The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 667 The school newspaper and Malfoy’s request

Harry followed Tom's gaze and saw a school girl who looked a little weird. She was weird not because she had shaggy waist-length dirty blond hair, but because there was an obvious lunacy in her aura. For some reason, she stuck her wand behind her ears and wore very strange jewelry: a necklace made of butterbeer corks and a strange-shaped earring that looked like two orange radishes.

Even in the wizarding world, this is a very unusual costume. But thinking of the "art people" he met in London, Luna's dress seemed understandable. If those who engage in art don't wear some fancy clothes, is it still called art?

Harry hadn't seen "The Quibbler," so he found a reasonable explanation for Luna's outfit.

It doesn't matter whether she is artistic or not, what matters is that she knows how to run a newspaper. At this time, Harry was so motivated that he could not wait to print and publish the Hogwarts school newspaper the next day.

Luna noticed the gaze directed at her. She turned around and saw Tom and Harry looking at her. So she smiled back at the two of them, and Harry waved back.

"It seems like you two can get along very well." Tom patted Harry on the shoulder and gave him an encouraging look.

"Yes." Harry nodded with satisfaction. He was looking forward to the newspaper he was about to start more and more.

After lunch, while the students were leaving, Harry hurriedly ran to Luna, and then he realized that it was a little too embarrassing for him to rashly strike up a conversation like this.

But it was too late, Luna heard his footsteps, she stopped and stared at Harry's face with curious eyes.

"What's the matter?" Luna's voice was a little erratic, like murmuring in a dream.

"Uh..." At this time, Harry didn't care so much anymore. Being chased away from the shelf, he could only bite the bullet and asked: "I heard that your family runs magazines, so do you know how to run a newspaper? ?”

"Of course." Luna would only talk to people on topics she was interested in, and "The Quibbler" founded by her father was one of the topics she was interested in.

"I often help my dad organize manuscripts at home, and sometimes help him print..." Speaking of these specific operations, Luna's tone became much firmer, as if she had woken up from a dream.

Hearing what Luna said, Harry was overjoyed: "Listen, I want to start a newspaper - the school newspaper of Hogwarts. Look, we don't have our own newspaper, do we?"

Judging from Luna's expression, she was more interested in the topic at hand.

At this time, an uninvited guest joined the discussion between the two.

"What are you talking about?"

Harry turned his head to look, and a big aquiline nose and two thick black eyebrows appeared in his sight. Harry was shocked: Why did Krum come over and talk to them? He is not familiar with him!

Then something even more surprising happened: Luna took over and started chatting with Klum.

"What a great idea." Krum praised Harry's idea: "Durmstrang doesn't have a school newspaper either... If it goes well here, we can do the same."

Luna laughed happily: "The key is to find a suitable writer and a printing place——"

Harry, who had been a little nervous just now, suddenly felt confident. He felt confident that he could persuade Dumbledore to give him a small room to use as the printing room for the school newspaper. However, copywriters were still a problem, and Harry felt that he was not good at writing.

The somewhat strange combination of Harry, Luna, and Krum left the auditorium while talking together, without caring about the strange looks from others.

"Yordle, please wait!"

As Tom was walking up the stairs, he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw that the person who stopped him this time was very special and somewhat unexpected.

It was Malfoy who stopped Tom. Today he got rid of his two followers and found a place with few people to stop Tom.

Looking at Malfoy's haggard appearance, Tom thought about it for a moment and understood his purpose.

"Can we find a secluded place to chat?"

"Okay." Tom agreed to Malfoy's request and led him into the nearby History of Magic classroom. It was the end of lunch and no one was here to interrupt their conversation.

Looking at Hermione who followed them in, Malfoy pursed his lips.

"Can you..."

"No." Tom interrupted Malfoy with a smile. Tom knew what he was going to say before he finished speaking - he wanted to kick Hermione out.

"Either let her listen here, or we don't have to talk about it." The status of the Malfoys and his son was not even as good as Hermione's high heel here, so Tom's attitude was self-evident.

Malfoy was silent for a brief moment, then showed a flexible moral bottom line and accepted Tom's terms.

The three of them sat down together and listened to Malfoy explain his reasons for coming.

After listening to Malfoy's statement, Tom looked strange: "From what you said, it seems that your father really hung out with Death Eaters."

"We were forced - that person came to the door and couldn't tolerate our refusal." Malfoy looked aggrieved.

He didn't have a good impression of Voldemort. In his opinion, Voldemort was one of the culprits who destroyed his happy life. Before Voldemort's resurrection, Draco Malfoy undoubtedly lived a winner's life. He only needs to lead his two younger brothers to run rampant in school every day, with endless pocket money, a father who supports him unconditionally, and a mother who loves him. Thanks to his father, Professor Snape, the dean of Slytherin, also took good care of him.

Such days are happier than the Minister of Magic.

But after Voldemort returned, his quality of life plummeted. His family's estate had been occupied and turned into a Death Eater headquarters. His father had inexplicably become someone else's servant. He had to be humble every day and lived like a house elf. He didn't even dare to speak loudly in his own home.

Draco Malfoy hated this kind of day.

"A lot of times it's the deeds but the heart..." Tom's words made Malfoy's heart sink to the bottom.

Sure enough, he shouldn't place his hopes on Yodel, Malfoy thought. He originally hoped that Tom could help him set up a line with Dumbledore, convey his situation and intention to surrender, and thus save his father from the Ministry of Magic.

But now it seems that Yoder just wants to humiliate himself.

Then there is only one answer!

"...But it's not impossible to handle special cases."

Tom's next half-sentence rekindled hope for Malfoy, who was about to turn dark.


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