The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 665 The only countermeasure

Harry read Rita's report carefully and found that this woman really had two skills. Harry read the whole article and found that what Rita said was basically the truth!

Is Hagrid a half-giant? yes.

Are the animals used in Hagrid's teachings closely monitored by the Ministry of Magic's Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures? yes.

Were any students injured during Hagrid's class? Not to mention the students, Hagrid himself was injured.

Rita really lives up to the Soviet joke.

[Why did you blackmail Hagrid? 】

[I recounted what Hagrid did]

Even Harry, after thinking seriously for a moment, realized that the situation was very unfavorable to Hagrid. Because personal emotions aside, the Hagrid in this report is a completely abominable image.

Harry was even a little dazed, wondering if Hagrid was really not suitable for the profession of teacher.

He and the boys discussed various ways to save Hagrid, but they were all rejected by themselves one by one. Before get out of class was over, they were almost certain that Hagrid was going to be doomed.

The only good news is that, just like the crisis in the second year, Hagrid cannot be thrown into prison. His maximum punishment is to lose his teaching position at Hogwarts and go back to being a gamekeeper.

But Harry felt that if this were to happen, Hagrid's life would be over. This must be a very big blow to him. This setback may turn him into a decadent alcoholic who drinks all day long.

This is not possible! Harry felt that he should find a way to help Hagrid.

While Harry and the Gryffindor boys were discussing how to save Hagrid, Malfoy and his two younger brothers were also discussing how to save their father.

Lucius Malfoy and his wife are currently detained by the Ministry of Magic. Judging from Minister Bones's situation, he is afraid that he will have to imprison them in Azkaban before he will stop. This made Draco anxious. He wanted to save his parents, and he was willing to pay any price for them.

"Then you can join the Death Eaters." Goyle said with a simple face.

Malfoy was silent. For the first time, he had something he couldn't say to his two followers. In the past, he and Crabbe and Goyle basically talked about everything, and he could even reveal the news that the secret room was about to be opened. But today he couldn't express what was in his heart.

Because to say it would be disloyal to the mysterious man. He, Draco Malfoy, didn't want to be a Death Eater.

He always felt that the mysterious man was about to be finished. Are the current Death Eaters really capable of fighting against the Ministry of Magic? You know, there are a lot of enemies among the Death Eaters. After that fiasco, many people were shaken in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show it because the mysterious man was still there. Everyone was afraid that they would be the next to be arrested, that they would be kissed by a dementor.

Tom's goal was achieved. He shocked the remaining Death Eaters with the actual death penalty. This was a 100% execution rate!

Even worse than the Dementors, the mysterious man was injured in the battle with Dumbledore and suffered irreversible injuries. This shows that Voldemort is still no match for Dumbledore, and cannot even fight against him.

If two people were trapped in a space, would Voldemort be beaten to death by Dumbledore? Many people already have the answer in mind.

Voldemort originally chose to use violence to intimidate his subordinates, but now when his violence is not so strong, the backlash has come: the Death Eaters are no longer so united.

At this time, if you ask those Death Eaters who have temporarily escaped the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic to stand up and hunt for Lucius Malfoy, even if there is Voldemort's order, they will definitely choose to obey and disobey.

After his parents were arrested, Malfoy often suffered from insomnia. In the dead of night, lying on the bed tossing and turning, he had already analyzed and understood these truths. Joining the Death Eaters will involve arduous tasks, you may face even more terrifying liquidation in the future, and you may not be able to save your parents.

Draco Malfoy didn't want to take on so many risks without corresponding benefits.

Crabbe looked at Malfoy's expression thoughtfully. Both he and Goyle's father managed to escape capture, so they still had to serve Voldemort.

But the way he looked at Draco, it was clear that...

You are not loyal!

Crabbe saw it all. Different from the silly image, Crabbe has his own ideas in his heart. After discovering the change in Draco's heart, he remained calm and secretly decided to report the matter to his father.

He believed that his father would make the most appropriate decision.

"But after joining the Death Eaters, what will they ask us to do?" Malfoy lowered his voice and tried to tie the two younger brothers to him.

Crabbe and Gorge both shook their heads, they didn't know either. Seeing this, Malfoy sighed. He thought he might as well discuss it with Pansy! That girl also had an idea in mind, but she was not reliable enough.

"Hey! I hope you can pay attention to the lecture!" Professor Graplan said unhappily. She was talking about the various magical properties of unicorns, but she found that many boys didn't seem to pay attention to her at all.

The boys shut their mouths, but they were a little unconvinced, because at this time, the girls in the class were surrounding the unicorn, stroking its white fur, while the boys could only watch.

If you can't touch a unicorn and have to be lectured, it's a shame if you can keep your mind balanced!

The Gryffindor and Slytherin boys all had dark faces, looking unhappy.

Fortunately, it's not far from the end of get out of class, so everyone only needs to be patient for a while.

The bell rang on time and everyone walked towards the castle. They were going back for lunch. The girls gathered around, chirping and praising Professor Grapeplan, which made Harry even more upset.

But when he walked into the auditorium, a figure caught his eye. Harry's eyes lit up after seeing him.

Tom should have a solution! Harry thought optimistically, so he ran to Tom's side in three steps and two steps, and shamelessly sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

After he repeated his request to Tom, Tom fell into deep thought.

"It's not impossible." Tom's words gave Harry great encouragement.

"Isn't it a hybrid giant to let Hagrid bite him to death? I don't think that old woman has any evidence-"

Tom shook his head, "As long as most people believe that Hagrid is a hybrid giant, then he does too. What we have to do is treat him coldly and then prove that he is a good person."

Tom's idea is very simple. Let Hagrid disappear from the public eye for a while, and then find an opportunity to prove that he is not a bloodthirsty and cruel hybrid giant, but a law-abiding wizard in the magical world.

"Of course, you can also jointly petition the school board - if you get the support of enough Hogwarts students, then it won't be a problem for Hagrid to continue to be a professor, because this is the trust of the students."

But Tom felt that this road was impossible.


There are also nights.

The status has been adjusted well in the first three days of the month, and it can be updated stably this month. I would like to thank the readers who follow the update and thank you for your tolerance. The Emperor will work hard and keep updating every day in September.

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