The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 589 Unlucky Furong

Lee Jordan admitted that he felt sour when he saw the treasure chest.

Why? Why do the two warriors Cedric and Krum have to fight for resources with blood and sweat, while you, Fleur Delacour, look like opening a treasure chest no different than going shopping? Do you have to take a shower every day?

Durmstrang's commentator was also sour.

"Luck is also a part of strength~" The little witch from Beauxbatons was smiling as she was trying hard to think of a way to wash the floor for Fleur.

"Is the Triwizard Tournament a place where a warrior's luck is tested?"

"There's no way..."

Madame Maxime glanced at the two principals next to her with some guilt, and was secretly glad that the home field was not Beauxbatons, otherwise she would not be able to clean herself up. But neither Dumbledore nor Karkaroff meant to argue with her. Both of them were watching the game quietly, and Dumbledore even had a smile on his lips.

Even the commentator saw it, and Fleur who was at the scene naturally saw the shiny treasure box - it was lying unprepared under a willow tree on the edge of the forest, waving to her.

"Wait a minute," Lee Jordan frowned, "This tree seems to be the Whomping Willow, right?"

Someone in the audience recognized the true identity of the tree before Jordan did.

"That pretty French girl is in trouble," Fred said with a smile on his face. He had just made several deals, "That's the Whomping Willow!"

The corner of his mouth almost reached his ears: "Fleur Delacour is in trouble, and I think she doesn't know that this tree can move."

When no outsiders enter the attack range, the Whomping Willow will remain stationary, no different from an ordinary tree. Naturally, a newcomer to Furong doesn't know the power of this big willow tree. To her, it was just an ordinary willow tree with a treasure chest hidden under the tree.

She walked carelessly towards the Whomping Willow, her silver wolf running happily in front of her.

The moment Fleur stepped into the shade of a tree, Fleur felt herself hit in the back by something that came out of nowhere. If it hadn't triggered the iron armor spell on her armor, she might have been knocked over at this time. On the ground.

"What?" Fleur looked surprised. She could hear a whooshing sound in the air, like someone cracking a whip nearby, and then branches as thick as forearms appeared in her sight. The violent shaking seems to reject the arrival of visitors. The wolf he summoned was not far from him and was being surrounded by several tree roots as thick as a fist.

Furong was in a dilemma for a moment. She didn't know whether she should exit quickly or rush to the tree and open the treasure chest first. At this moment, she discovered a large hole at the root of the tree, which was in a blind spot for attack.

So she made a decision and pushed forward, trying to break through the blockade of branches.

Furong was still very flexible, and with the help of several defensive alchemy creations that she had opened before, she was able to break through the heavy blockade of the branches and rush to the root of the tree. But her wolf didn't have such good equipment. A thick branch fell down hard and hit the silver wolf's waist and abdomen from the side.

Wolves are like copper-headed and iron-boned tofu waists, and their waists are their key point. The Whomping Willow struck a critical blow this time, and the damage caused exceeded the threshold that the transformation spell could bear. As a result, the silver wolf was instantly knocked back to its original shape and turned back into stone.

The second willow branch also fell down, breaking the stone into pieces, and the stone fragments were scattered everywhere. As luck would have it, a small piece of stone crashed into a knot in the trunk of the tree. After the knot was touched, the tree suddenly became quiet and stopped moving.


What happened? Why did it stop suddenly?

The incident happened suddenly, and Fleur didn't see clearly what happened. She could only attribute it to her luck or to sacrificing a living creature.

But now that the weird tree has stopped attacking, that's a good thing, and she can go open the treasure chest!

Fleur lost a wolf and two alchemical creations under the Whomping Willow. If she couldn't find good things in the treasure chest, she would lose blood.

Fleur walked to the treasure chest and prayed silently in her heart: I hope it is a powerful alchemical creation. Of course, if it is a magic ring fragment, that is not impossible.

She looked at the locked treasure chest and took a deep breath.

"Open the Alajo hole!" In front of the unlocking spell, the small lock obediently lowered its guard and opened its heart to Fleur.

Fleur breathed a sigh of relief. She had thought that the lock would have a counter-opening spell. She had even prepared an explosion spell, but she found that she had been overly worried.

Fleur entered a relaxed state, holding the lock with joy and preparing to open the treasure chest. As a result, the moment her hand touched the lock, she felt a hook snap behind her belly button.

"Gan!" Fleur, who had used the portkey several times, immediately understood what was going on. Now she just wanted to curse.

The next second, she fell into a puddle.

Quidditch pitch.

From the commentators to teachers and students, the entire audience fell into silence.

" there a trap on the box?" Jordan broke the silence first.

"That's right! Fleur Delacour fell into the trap on the treasure chest and was teleported away! So can traps be added to the treasure chest?"

Everyone was shocked. Adding traps to treasure chests, what a shady person it would take to do such a thing!

Fleur was unlucky enough to meet the legendary "mimic monster". What was even more unlucky was that when she wiped the water droplets off her face, she found a fire dragon staring at her.


While Fleur was battling the Whomping Willow and the treasure chest, Cedric was racking his brains to guess the riddles.

The Sphinx told Cedric bluntly that she had a magic ring fragment and a map fragment in her hand. She would ask him three questions. If he answered one correctly, he could leave safely. If he answered two correctly, he could take away the same treasure. If he answered two correctly, he could take away the same treasure. If you answer all the puzzles correctly, you can take away all the treasures.

The characteristic of this magical animal like the Sphinx is that it likes to make people guess riddles. If you can't guess the answer, it will eat you. Of course, the Sphinx invited by the Ministry of Magic is not that cruel, but if he answers a question incorrectly, Cedric will have to teleport back to his "birth point".

Cedric chose to take risks for the sake of the map and the magic ring fragments - he was now barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Anyway, he was already behind schedule, so he might as well be resurrected this time.

“Tell me, warrior, what devours everything—birds and beasts, flowers and trees? It gnaws at steel, grinds stone, kills kings, destroys city walls, even knocks down mountains?

What can bring someone back to life, make you cry, make you laugh, make you younger, be born in an instant, but last a lifetime?

What is always old but sometimes new; never sad but sometimes gloomy; never empty but sometimes full; never pushing but always pulling?"


I bought a set of tools, two pieces of wood, and then carved a hairpin!

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