The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 40: horse riding

Early in the morning, staying up all night, Jason, who was reading all night, put down the book at Gerald's knock on the door.

"Early, Jason."

"What about Denise?"

"Did you not open that little door?"

As soon as he entered the room, Gerrard looked left and right, and after not seeing Denise, the Hans Harbour custodian looked at his cousin's face with deep suspicion.

He thought that Jason should have just returned from Denise's room.

Unfortunately, his upbringing is doomed to make it impossible for him to open the bedroom door to check.

As for the book opened in the study?

cover up!

He used to do this often.


Did not see the expected scene, did not weaken Gerard's enthusiasm, stopped Jason's shoulder, and went downstairs.

"where are we going?"

"Do you have breakfast?"

Asked Jason.

He already smelled of milk, bacon and vegetables.

"of course not!"

Gerald took Jason's shoulders out of the main building.

The waiters along the way saw the two of them retreat to the sides and bowed to salute.

Envy and jealousy flashed again in the eyes of those early relatives.

But no one dared to show anything in front of Gerrard.

Then, bypassing several flowerbeds, Gerald took Jason to a wide field.

Looking at the stables in the distance and the knights who had begun to race, Jason instantly understood what Gerrard wanted to do.

Learn to ride!

In fact, Jason is not opposed to this study.

The era of Lord and Hans harbour was doomed to the importance of learning horse riding.

Immediately, Jason adjusted his mind.

Looked at his cousin from surprised to eager to try, Gerrard smiled.

Why don't men like horse riding?

A horse is one of the most important parts of a boy's transformation into a man.

No horse means that the man has grown to a considerable degree, and then made life choices.

And Jason will learn from the basics.

"Go and bring S1-003's horse."

After commanding the head of the racecourse, Gerrard turned around and continued to say to Jason: "The most important thing for horseback riding is waist strength!"

"Then you have to approach your horse from the front left, you have to make sure that it can see you, be gentle and don't scare it."

"In the case of the stirrup, just put your first half in your foot."

"Reins are what you need to hold firmly."

Gerard explained Jason carefully.

Jason listened carefully.

Jason, who knows the importance of learning, has no perfunctory.

But when the head of the horse farm brought a muscular white horse close to Jason, Jason, who had not had breakfast, thought subconsciously: "Is the horse meat delicious?"

Law of chanting!

Just as if he had encountered the biggest natural enemy, the docile white horse stood instantly, saying that he was no longer close to Jason.

The person in charge of the horse farm pulled the reins vigorously, but it was no use at all. Instead, the horses retreated.

Gerard looked at this scene in surprise.

Then, a smile.

"It's my cousin."

"An ordinary horse cannot be your mount at all."

"Go and bring the 'War Horse'."

Gerard said to the head of the racecourse.

"Yes, sir."

Answered the answer, the head of the racecourse quickly took back the white horse.

Then, head towards the independent stable on the other side.

"Have you ever learned the secret technique?"

In this empty, Gerald asked suddenly.

Obviously, the Hans harbour manager saw what had just been misunderstood.

"Have learned."

Jason said calmly.

Such facts need not be concealed.

Because, Jason knew very well that in the days to come, he would show the power of the mysterious side.

When the main mission at sunrise today changed from [arriving at the 'Hans' harbour before the 26th and attending the wedding] to [attending the wedding delayed by one week], Jason knew that he would meet in the following week Right.

The scene last night was quite obvious.

The seemingly calm Hans harbour is actually undercurrent.

There are too many forces staring here.

And as Gerard's cousin?

He was naturally also eyeed.

Want to stay out of business?

Unless you give up the main task.

But this is impossible.

Jason will never face the unknown punishment.

Therefore, he will cooperate with Gerrard as much as possible.

Only in this way will there be more odds.

Gerard frowned when he heard the expected answer.

"Have you studied?"

"This is a bit troublesome."

Gerard frowned.

According to Gerald's idea, his cousin must of course be the same as himself, starting with the most basic Griffon Swordsmanship, Griffon Shooting, Griffon Fighting, and then learning Griffon Forging Body Skills. Burning, Blair expulsion, and so on, the final thing is to learn the ritual summoning the griffin.

However, when Jason had already studied other secret surgery, this idea was undoubtedly broken.

At least, the study of griffin body forging requires carefulness.

And if the Griffon forging cannot be learned, it is naturally impossible to learn the ritual summoning Griffon.

However, Gerrard immediately frowned.

He didn't want Jason to infer any bad information from his expression.

His cousin has suffered too much.

Should no longer bear these.

"I know that mystery conflicts."

Looked at Gerrard's frown and stretched out so much that the corners of his eyes would twitch, Jason said with a smile.

"you know?"

"It seems that you know more about the mysterious side than I do."

"However, rest assured, I am there."

Gerard looked at his cousin's indifferent smile and felt inexplicably distressed.

What kind of suffering did endure to have such an open mind?

Therefore, the manager of the Hans harbour made the decision at the next moment:

"Even if it is a" griffin "conflict, but there is always one of" Cat Cave "," Bear Tower "," Wolfsburg "," Snake Cave "," Eagle Cliff "and" Tiger Mountain "!"

"If none of this works?"

"Then find a single powerful, non-conflicting secret!"

"Prepare a set for Jason!"

Thinking of this ~ ~ The Hans harbour manager also laughed.

As for what to do?

The Hans harbour, known as the ‘Pearl of the Federation’, has a characteristic that all federal lords, new nobles, etc. cannot ignore and are extremely envious of: rich!

Controls the sea port.

The endless stream of spices and sugar, just like gold, enters Hans harbour endlessly.

Anything that can be solved with money is not a thing.

If you can't solve it with money?

Gerard looked at the black horse drawn by the head of the racecourse, and walked over with a smile.

The tall war horse stared at Gerald.

Even though he was pulled by the reins, he wanted to bite Gerald.

Gerard signaled the head of the racecourse to loosen the reins, then, at Jason said:

"War horses are different from ordinary horses."

"You have to have special tame skills."

The sound of the speech falls——


Gerard knocked down the black horse with a punch.


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