The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 517 Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes

"Norberta?" Tom was shocked when he heard the name. Why does it sound like a girl's name? Could it be that……

"Yes," Charlie nodded, "That Norwegian Ridgeback is a female dragon. To be honest, we were also surprised when we found out the news."

Charlie raised the scarred arm again, "What do you think? Calling a female dragon Norbert makes us completely defenseless."

Tom and Hagrid really didn't notice this. It would be great for two half-hearted people to be able to hatch a dragon, but they have no ability to tell the difference between male and female dragons.

After greeting Charlie, Tom met Bill, the eldest son of the Weasley family, again. Bill, who works at Gringotts, had been stationed in Egypt, searching for treasures left behind by ancient wizards. Last summer, when Tom and Hermione were exploring Egypt, they met Bill once. He also provided Tom with a lot of inspiration. Without Bill's help, it would be almost impossible for Tom to enter the pyramid of Menes.

Bill still looked like a punk, with a ponytail and clothes like a rock band.

"Long time no see, adventurer!" Bill lay on the chair and waved lazily to Tom, "How was your harvest in Egypt last time?"

"Found a wonderful ruin—" Tom was interrupted by the appearance of Mr. Weasley.

"Where are Fred and George?" He first glanced at the kitchen to make sure that Mr. and Mrs. Granger had been taken to visit their room, so he no longer tolerated it and got angry directly - he had been holding back his anger just now, He just didn't want to show it in front of the Grangers who were meeting him for the first time.

"Well, they were taken away by their mother." Charlie scratched his head and told his father that after he left, he and Bill had been interrogated by his mother. He and Bill couldn't handle it, so they all attacked Frey. De and George told their mother exactly what they did at the Dursley's house.

Mr. Weasley fell silent. Although he was angry with Fred and George, he had no intention of actually telling Mrs. Weasley. But Mrs. Weasley noticed something strange about her husband. When he went to the Granger house to pick him up, she directly interrogated Bill and Charlie unannounced. The two good brothers entertained them all, which made Molly very angry.

"I shouldn't have let it slip to you guys who don't know what to say!" In the end, he could only complain angrily, and then went to the garden to find a way to save his son.

After Mr. Weasley left, Harry came to Tom and told him: "It is said that Dally's tongue was swollen until it was four feet long, so the Dursleys agreed that Mr. Weasley would cast a spell on Dally."

"No wonder your uncle hates magic." Tom had a strong desire to complain. It's understandable that the Dursleys didn't have a good impression of wizards, because it seemed like the family would be in bad luck if they came into contact with wizards.

Uncle Vernon's bad attitude towards wizards originated from Harry's father James. He invited Vernon to attend his and Lily's wedding. However, the wedding process was very unpleasant. Vernon felt that James was teasing him, so the two parties broke up. Dispersed, no more contact from now on.

As a result, the next time I heard news about them, it was the death of James and Lily. This was a terrible thing for Vernon. What was even more annoying was that he had to help James raise his children.

The Dursleys' misfortune wasn't over yet. During Harry's first year, Hagrid made Dally grow a pig's tail on his ass, during the summer of his second year, Harry blew up his aunt, and this year it's Fat Tongue Toffee...

With so much unhappiness, it's no wonder the Dursleys resented wizards.

"Maybe," Harry shrugged, "but it was a hell of a lot of fun, and Dally's tongue really grew to four feet long."

At this time, a flash of color appeared at the door of the kitchen. Hermione put away her luggage and returned to the kitchen on the first floor. Behind her was a small figure, that was Ron's little sister Ginny, and Crookshanks. It sneakily landed behind them and slipped into the yard to have fun while no one was paying attention.

"Tom, you put your things away first, we'll have dinner soon."

"I'm afraid dinner will be postponed," Bill looked out the window at Fred and George who were being scolded like quails, and said with a smile, "Come on, young man, leave your luggage to me."

Without Tom saying anything, Bill picked up Tom's suitcase, patted Ron who was fascinated by the excitement, and motioned for them to follow him out of the kitchen.

"You, Ron and Harry live together on the sixth floor. It might be a little noisy at night because the ghoul in the attic likes to knock on the water pipes." Bill told Tom about the housing arrangements while walking on the rickety stairs. .

The Burrow doesn't look big from the outside, but it actually has many floors. Counting the attic, it has seven floors, of which people live on floors two to six. The second floor was Ginny's room, and she slept with Hermione today. The third floor is Fred and George's bedroom, and Percy's room is next to them. It's hard not to believe that this arrangement was intentional by the Weasleys, letting the most rigorous and rigid son take care of the most naughty one. The most noisy twins.

The fourth floor is Charlie and Bill's room. In order to welcome the Grangers, this oversized bedroom that occupies the entire floor has been magically divided into two rooms. The Grangers will stay here for one night. It won't be a problem if Charlie is very calm and reliable next door.

Further up is Arthur Molly's master bedroom and Ron's small bedroom - if the Weasleys have another child, they will probably have to free up the attic.

The Burrow is not large, but it is very cozy and gives people a strong feeling of home. With so many people living together, it's a little crowded, but it's not a big problem because everyone just stays here for one night and then leaves.

"I really don't know how long Fred and the others will be trained. I think the level this time will not be inferior to that of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." Bill was walking on the stairs while chatting with his brothers.

"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes? What is that?" Harry heard a strange term.

Bill put his luggage aside, holding his stomach and laughing.

After waiting for a while, he successfully suppressed his smile and said, "I always think that my brothers are geniuses. To be honest, I still support them - don't tell your mother."

"My mother found a stack of order forms when she was cleaning Fred and George's room. She followed the clues and discovered that they had actually opened a small shop called Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, selling various items to the students at Hogwarts. Plant the funny things they invented, such as fake wands, magic candies, etc.," Ron continued. At the end of the sentence, he also glanced at Tom: A large number of orders were placed by Tom. …


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