The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 659 Karkaroff’s Self-Redemption (Two in One)

"Rose? I don't think it looks like it..."

Tom's head was full of black lines, and he was very lucky that he and Hermione had cleaned up the situation more thoroughly and did not reveal any flaws.

While the roommates were discussing which flower had the most fragrant scent, Tom had already changed his clothes. His eyes fell on the pile of gifts at the foot of the bed.

There are many more gifts given this year than in previous years. Tom's new connections have brought him many gifts this year. For example, Minister Bones gave him a very exquisite leather notebook with the "M" logo of the Ministry of Magic on it, which made Tom couldn't help but suspect that it came from a certain conference room of the Ministry of Magic. Mr. Borgin, who accepted his asylum, gave him a rosary, which was said to drive away all kinds of insects in the room. Even Lockhart sent him a signed photo.

These things, except for the signed photo, are quite practical. Underneath these ceremonial gifts are more sincere things from friends. Under the notebook given by Bones was a large package given to him by Fred and George, filled with gadgets they invented. Since Tom was so close to Fred and George, Mrs. Weasley also sent him a gray sweater with a silver three-headed dog knitted on it.

The Grangers sent a set of portable dental rinsers, which suited their status. Of course, it also made Tom wonder if Hermione was suing him. When I kissed Hermione, there shouldn't be any smell in my mouth, right? Tom felt a little guilty. He remembered that he brushed his teeth before going to bed last night, but he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed himself. After making sure that his breath was normal, Tom happily accepted the set of dental rinsers.

He plans to have his teeth rinsed every day to flush out the food residue in his teeth. They are the source of cavities, tartar and bad odor. With this dental rinser, Hermione's kissing experience with him would probably be even better.

The previous gifts were all beautifully wrapped, except for those given by Dumbledore. The old man's gift was actually wrapped in a pair of woolen socks! The gift, encased in a brand new woolen sock, was almost ignored by Tom. It was lying quietly next to the box of snacks sent by Hagrid, and it was inconspicuous at all. However, although the packaging is simple, this gift is very important to Tom.

Because it contains the potion prepared by Professor Snape for Hermione, she needs to take it once a day, and she must take it at the same time every day as much as possible. Because the potion itself is slightly toxic, the body needs to be given enough time to detoxify, but the ingredients that inhibit the curse can only be effective for 24 hours, so it needs to be taken at the same time.

Looking at the timer and "instructions" that came with the potion, Tom felt that it was better to expand the slaughterhouse's production capacity and arrange the magic stone as soon as possible. Because after reading the "instructions", Tom was sure that what he was holding was not only a life-extending potion, but also a chronic poison that could kill her!

If she takes it for a long time, it's hard to say whether Hermione died due to the curse or was poisoned by the medicine.

After taking the potion with a heavy heart, Tom opened the last package, which was a serious Christmas gift from Hermione - a small magic camera. It's a bit like Polaroid in the non-magical world. You can get the photo on the spot after taking a photo. However, this kind of photo is different from the Hogwarts portraits. It is a simple GIF picture and cannot make complex responses to external stimuli.

Looking at the camera given by Hermione, Tom had an idea that was not particularly bold.

It seems that I will change my career as a photographer next, he thought.

Compared to the gift Hermione gave him, Tom's gift to Hermione was much simpler. He gave Hermione a women's watch, hoping she would like it.

Of course, as a celebrity in the wizarding world, there are many people who admire Tom and send him and Hermione letters or other things. But Tom asked Dumbledore to collect these things on his behalf, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble - you can never predict what weird things the wizards in the magical world will send.

After opening the gifts, Tom waited for Hermione in the common room. She smelled delicious and she went back to take a shower after leaving the dormitory in the morning. After meeting, the two went downstairs to enjoy breakfast.

They spent the entire morning in Ravenclaw Tower, killing time until lunchtime came around. The number of students staying at Hogwarts this year is the highest ever, and almost no one chooses to go home. This also made the auditorium as busy as usual - on previous Christmas days, sometimes all that was needed was a round table.

