Liu Ye didn't know how she fell. She only remembered that she lost two steps in the future and immediately stepped on the air. First

Looking at such a deep crack, Liu Ye was really glad that he had survived.

Except for some abrasions on the body, nothing else is bad, thanks to these thick leaves and weeds.

Liu Ye slowly moved his hands and feet, and after making sure that he was okay, he took two steps forward carefully.

After the earthquake, there should be several strong winds here, otherwise the fallen leaves will not be so thick.

Liu Ye thought about it. It was the weeds above that cleverly covered the crack. If it was impossible for him to find it under normal circumstances, he was really connected to Weinan at that time, so he ignored his feet.

Ye Lan's voice came again, "Master, stay there and don't move. After I find Weinan, I will come and save you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you below."

Listening to the lack of sound above, Liu Ye carefully observed the surrounding terrain.

The crack was not flat. Liu Ye tried to climb up a bit, feeling very strenuous, so he sat back on the leaves again.

She has never been good at rock climbing. Looking at the distance from the ground here, I thought that if I climbed halfway and fell down heavily, I would not be so lucky for the first time.

Rubbing her sore fingers, she began to think of other ways.

Suddenly, she froze and slowly spread out her two hands. She found that both hands were black.

She looked at it puzzled, and she could not help looking at the cracked wall.

What's happening? Surprise came too suddenly.

There was a short circuit in Liu Ye's brain for a moment, and she didn't believe her eyes.

How did you discover coal? It's too sudden.

He touched it with his hands again, and then he strengthened his thoughts.

Liu Ye looked at the crack, which was beyond sight at first glance, thinking to himself, where is this mountain, this is the silver of white flowers!

The huge excitement made her heart beat.

She tried to calm her mind, thinking, this is not right, if the heartbeat has been so fast, she suspects that she is going to die suddenly.

"You need to find a way up." Liu Yan said to himself, distracting himself.

If I can go up safely, the first thing is to buy this mountain, the whole mountain is mine.

To buy such a large mountain, it is estimated that the capital of the capital is used. Thinking of this, not only did Liu Ye's heart feel no pain, but he showed a bright smile.

This money has to be moved, if it is left there intact, it is just a number.

This is Liu Ye's concept of money. It used to be that way, and it's the same now.

If I can master coal, it will not be as simple as a monopoly.

Thinking of this, Liu Ye cherishes her life even more. She no longer climbs up or looks around, but waits there silently. She only waits for Ye Lan and Weinan to come and save herself.

There seemed to be wind blowing over it, and there was a whine in the slit.

Liu Ye looked around vigilantly, thinking, I hope that there will be no wolves here, originally planned to sing a song, now, her mouth closed tightly.

Ye Lan, I just hope you can come soon.

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