The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 562 Dumbledore’s Password

Hagrid's class ended successfully. As soon as the bell rang, Hagrid couldn't wait to announce that get out of class was over, and then left with a box full of Blast-Ended Skrewts.

The little wizards walked towards the castle in small groups.

Naturally, Tom also returned to the castle with several little witches from Ravenclaw. Along the way, Padma and the others kept chattering, everyone was thinking about how to cook snails.

From Hagrid's hut to the castle hall, they have developed no less than ten dishes: cream cheese baked snails, snails sashimi, fried snails, steamed snails, etc...

Tom made an excuse, broke away from the group of witches who were full of Blast-Ended Skrewts, and came to Dumbledore's office.

"Lemon Sherbets." Tom announced last year's password.

The gargoyle in front of Tom showed no reaction.

"Changed it again? Sour popcorn?"

The stone statue still didn't move at all.

"Toffee finger cakes?"

Stone statue:…

"Pile of cockroaches?"

Tom tried dozens of kinds of food, but the gargoyle in front of him was like a real stone statue, showing no intention of moving at all.

"Shit, what did Dumbledore change the password to?"

The stone statue twisted around, revealing the spiral staircase behind it.

Tom:? !

He was shocked by Dumbledore's new password.

When he pushed open the door of Dumbledore's office with ease, he found that the place was the same as before: all kinds of weird silverware on the table with slender legs were steaming out, and the ones hanging on the wall were steaming. The portraits of the headmasters and headmistresses were resting quietly like the Sorting Hat on the shelf, while Fox behind the door was combing his feathers.

And Dumbledore was sitting quietly at the long table as usual, waiting for the visitors to arrive.

"Sometimes I really thought you would stay behind the desk all day." Tom couldn't help but want to complain.

"Actually, you guessed it right." As soon as Dumbledore stretched out his hand, the chair in front of the table automatically slid in front of Tom. At the same time, a plate of dried fruits, a plate of candies and a cup of hot tea appeared on the table. "For me, there is Spending time in a daze is also a kind of happiness."

"I hope I won't be so busy in the future." The scene described by Dumbledore was really terrifying. Even being in a daze was a luxury. What a painful day it was.

Dumbledore smiled at Tom's reaction. No matter how you look at this smile in Tom's eyes, it has a malicious feeling.

"The password you chose is really unique." Tom changed the topic.

"Yeah, it's really weird to use your own name as a password. I'll change it later." Dumbledore agreed with Tom's statement.


"In fact, if you don't come to me, I will go to you." Dumbledore ended the chat and looked at Tom, "I hope you can participate in this year's Triwizard Tournament - as a checkpoint. "

Dumbledore's words were somewhat out of breath, which startled Tom. Just listening to the first half of the sentence, he thought Dumbledore was going to open a door for him to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament.

"Of course I am interested in participating in such fun things. After all, it is also my suggestion to let more students participate in the Triwizard Tournament... But in order to make the levels more 'playable', I need a little help. "After knowing that Dumbledore wanted him to help form the Triwizard Tournament project, Tom breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not too much to ask for. In fact, even if Dumbledore didn't say anything, he would come to him and apply to join - a project he designed himself, of course, you have to participate in person to have a sense of participation!

"Help?" Dumbledore adjusted his half-moon glasses.

Tom knew that the time had come to solicit sponsorship.

"I have always had such an idea..." Tom told Dumbledore his concept in a eloquent manner, just like an entrepreneur seeking financing in the non-magical world.

"This idea is interesting, but I still have a few questions..." Investment is not that easy. Dumbledore also asked Tom a few questions. Fortunately, Tom was well prepared and answered them one by one.

Dumbledore thought for a few seconds and gave his answer: "I can provide you with a batch of magic metal as a reward for participating in the level - I also hope to see your idea successfully realized."

After getting the "investment", Tom was in a good mood.

So he felt that giving the generous Dumbledore a little help would give him more face.

"Professor Dumbledore, have you ever considered giving Beauxbatons and Durmstrang a little 'performance' when welcoming them?" Tom smiled slightly, "This is the best way to show the spirit of Hogwarts. The perfect time – and also to flex our muscles and impress the guests.”

Mr. Weasley once said: "When people gather together, they tend to show off."

This sentence is also applicable to teachers and students in magic schools.

Why did Durmstrang and Beauxbatons choose such fancy ways to appear? Of course it is to show their background! Otherwise, why bother driving a carriage and boat all the way here? Do you really think the bumpy ride is comfortable?

Dumbledore was moved by Tom's words.

Although he had full confidence in Hogwarts, he now felt that it would be good to greet guests with a grand welcome ceremony.

"Can you tell me more about the performance?" Dumbledore crossed his arms and looked at Tom with interest. He looked forward to Tom's answer.

"Of course." Tom keenly sensed the possibility of fleecing.

After finalizing some details of the "opening ceremony", Tom and Dumbledore's conversation came to an end.

"One last thing, it's about memory... Professor Dumbledore, do you have magic that can read a person's memories shortly after birth?"

Tom was also a little curious about his own life experience and wanted to investigate to see what kind of family he came from. As a child who grew up in an orphanage, Tom's parentage was almost impossible to test. There was only one way to find out: ask himself.

This sounds like nonsense. If Tom can think of it himself, why bother investigating? In fact, Tom plans to use the special characteristics of the human brain to find memories of his birth.

The human brain is the most mysterious organ of the human body. Neither Muggles nor wizards have fully explored the mysteries hidden in the brain. Wizards even put the brain into the Department of Mysteries for study, alongside love, death, space, thought, and time.

Take memory as an example. Many forgotten things are not really forgotten, but are transferred to deep memory and fall into "sleep". Under normal circumstances, people cannot recall the memories in deep memory. But with the help of magic, it is possible.


Good night!

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