Since the food at Hogwarts is already rich enough on weekdays, the Christmas lunch only includes some special Christmas delicacies, such as roast turkey, Christmas pudding and Cribbage wizard shortbread cookies.

In the afternoon, Tom and Hermione came to the snow-covered grounds outside the castle. Brothers Harry, Ron and Fred were having a snowball fight there.

At first, it was just a game between a few of them, but more and more people joined in later, and it turned into a melee with dozens of people - students from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff all ran away. Come and join in the game.

A snowball fight might be a good idea to settle some old grudges. Small conflicts like you fouling me during the Quidditch match and me throwing a dung egg under your seat were eliminated by the snowballs that came and went.

Of course, some snowballs have more or less personal vendettas. Harry made a snowball the size of the Quaffle. When he was looking for a target, a girl with long, waterfall-like black hair appeared in Harry's sight holding a snowball.

Harry's heart skipped a beat.

After seeing the snowball in Harry's hand, Qiu Zhang screamed: "Don't hit me!"

Harry thought for a moment, lowered his hand, and smiled sheepishly. He didn't know what to say, but he was happy just being near her.

Ginny's expression suddenly turned ugly in the distance.

"Ginny, watch the game!"

Suddenly, there was a loud cry and two snowballs rushed towards Ginny. Ginny was caught off guard and was hit by snowballs one after another.

Fred and George appeared out of nowhere, both holding a bunch of snowballs in their arms.

Seeing that their snowballs were extremely accurate and their sister's expression didn't look happy, Fred and George looked confused: Why couldn't the little sister get out of the way? This is not in line with her level!

They knew very well that their little sister's athletic talent was very strong. Even if they didn't shout, she should be able to dodge these two snowballs. But why didn't you avoid it today?

Following the little sister's gaze, Fred and George understood something.

"Here comes the snowball!" After looking at each other, they threw the snowballs in their arms without hesitation.

"Hey, wait a minute -" Hearing the familiar voice, Harry instinctively felt something was wrong. He shook off the snowball in his hand, then opened his cloak and stood in front of Qiu Zhang.

Then, dozens of snowballs fell like raindrops, and one of them hit Harry's head with a crisp sound.

Harry fell into the snow with Qiu Zhang in his arms.

Ginny's face turned even darker. When Fred and George saw this, they ran away immediately, neither of them wanted to stay and get into trouble with their sister.

"These two people..." Harry covered his head and struggled to stand up from the snow. After he stood up straight, he wanted to grab Qiu Zhang, but found that she was already squatting aside and digging the ground.

"Fight them back? We can't let them go so easily!" Qiu Zhang extended an invitation to Harry.

"Okay!" Harry suddenly felt a special feeling in his heart, and he squatted aside and picked up the big snowball he had just made.

After preparing for the battle, the two smiled at each other and went to hunt down Fred and George together.

All this was seen by Ginny. Seeing that her twin brothers had completely had the opposite effect, Ginny was furious. She stamped her feet and went straight back to the castle.

Hermione next to her ate the melon from beginning to end, showing an extremely satisfied look. As for Tom, he already had a snowball in his hand, joined the battle, and became one with his classmates physically.

On the other side, Harry and Cho Chang chased Fred and George across almost the entire field, all the way to Durmstrang's big ship.

"Stop, stop!" Fred, who had a guilty conscience, was hit in the head by several snowballs from the two Seekers, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He repeatedly waved his hands and begged for surrender.

"You should really be a hitter. This accuracy is really amazing..." George also put his hands on his knees and breathed in the cold air. The white steam from his mouth even formed a circle beside him. A small cloud.

George felt like he had been hit at least five or six times while running. This is a moving target! This accuracy can indeed be considered by a batsman transitioning to a professional career.

Harry and Qiu Zhang were also adjusting their breathing and had no time to reply to them.

