The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 565 Uranus (meaningful)

Before Tom fell asleep, he still had the naive idea that he might dream about that rainy night. It turned out that he had thought too much. He took a comfortable, dreamless nap, and when he woke up, the afternoon was gone...

Tom walked to the common room with a dull look on his face, his head pounding. It wasn't that he was traumatized, but that he had a headache caused by taking a nap for too long. Napping for too long will cause the brain to enter a deep sleep state, slowing down blood circulation, eventually leading to insufficient blood supply to the brain when waking up, and causing headaches. This problem cannot be avoided even if you become a wizard.

It was past dinner time, and the little wizards of Ravenclaw stayed in the lounge in twos and threes, busy with their own things.

Tom found an empty seat and sat down, staring out the window in a daze. His headaches eased as oxygen-laden blood rushed to his brain.

"Tom, do you have time?" Padma took the two girls and sat down at Tom's table. Tom looked up and couldn't help but be a little surprised, because these two girls were not Ravenclaw students.

The people Padma brought here were her sister Parvati and Parvati's good friend Lavender. Unlike Hufflepuff and Slytherin, outsiders are allowed into the Ravenclaw common room. But most of the time, the young wizards from the four major colleges will only move around in the lounges of their own colleges and will not communicate across colleges.

So when Tom saw two Gryffindors here, he was a little surprised.

"Of course, but what's the matter with you?" Tom also wanted to know what the purpose of these three people was to find him.

Padma and the other three quickly took out a few charts and a pile of parchment, and told Tom the reason for their coming.

It turns out that Professor Trelawney has assigned a somewhat troublesome homework - refer to the star chart he drew to analyze the movement of the planets that will affect him next month.

A whole month to predict! The first divination class is due next week!

If you do it seriously, the workload is ridiculously large. But there is also a shortcut, and that is editing! In order to cater to Professor Trelawney's appetite, you can make random predictions about your own misfortune, and maybe you can get high marks.

As for the astrological chart needed for the homework, Professor Trelawney led everyone to fill in the planetary positions at the time of each little wizard's birth. The process of filling in the chart is very tedious and involves a lot of tedious calculations.

"Do you want me to help you with your divination class homework?" Tom frowned, he hadn't even finished his own homework.

"Of course not," Parvati heard this and waved her hands repeatedly, "We want you to help us see if there are any mistakes in our astrology diagram - we need to use it as a reference for subsequent homework. If the diagram is wrong, it will be terrible. That’s it.”

Tom suddenly realized it, took over the astrological charts of the three people, and began to compare them. As a result, he found several detailed problems.

"Awesome, why didn't I notice it!" Parvati exclaimed, picked up the quill on the table, and quickly revised her drawings.

"He is indeed a genius even praised by Professor Trelawney." Lavender's words of praise made Tom feel a little embarrassed.

He found that his talent in divination was indeed pretty good, and he could quickly comprehend all kinds of new knowledge. Coupled with his powerful quill, Tom would never make stupid mistakes. For example, when he accidentally counted two gold stars while drawing a picture, his quill automatically made the correction for him.

Even though Tom has outstanding abilities, he can only look at one astrology chart at a time, so when Parvati and Lavender asked Tom to "correct" the astrology chart, Padma could only stand aside and check her own astrology chart. There are no spelling errors.

Finally, Tom changed the pictures of Parvati and Lavender. Padma couldn't wait to put her drawing in front of Tom, "Tom, I'm not sure about the position of Uranus. Can you help me take a look?"

"Okay, Padma. Where is Uranus? Let me see..."

After Tom finished speaking, he also felt that this sentence did not taste right.

"Uranus..." He thought about the word for a moment, and was shocked to find that the word had almost the same pronunciation as "your anus".

In other words, what he just said can also be understood as "Padma, let me see where your anus is."

This damn homophony!

He quickly glanced at the three girls around him with his peripheral vision, and found a blush on their faces.

"I'm also very interested in Uranus. Can you let me take a look at Uranus, Yoder?" A cold-sounding voice came from behind Tom.


"Hermione, when did you get here?"

"When you became very interested in Padma's 'Uranus'." Hermione said angrily. As soon as she entered the lounge, she saw Tom surrounded by three girls. They were chatting and laughing, and even mentioned "chrysanthemums" and the like, which made Hermione furious.

After finding out that these people were studying astronomy, Hermione didn't feel good about it. Now she just wants to coax these annoying girls away.

Tom felt a few drops of cold sweat break out on his forehead. He said to Hermione in an almost pleading tone: "You came just in time. I have a lot of homework to do in Divination class. You will definitely be able to help me."

"Ah ha, there's a lot of homework, Professor Victor didn't leave any homework - Yodel, it's not too late to change to arithmetic and divination." Sure enough, Hermione's attention was attracted by Tom's topic. She suddenly became excited when she learned that Tom had a lot of divination homework.

Hermione had trouble getting along with Trelawney, the Divination professor, so she dropped the course. Now, when she heard the negative news about the divination class, she was as happy as hearing that the stocks she had sold had dropped to their limit.

"Really, this class can't help you with anything." Hermione said confidently, causing Parvati and Lavender to glare at her. They were both loyal fans of Divination classes, and Hermione's words made them very unhappy.

"Yordel, if you still have time, let's analyze the fortune for the next month." Parvati and Lavender looked at each other and sat down on both sides of the table. Padma also Sit on the opposite side of the table.

Now the table where Tom was sitting became crowded. Hermione pulled a stool from the next table with an expressionless expression and sat down next to Tom unceremoniously.

She didn't think there was any big problem just now, but now she thinks it's time to defend her sovereignty.

Some things, if you don’t put your own label on them, will always make others think they are ownerless!


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