The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 507: Eat well and eat well

The cold, clear pre-dawn light penetrates into the room along with the chirping of birds, illuminating the bedroom. Waking Harry up from his sleep while curled up on the bed.

Summer vacation has begun. But for Harry, this summer vacation is more like a month-long detention: restricted behavior, restricted entertainment, and even restricted food! As a child not yet fifteen years old, it was difficult for Harry to understand why he had to go through such a difficult time every year.

He thought more than once that it would be great to stay at Hogwarts during the summer vacation. It would also be nice to live at his godfather's house. He was really good at cleaning!

Although the Dursley's house was very clean and free of those weird magical animals, Harry still preferred to live in Sirius' house. It doesn't matter if it's dirty, messy, or full of animals - maybe Sirius will only give up living there if a few dementors move in, right? Harry felt that if he gave himself a summer vacation, he would definitely be able to tidy up that house.

There was also movement from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's room next door. The couple had been maintaining a very healthy schedule, going to bed early and getting up early, and were in great health.

Harry lay on the bed, rubbed his face, and crept up from the bed, but he still woke up Hedwig who was catching up on her sleep. In the past few days, this owl has been running around the UK, continuously delivering supplies to Harry. It can be said that it has made great contributions.

Seeing that her master was getting up, Hedwig closed her eyes again.

Harry walked to the closet, stretched, looked in the mirror and combed his hair, grabbed two pieces of clothing, put them on and went downstairs to have breakfast.

When they came to the kitchen, the three Dursleys were already sitting around the dining table. Uncle Vernon was looking at the Daily Mail in his hand attentively, while Aunt Petunia was cutting the tomatoes into wedges and putting them on the plate.

From the moment Harry walked in until he sat down, no one looked up at him. The Dursleys were practicing the art of ignoring Harry and pretending he didn't exist in the family. As luck would have it, this was exactly what Harry expected. Harry felt that it would be best for them to ignore him and get along peacefully for a month, and then he would move to the Weasley family a month later.

Dally sat opposite Uncle Vernon. He could occupy an entire side of the square table by himself. His dieting these past few days seemed to have no effect, and his area seemed to be larger than usual. When Aunt Petunia placed a small plate of chopped tomatoes in front of him, he looked like a game character who had accumulated enough rage to use his ultimate attack.

This is the inhumane cyclical activity of teenagers: losing weight. Only performance reporting can compare with this kind of activity.

Looking at the tomato sashimi in front of him, Uncle Vernon heard a groan from his nose, and the dissatisfaction in his heart had reached its limit.

"Can't it be a normal breakfast?" he asked angrily.

At this time, Aunt Petunia will show her dignity. She gave Uncle Vernon a very serious look and licked her lips at the refrigerator. Her meaning was very clear: this was all about the recipe and it was none of her business.

Uncle Vernon sighed, almost with all his soul. He picked up the spoon and his beard trembled as he chewed.

Dali and Harry didn't have so much nonsense. They both started eating as soon as the tomatoes were put on the table. Dali was hungry, and Harry knew that if he ate slowly, his share would become Dali's rations.

Although he was not short of food now, Harry still didn't want his cousin to take food from his bowl, which would be twice as painful.

"At least have a cup of coffee!" Uncle Vernon was still unsatisfied after finishing his tomatoes. He wiped his mouth and wanted to drink something.

Of course there was coffee, but it was just pure black coffee without any sugar or milk. It made Uncle Vernon doubtful about his life.

"This is simply a potion." He frowned.

Less than half an hour after breakfast, the tomatoes in several people's stomachs were digested.

Uncle Vernon was sitting in the living room, flipping through his newspaper. It would still be a while before the TV show he liked to watch was broadcast, so he could only pass the boring time by reading newspapers.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang suddenly. Uncle Vernon strutted over to the phone, picked up the phone, and after chatting with the person on the other end of the phone for a few words, he hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Uncle Vernon thought thoughtfully for a moment, then roared angrily.

"These damn bastards - they actually asked me to go to the company now, how disgusting! Didn't their parents teach them not to disturb other people's holidays?" While complaining about his colleagues, Uncle Vernon changed his hands and feet neatly. He took off his clothes, gave Aunt Petunia a few words and then walked out of the house.

Outside the door, the car engine sounded, and Uncle Vernon drove away in his car.

"I'm going back to my room to play games!" Dali also walked away from the kitchen with heavy steps.

Harry also took advantage of everyone's confusion and slipped out of the kitchen. He returned to his bedroom, pried open the loose floorboard, and took out a buttery Swiss roll - this was a supply sent by Mrs. Weasley. Along with it came a large pile of meat pies. Sly's old owl nearly died from all the food.

Since summer has come and there is not a good storage space under the floor, Harry naturally decided to give priority to getting rid of these things that could not be stored. After eating to his heart's content, he took out a can of Coca-Cola and drank it. Although it was not ice-cold Coke, it was refreshing enough.

Harry's little life was quite comfortable.

When lunch time came, Uncle Vernon still couldn't handle the company's affairs well, so he had to let Aunt Petunia, Dally, and Harry eat first.

Facing the vegetable sticks, boiled chicken breast and low-fat garlic sauce, both Dali and Harry looked embarrassed, but driven by hunger, Dali still wolfed down the entire lunch. Harry's portion was much smaller than Dali's, so it wasn't difficult to finish it off.

After lunch, it's lunch break. British people don't have the habit of taking a lunch break, but the Dursleys eat too healthily and can easily get hungry, so sleeping is a good choice at this time. So driven by hunger, the whole family developed the habit of taking a lunch break.

Harry tossed and turned in his bed, unable to fall asleep. As the saying goes, a person's desires are endless when he is full and warm. After Harry solved the basic problem of "eating enough", he had to solve the problem of "eating well".

He rolled over and sat up from the bed, his eyes burning.


I want to eat burger...

Give some monthly passes to the emperor who doesn’t have burgers to eat!

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