The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 686 We will definitely pay the price

Tom and Hermione cooked lunch together. They went into the kitchen together and made a not-so-luxurious but absolutely safe lunch.

Tom was really worried about Kreacher's mental state and the hygiene of the kitchen at Black House. Combined with these two unstable factors, this lunch is likely to be cleaner and more hygienic than the street food stalls in India.

Sirius saw through Tom's thoughts immediately.

He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: he had obviously planned to treat them to dinner, but it turned out that the guests could cook for themselves!

So he tried to help while muttering about how clean the kitchen was. But the eldest son of the Black family has never cooked by himself - there was a house elf in the family when he was a child, Hogwarts took care of the food when he was in school, and the Ministry of Magic provided food and accommodation after graduation. How could Sirius have the opportunity to learn to cook? ?

As a result, he helped more than he caused trouble.

Fortunately, both Lupine and Tom were reliable, so this lunch was made without any risk.

What reassured Tom was that at least the kitchen was clean, there were no unwanted insects or magical creatures, and all the kitchen utensils had been cleaned and sparkling.

This is somewhat incompatible with the surrounding environment and very abnormal.

Lupine gave an explanation: On the first day they moved in, they focused on cleaning two places: the bedroom and the dining room. They did not move in until the place was spotless.

Tom suddenly understood. Also, Sirius and Lupine have been living here for a while, and the hygiene of key locations can still be guaranteed.

Finally, Tom brought a pot of curry to the table.

A steaming pot of curry is perfect for a gathering of people. Moreover, this magical seasoning of curry has an extremely surprising feature, that is, as long as you change the meat added inside, it will be a brand new dish: chicken curry, beef curry, seafood curry, vegetarian curry.

Tom picked up four dishes at once!

As for the staple food, it is rice, pancakes and bread.

"It's quite rich." Sirius looked at the food on the table with joy and smiled.

When everyone was having a good time, Tom suddenly said: "Regulus, he is a Gryffindor."


A question mark popped up on his head.

"Tom, we didn't drink either. Why did you say such stupid things?" Sirius took the silver teapot in front of Tom and checked it to make sure there was only black tea in it.

"He is indeed a Gryffindor." Hermione echoed Tom, and then gave her own explanation: "If I remember correctly, the name Regulus, like Sirius's name, comes from a star. ... Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo, and it is also the star located in the "heart" of Leo. From this point of view, he is indeed a Gryffindor."

Sirius smiled and shook his head, "I didn't expect you to have such a statement. It sounds reasonable, but I think he is still not a Gryffindor, he is a real Slytherin."

The tradition of Slytherin is not about supremacy of pure blood. The tradition of this school is to be ambitious, shrewd, honorable, size up the situation, protect oneself wisely, and win first. It's just that after Voldemort came out, the true Slytherin spirit was on the verge of being lost.

Good traditions disappeared, leaving only the notorious pure-blood theory.

It can only be said that bad money drives out good money.

After the meal, everyone leaned on their chairs and savored the delicious food they had just eaten.

"Yordel, your craftsmanship is really good!" Sirius said with satisfaction: "By the way, do you have any idea how to destroy that thing?"

Tom brought the locket placed on the table in front of him. He did not wear this thing with him because he could feel that the locket was affecting his emotions, amplifying some negative emotions, making him more irritable and irritable, and easily depressed.

It has such power without being "activated". It can only be said that it is a Horcrux made during Voldemort's heyday. If this Horcrux absorbs the power of a wizard's soul like a diary, it might cause a big mess.

After taking it closer, Tom noticed something special about the locket - countless tiny runes could be faintly seen on the surface of the locket. These runes formed a powerful protective spell, making the surface of the Horcrux extremely difficult to damage.

"Kreacher said that he tried almost everything, such as throwing it into the stove, hitting it with a hammer, and even the house elves' destructive spells couldn't hurt it at all. So what are you going to do?" Sirius looked at the Horcrux with some worry.

Tom naturally planned to hand it over to Dumbledore and ask him to strike it with Gryffindor's sword.

"Sword? Will it work?" Sirius frowned. He remembered that Kreacher said that the surface of the locket was indestructible.

"Just open the box and the parts inside are definitely not that strong."

"But, it seems like it can't be opened." Sirius tried, but he couldn't open the locket.

"This thing is a relic of Slytherin. If you want to open it, you will probably need Parseltongue. This is his normal operation." At this point, Tom sighed at Voldemort's protection method for his Horcrux.

He has tried his best.

Slytherin's locket was hidden in a cave, surrounded by strict magical protection. The locket itself was indestructible and could only be opened by someone who knew Parseltongue. With so many layers of protection, the locket should theoretically be foolproof. It's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of humans, and many accidents occurred.

The Hufflepuff Gold Cup was placed in Gringotts. Gringotts claims to be the safest place in the world. If the goblins can really live up to their boasts, then there really is no problem with Voldemort's choice. However, he encountered false propaganda.

Ravenclaw's diadem is hidden in the Room of Requirement. The Room of Requirement itself is very secluded, and coupled with the clutter accumulated over the centuries, trying to find the diadem in it is really like looking for a needle in a haystack. As a result, I met my enemy Harry Potter...

Perhaps because he has Voldemort's soul fragments in his body, Harry can always meet Voldemort's Horcruxes in various incredible scenarios.

In the original world line, he saw Hufflepuff's golden cup; he saw Ravenclaw's diadem accidentally in the sixth grade - he also hid Snape's textbook next to the diadem; He also picked up Lytlin's locket when clearing out the clutter in the Black mansion...

It can no longer be explained by coincidence!

It can only be said that Horcruxes are attracted to each other.

