The man who served the meal was punctual, and just after lunch, he ran back.

"Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu, I'll tell you that you're entrusted to me." He shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Everyone in the camp looked at Liu Ye. Everyone wanted to see what the doctor had done with the chef.

"Thank you, come." Liu Yan just said thankfulness to the cook, then turned to look at the boy singing the folk song, and motioned for him to hurry up.

The child walked slowly to the cook and looked at him with some anxiety.

"Is this okay? It's a good way to go?" He said, going out and touching the boy's head.

"Well, I have no problem walking, I just can't run fast." The boy's voice was a little quiet when he spoke.

"It's okay, listen to me, we are doing the same in the back kitchen!" The chef said loudly.

He said that it gave the boy great courage, and now he was happy.

"Doctor Gu, I'll take him to register now."

The man took the boy away. Before leaving, the boy turned around and said to Liu Yan, "Doctor Gu, don't you know my name yet? My name is Aji, you must remember it. "

After leaving like this, Liu Ye still had some reluctance in her heart. She waved at Aji and said, "I remember."

Wang Fatty is about to leave the camp, his injury is completely healed, and before leaving, he also bids farewell to everyone.

When he walked in front of Guo Xuzhao, he glanced deeply at Guo Xuzhao's neck.

Guo Xuzhao hurriedly turned around, pretending not to see him, making Wang Fatzi crying and laughing.

"I don't have a good opinion of you, I just want to look at the jade passed down from our ancestors again." Wang Fatzi explained.

Guo Xuzhao didn't turn around and said directly to Wang Fatzi: "Don't belong to your family, your family is now from my family, my family ancestor.

The fat man glared at him and turned and left.

The people in the tent had gone almost in pairs, and afterwards, the wounded were not as serious as before, and Liu Ye's work became easier and easier.

The time has passed the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Liu Ying originally thought that when the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated, the military barracks would definitely celebrate it. I did not expect to just add some meat to the food and the rest had nothing.

"The coach should be afraid that we will miss home when we celebrate, so we will do it." Zhu Yuan said.

However, Liu Ye thought that when he watched TV, the enemy launched an attack, usually at the time when people were most lax, especially during the New Year's and New Year's Day. This is probably because of this reason. August 15th is itself a day of reunion, when celebration will distract people.

Guo Xuzhao was consuming with them like this. His condition was sometimes good and bad, sometimes he did not commit it once in a few days, and sometimes he committed one or two times a day.

"Now there are a lot of people here, and I have time to think about your condition. Come, you have to tell me in detail the symptoms of your illness." Liu Yan said to Guo Xuzhao.

Guo Xuzhao said in a hurry: "Doctor Gu, don't let me describe, you, let me describe, I feel like I'm sick."

There was nothing he could do to face Liu Yan.

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