"Who is that?" Fred pointed at the Black Lake, looking surprised.

"You can't fool me with this trick." Harry didn't like Fred's trick at all, but at this moment Qiu Zhang pulled his sleeve and pointed to Durmstrang's big boat on the edge of the Black Lake and said: "It seems like someone is really coming towards us!"

Only then did Harry believe it. He turned around and saw a burly figure stumbling towards them. When the man came closer, they discovered that the man was actually Durmstrang's principal, Igor Karkaroff!

Karkaroff looked a lot more haggard. The mink cloak he wore looked like it hadn't been washed for several days and gave off a strange smell. His hair was greasy and tied into tangles, and his beard was even more shapeless and even a little bit... Hagrid style.

This is so different from the image of a decent and graceful person a few months ago. More importantly, his eyes had completely lost their sparkle, and even the previous coldness had disappeared, leaving only turbidity.

"Professor Karkaroff?" Qiu Zhang tentatively called his name.

Karkaroff looked confused and just staggered forward, like a walking zombie.

"There's something wrong with him." Fred frowned.

At this moment, a glimmer of light flashed in Karkaroff's eyes. He saw the people in front of him clearly, especially Harry. He rushed over quickly and squeezed Harry's shoulders tightly with his hands, like a mousetrap. Clamped Harry.

"Take me to Dumbledore, take me to..." His face twisted, and then he became confused again.

"What are you going to do!" George and Fred pushed Karkaroff hard to keep a safe distance from Harry. But what surprised them was that Karkaroff, who had been jumping around just now, suddenly fell to the snow and lay on the ground.


"I didn't use any force!" He was a little panicked. If he really messed up Durmstrang's principal, he might really be expelled.

Just when several people were panicking, a person walked up to the four Harrys. Harry also knew this person: she was Isa May from the referee team, an outstanding graduate of Durmstrang.

Seeing the appearance of this uninvited guest, Fred instinctively became nervous. He held the handle of the wand in his jeans pocket and looked at Issa May warily.

"What can I do for you?" George asked.

Isa May didn't answer. She just walked up to Karkaroff and looked at his condition carefully. Then a look of "Sure enough" flashed between her brows.

"I need to take him to see Professor Dumbledore." She helped Karkaroff, who was lying in the snow, and turned to look at Harry: "Can you take me to see Professor Dumbledore?"

The four people immediately relaxed their vigilance. They were very sure that this person was not a bad person - how could a bad person take the initiative to ask to see Dumbledore?

So everyone helped her support Karkaroff and led him towards the principal's office.

On the way, Fred asked insinuatingly about Karkaroff, but Issa May kept silent. Issa May had long suspected that Karkaroff had been cast under the Imperius Curse, but it was only just now that she was able to confirm it.

What a shame! The headmaster of a school was actually controlled by someone using the Imperius Curse. Is Durmstrang worthy of being named one of the three most prestigious schools along with Hogwarts and Beauxbatons? This was a huge scandal, and Issa May really didn’t want to make it public, so she kept silent.

Ideally, only Dumbledore would know, but now...

Isa May glanced at the four students at the back, with a look of helplessness on her face, and could only sigh: The principal of Durmstrang, why did you let this loser take over? ! Without him, how could I be embarrassed here today?

Issa May was full of resentment towards Karkaroff. For a moment, she really wanted to throw Karkaroff in the snow - in this kind of weather, he would probably have been there when the Yule Ball started. Frozen to death.

It's a pity that I can't throw it away. The four students in front of me will definitely not agree. As for knocking them unconscious and erasing their memories... After taking a look at their ages and the students playing nearby, Issa May decisively gave up this idea.

Fred and George were close to adult wizards in age, and she couldn't defeat them in a one-on-four fight.

In this way, the four of them, Issa May and Harry, brought the unconscious Karkaroff outside Dumbledore's office.


Continue with four thousand words two-in-one!

Asking for monthly tickets and recommended tickets at the end of the month

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