Sirius didn't know these twists and turns, and he was already starting to feel anxious.

"How can there be anyone who can speak Parseltongue nowadays? The descendants of Slytherin are already extinct!"

"Believe Dumbledore, he will definitely be able to solve it." Tom moved Dumbledore out and comforted Sirius.

"I hope so." Sirius frowned and said dubiously.

After a few chats, Tom and Hermione left No. 12 Grimmauld Place and prepared to return to Hogwarts.

After leaving Sirius' house, Tom and Hermione chose to take the subway back to the Leaky Cauldron.

On the subway, Hermione's brows hadn't even spread.

"What's wrong? Baby~" Tom put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and whispered in her ear: "Frowning every day will make wrinkles appear on your forehead."

Hermione simply rested her head on Tom's shoulder and said quietly: "What do you think Kreacher is in Sirius's eyes?"

Tom thought about it and felt that before today, Sirius definitely did not regard Kreacher as a "person". After today, it would be hard to say.

But this is not to be blamed on Sirius, because this is determined by the environment in which he grew up, and it is also the consensus of the magical community. Almost no wizards in the magical world think that house elves have personality. In public perception, they are just useful, loyal tools that can reflect the noble family background.

Maybe Dumbledore and Hermione were the only ones who would treat house elves as human beings.

"I hope the story Kreacher told today can touch Sirius. His attitude towards Kreacher is really not friendly." Thinking of Sirius' appearance when he just took the locket away from Kreacher, Tom felt that there was little hope.

In his eyes, everything at 12 Grimmauld Place was the origin of his hated family of origin, and Kreacher was no exception. He didn't kick it out because it knew too many secrets.

"Sirius will pay the price, not only him, but also all the wizards who enslaved house elves. They never regarded house elves as creatures with the same sensitive emotions as humans." Hermione said worriedly : "They have to pay for the way they treated the house elves. Voldemort has paid the price. Who will be next? Sirius? Or us?"

"You think too much." Tom flicked the tip of Hermione's nose and teased her.

He felt that the countermeasures left by the ancestors of wizards were almost perfect, and their theoretical basis was comparable to the caste system of "suffering in this life, and others in the next."

The best shackles are never physical chains, but the bonds in the heart.

Can house elves fight? Very capable. If the house elves started a rebellion now, could the wizards put it down? With the current level of wizards, they probably can't beat it.

The fact that Lucius Malfoy was instantly killed by his own house elf Dobby with one move explains a lot. Let's treat the hundreds of house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen as hundreds of adult wizards.

It can only be said that there are capable people among the ancestors of wizards!

The article in the Regulations on the Management and Use of Wands that "no magical creatures other than wizards are allowed to possess wands" must have caused a bloody storm back then. These ancient wizards used bloody methods to frighten all non-wizard magical creatures, making them afraid to get their hands on the wand.

Think about it, house elves are so good at fighting without a wand. If they had a wand... wizards had better pray that house elves can't use wands made by wizards.

If ancient wizards had chosen to use violence to keep house elves in captivity, I am afraid that by now the house elves would have gained their freedom through continuous struggle.

It's just that the wisdom of the ancients was really beyond imagination. They actually succeeded in taming these powerful magical creatures by distorting the values ​​of house elves.

Many behaviors that are unacceptable to wizards are taken for granted in their eyes. "No vacation, no salary, and absolute obedience to the wizard's orders" are as natural as "annual leave, five insurances and one housing fund, and payment of wages on time" in their minds!


Muggles have done similar things. As a colonial empire, Britain's remaining influence in its colonies is far less than France's remaining influence in its former colonies. Why is this?

One is conquest by force and the dispatch of restraints, the other is cultural assimilation, nothing more. It is easy to break the shackles on the hands, but it is difficult to break the shackles on the heart. This is the truth.

"What's the matter?" Hermione stared at Tom seriously until he moved his eyes away. "The United States was still segregated until the 1960s. Now it is not equal? ​​I feel that those people will definitely pay the price in the future - Can wizards be an exception?"

The girl's voice is clear and melodious, making people's hearts flutter. Hermione is like this, she exudes her own charm.

Tom looked at her serious face and melodious voice, and his heart swayed.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked gently.

"Free the house elves and give them freedom. Tom, you can definitely help me, right? As long as we work together-"

"Sorry, I can't agree with you on this matter."

"That's, I - what? What did you say?" Hermione looked at Tom in astonishment, her eyes full of surprise. She never expected that Tom would actually be in a different position from her on this matter.

"So are you going to enjoy the slave labor in peace?" Her voice became colder.


It seems like a trap?

"That was not what I meant--"

"Then what do you mean?"

Tom felt cold sweat running down his forehead. This was the first disagreement between the two of them since they got together, and he just felt a little overwhelmed.

He has tasted the sweetness of love, now he wants to taste the bitterness.

Dumbledore, save me!

Tom's mind was racing, and then a name came to his mind.

"Do you think Professor Dumbledore doesn't know the living conditions of the house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen?" Tom stroked Hermione's hair with his hand and asked her to calm down. "Of course I support you. I have always supported you, but we have to figure out one question in advance, why Professor Dumbledore didn't make the same choice as you."

Hermione felt a little relieved after hearing Tom say that he would support her, and then she was attracted by the questions raised by Tom.

Yes, why didn't Professor Dumbledore choose to give those house elves their freedom?

Dumbledore definitely knew about the existence of these house elves, so his attitude was very questionable.

Because in Hermione's eyes, Dumbledore didn't take any measures!

Is he not kind enough? Hermione shook her head, dismissing the possibility.

So why?


This is a big chapter of four thousand words. Good night.

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