The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 746: Slippery fish

Mo Xie's heart tensed. The first time he saw the appearance of the orc spy, he already understood that the **** race must have known the existence of those NPCs and sent an orc spy to confirm the news.

I just don't know, what exactly did these orc spies see?

"What is the status of the orc now?" Mo Xie asked immediately.

"They are far away from the edge of the cliff, as if they are returning somewhere. My brother also found them by accident. No wonder they can't be found on the edge of the cliff." said the branch leader.

"They are returning! Hurry up and summon the brothers, find a way to kill all the werewolves for me, none of them can be let go!" Mo Xie quickly ordered.

He has realized that these werewolves don't know how long they have been here, looking at the territory from the top of the cliff, it is easy to see the situation in the city lord's mansion!

These orc spies all returned, absolutely reporting the news to their masters. If they told the protoss what they saw, it would be really dangerous!

Damn Luo Feng, he didn't expect him to think of this trick...

"Okay, I'm calling my brothers to fight the boss." The head of the branch replied excitedly.

"I'll come right now." Mo Xie immediately turned around and walked towards the gate on the side of the territory. As he walked, he greeted Mo Xiaoyuan and Sister Hong, asking them to temporarily put down their work and lead the staff to deal with the secret agents.

When he informed the two of the situation, Mo Xiaoyuan and Sister Hong also looked extremely nervous.

"No way, in order to collect materials, there are our people everywhere on Cuiping Mountain. How did these orc spies approach the cliff?" Li Hong was still wondering.

"If you go and see, you will know, maybe there are hidden terrains such as hidden passages or caves in the cliffs." Mo Xiaoyuan reminded.

"Hurry up and take a look, even an orc can't let it go, otherwise we will be in trouble!" Moxie said.


A group of commanders immediately summoned all the players in the city, exited from both sides of the city gates, and then climbed up the mountains along the distant hillside, and moved quickly toward the known place.

Entering the top of the mountain, I immediately entered a large dense jungle. Just after rushing through the large forest, the sound of fighting was heard in front of him.

When they rushed to the fighting scene, hundreds of players from the God Realm League had already surrounded dozens of black men in the middle of the team.

"Mo Da is here, it's these werewolves, there are still a few tree holes there, I don't know when they appeared." The head of the sub-group quickly said what he knew.

"Did a werewolf escape?" Mo Xie asked nervously.

"We don't know this anymore. After we tracked down, we found these guys." said the head of the branch.

"You continue to take people to quickly kill them, and then let the brothers search all the mountains carefully, and you can't let them go." Mo Xie ordered.

"Understand." The head of the sub-head watched so many people coming over, suddenly confident.

Mo Xie called the other branch leaders and asked them to take their subordinates and rush to the spot where they found the tree hole.

I saw in the forest, under some big trees, in the dense bushes, a dark hole suddenly appeared.

He immediately asked the head of the branch to look for a nearby tree hole, and entered the hole with his hands to start the investigation.

After Mo Xiaolang hurriedly led people from the other side, Mo Xie told him what he had learned, and asked him to lead people to find all suspicious terrain nearby.

After explaining everything, Mo Xie stood in front of a tree hole, waiting for new news on the Alliance Channel.

On the other side, a large group of players surrounded the orc warriors, taking advantage of the number of people to consume their blood, and with the screaming wolf howling one after another, the half orcs finally fell to the ground unwillingly, bursting out Pieces of blue quality equipment.

In less than half an hour, the players of the God Realm League quickly killed all the werewolves that had been discovered, and then scattered to the large woods, continuing to search for hidden enemies.

At this moment, the players who entered the tree hole to explore have reported their findings in the alliance channel...

"Great, these tree holes are intricate and intricate, and each tree hole is connected to each other, leading to the edge of the mountain cliff, and can directly reach the sky above the territory." said a branch leader.

"Let me go, we actually followed the tree hole to the end of the cliff. We didn't connect with the world, and we almost fell off the cliff!" said another branch leader.

"The cave here is narrower than the Tiejing Mountain Range, but it is more hidden, and it looks like it was dug out not long ago, and the soil seems to be new." Mo Xiaolang's voice sounded.

"Is there a small map of the cave?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Without any map, the small map is pitch black after entering the hole, indicating that this is not a special scene." Mo Xiaolang replied.

"Temporary tree holes..." Mo Xie immediately understood the situation of these tree hole mazes...

The absence of a small map in the system means that these tree holes are not map scenes set by the system, but artificial scenes excavated later.

Of course, artificial scenes are also divided into temporary scenes modified by players and permanent map scenes modified by NPCs themselves.

These tree holes are excavated by orcs. They are permanent scenes changed by NPC and will not be automatically refreshed by the system.

Moreover, Mo Xie also guessed some of the reasons for the existence of these tree holes.

Because of accidental reasons last night, let those eyes hidden in the God Realm League see the existence of NPC, so Luo Feng knew about it.

And Luo Feng is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and directly reported the news through a certain NPC.

In this way, the Protoss got the news from General Anode and the others. In order to determine the reliability of this news, the Protoss sent an orc spy to observe the situation.

If these orcs successfully bring the news back, the next time they come, I am afraid it will be the Protoss Legion or the Orc Legion who came to crusade, maybe it will be the Sunset Legion of Sunset City!

No matter which party comes to make trouble, the consequences will be very serious!

Especially if the Sunset Legion is dispatched, it means that the entire Sun Empire will list itself as an enemy...

However, Mo Xie had his own thoughts in his heart. Even if the orcs would report the situation to the Protoss, judging from the current situation, the Protoss would definitely not inform the Humans of this situation. They would use their own power to deal with the general anode...

"Mo Da, we have searched this mountain carefully, and found no other orcs." The centurion finally heard good news.

"Thanks for everyone, but to be on the safe side, from today onwards, there must be two brothers in the sub-group taking turns guarding the cliff every day, no matter who you see, report immediately." Moxie said.

"Understood." The commanders answered one after another.

"Also, the guard checkpoint of the Iron Mirror Mountain Range must be on duty 24 hours a day, not only to defend against the arrogant alliance, but also to be careful of any suspicious circumstances." Mo Xie said thinking.

"Leave it to me to make arrangements. We can make sure that any enemy is close to the mountains, we can know it for the first time." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Then trouble Brother Wolf, how is the recruitment situation today?" Mo Xie breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"The effect is good, especially for a few beauties. They recruited a lot of expert players at once." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"When the teleportation array is successfully opened, we will bring the new members over. We will develop our strength around the Cuiping Mountains, and try not to dissolve the arrogant alliance." Moxie said.

"Understand." Mo Xiaolang replied with a smile.

Confirming that no other orcs were found, Mo Xie was relieved to leave two sub-groups to continue to guard the top of the mountain, and then the large force returned to the territory with great strength and continued to expand the territory...

But they never expected that when they searched the top area nervously, there were already two or three sneaky shadows, quickly rushing to the left side of the mountain and disappearing into the vast forest!

These quick-acting werewolf spies were the first group of secret whistles to spy on God Realm Town, and what the players of the God Realm League discovered were only the second group of secret whistles that came afterwards...

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