sweat slide across their cheeks from their foreheads, just staring blankly at the huge black shadow above their heads.

The shadows moved slowly.

Gradually, they block the sunlight.

Shadows shrouded these harbor people.

The soldiers of the Defence Force subconsciously clenched their swords, and some veterans raised their guns in their hands.

Then, under the watch of the harbourmen, several black barrels were aimed at the harbour wall and dropped.


With a sharp, piercing sound.

The moment of landing


boom! boom!

A huge explosion appeared.

The black wooden barrel, half full, is filled not only with explosives, but also with projectiles.

The moment the fire light appeared.

Projectile flying.

The harbour defense force on the city wall fell directly into pieces.

More importantly, a section of the city wall collapsed with a bang.

The harbor people stared blankly at this scene.

Until now, they have not responded.

Until, the moans around the explosion sounded.

Until, more harbour defense forces appeared.

These harbor talents screamed in horror.


"All go to the refuge!"

"All go to the refuge!"

Boft shouted loudly.

The chief security officer of the Hans harbour, riding a horse, shouted loudly on the streets of Hans harbour.


"All go to the refuge!"

Behind him, the patrol dispersed into small groups and began to evacuate civilians from the harbour.

These patrols also looked scared.

They have never encountered an enemy who can fly.

Creatures that can fly, they have seen.


That is the killer of their lord and commander.

Everybody knows.

But even the griffin called by their lord and commander Gerald was not a few hundred meters long, let alone a thousand-kilometer guy on it.

The timid, irresistible appearance.


They still act on their orders.

Because they believe in their lord.

They believe in their commander.

They believed that Gerald would be able to deal with the huge monster in the sky.

It is not just the patrols of the harbour that believe.

Defense force.


The civilians in the harbor also believed.

This made them frightened, but not defeated.

This allowed them to enter the 'refuge' in an orderly manner-111 Dylan Street.

Holding a long sword, Little Lid had already stood on the roof of 111 Dron Street. The close-fitting servant raised his head to look at the enemy above his head, and raised his hand with a shot.


Sophisticated flintlock, projectiles, more than 100 meters.


The airship has a height of 300 meters.

The one with the largest height is higher.

Gunpowder ...


Despair appeared on the close-knit servant's face.

The flintlock guns he owns are already the most sophisticated in the harbor.

He can't shoot this gun.

The rest will certainly not be able to fight.


The distance is theoretically high.

But how to adjust the muzzle.

Can someone carry such an artillery?



Lord Gerrard often carried artillery charges.

Lord Gerrard is still sleeping.

Lord Gerrard is now Lord Jason.


Everything is over.

The close servant thought desperately.

Jason and Denise appeared beside the body servant.

Denise stared at the monster in the sky with wide eyes.

It has never seen a ‘fish’ that can fly.

There was no panic in the eyes, more novelty.

In Jason's eyes, there was undisguised surprise.


He never thought that something like an airship would appear in this copy world.

Then Jason narrowed his eyes and began to think about how to solve the airship in front of him.

Jason knew very well that no matter how ‘Emorton III’ made such a thing, but if these airships are not resolved, what is waiting for him is the destruction of the entire Hans Harbour.

But this distance ...

Jason frowned.

If the power of UZ and Mark M1 has not decreased, such a distance can be tried.

But UZ and Mark M1, whose power has dropped by 60%, are at a loss when facing such a distance.

[Charles Burning] long-range attack?

[Flame Change] The fireball attack is indeed a long-range attack, but the rate of fire and distance are related to its own power.

Jason has twice the power over ordinary people.

But he did not believe that twice the power of ordinary people could shoot a fireball at a height of 500 meters.

What should I do?

Jason turned his brain fast.

And at this time-


A cheerful laughter came from the biggest airship in the sky.

It ’s ‘Emorton III’.

At the moment, he was standing in the room below the airship, with a loudspeaker in front of him.

His eyes overlooked the entire Hans harbour.

The gaze in his eyes, with unspeakable pride.

He waited too long for this moment.

Over time, he almost ‘forgets himself’.

And now?

It's finally gone.

The body bowed slightly, and the face of ‘Emorton III’ was almost attached to the loudspeaker. He took a breath and shouted with the loudest voice—


"'Golden Griffon', Gerald!"

"I am back!"

"My Dilcos is back!"

"I took my flute and came back from hell!"

"You can't think of it?"

"My poor fellow who was deceived by you and‘ Emorton III ’can still crawl back from hell.”

"Also, with the" harvest "that you simply can't imagine!"

"it's here!"

"I will show you my success!"

No more covering up.

There is no need to cover up.

‘The Piper’ revealed his identity.

The emerald green flute appeared in his hands, and the face belonging to Emory III passed away in a flash, leaving only a narrow, snake-like face.

People around, turned a blind eye to this scene.

Or to be precise, they have already been controlled.

The Piper himself is good at control.

Controlling these people is no harder than confusing ‘Emorton III’.

Dilcos opened his mouth, and his slender tongue confided directly.

His snake-like eyes searched for his goal.


He found it!

He saw Gerrard standing on the roof ~ ~ Then, a thick maliciousness appeared on his face.

"Gerard, summon your gryphon."

"Come to me."

"I will give you the chance to" fair fight "!"

This master who was once a ‘snake cave’ is also the only master in the past century, and his voice spread throughout the Hans harbour.

The harbor people's eyes suddenly looked at Jason.

Not one or two.

Yes, all!

Jason, who was acting for Gerald, raised his head and looked at the airship, frowning slightly.


What should I do?

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