The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 493 The Great Wrongful Lucius

"I just said - wait, can you make it?" Lucius was shocked by Tom's words. What he wanted was not a simple defensive alchemy creation, but a treasure that integrated both offense and defense.

This is not something that cats and dogs can refine.

"I can, I'm willing to risk my dignity as an alchemist!" Tom nodded very seriously.

This statement is very neutral, but for a pure-blood noble like Lucius, it is very appetizing. Unconsciously, he was already inclined to believe in the strange alchemist in front of him.

"I can refine a ring for you, with four spells attached to it: the Iron Armor Curse, the Stunning Curse, the Petrification Curse, and the Obstacle Curse. You can also have your family crest tattooed on the front of the ring. You are from a noble and ancient pure family. How can a wizard from the Blood Family not have his family’s crest on the ring?”

Lucius had to admit that he was moved. Pure-blood wizarding families, like Muggle aristocrats, like to engrave their family's coat of arms on rings and pass them down as family heirlooms. If he could choose, an alchemical creation in the shape of a ring would best meet Lucius's expectations.

And this ring has four magic spells attached to it! These four magic spells are all very practical and can be said to be the king of cost performance.

"I think it's okay." Lucius said very reservedly, he thought this design was very good. Now it’s time to talk about price.

"One thousand Galleons. Since you are Mr. Pony's friend, I can give you a 20% discount. It only costs 800 Galleons." Tom said without hesitation.

Why don't you go and grab it? ! Lucius felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of his head. The price was too expensive. Eight hundred galleons is enough for a family of nine to go to Egypt for a two-month vacation. Spending such a large amount of money just to buy a ring - even if the ring has four spells attached to it, it is too expensive. some.

With these eight hundred galleons, you can buy four first-class tickets for the Quidditch World Cup final! This is not how the Malfoys spend their money!

Wait, Lucius had a thought in his mind when he thought of the tickets.

"You gave a negotiable price, but since you gave me a discount, as the head of the ancient Malfoy family, I can't ignore your goodwill... I also decided to show my sincerity: four The first-class tickets for the Quidditch World Cup Final. These four tickets are priced as high as 800 galleons. They are still priceless on the market. Nowadays, it is impossible to get tickets for such good seats through official channels..."

Although Lucius was shocked by Tom's offer of eight hundred galleons, no emotion showed on his face. Instead, he decided to take the opportunity to pick up the wool of the alchemist in front of him.

These four first-class tickets are indeed worth eight hundred galleons, and they have indeed been sold out through official channels. If you buy them from scalpers, you may really need a thousand galleons to buy them... But he Lucius Marr Fu Ke is a person with connections. He can get low-priced tickets from the Department of Magical Sports and Sports at very low prices.

This in itself is one of the privileges of these ancient pure-blood families.

Then just use the game tickets to pay off the debt. As for these four tickets, whether Mr. Seven takes them to watch the game or resells them is none of Lucius's business.

Tom frowned, didn't expect such a good thing?

One person wanted to use his game tickets to pay for the money, and the other worked part-time just to buy the game tickets. The two hit it off and soon reached a cooperation and signed a contract.

"You can pick up the goods in three days." Although Tom could make the finished product in a short time, he still planned to make Lucius wait for a while.

"Okay." Lucius nodded with satisfaction. In his opinion, waiting three days was not a problem at all - he was already content with waiting only three days.

"In three days, I will come over with the ticket. This kind of ticket is an anonymous specific ticket. The person who buys it only needs to send a letter to the ticket sales agency to register the personal information on the ticket. It is very convenient." The convenience here , naturally it is convenient for ticket dealers to sell these tickets.

Many people in the Ministry of Magic hope to gain extra income for themselves in this way! The VIP seats and nearly half of the first-class seats will not be sold at all. They have been completely absorbed by the organizer, and it is the Minister of Magic who takes the lead in making small moves. For example, Lucius donated a sum of money to St. Mungo's Hospital of Witchcraft and Wizardry and obtained two VIP tickets. These two seats are located in the top balcony, the best seats in the entire stadium.

Mr. Weasley is not immune. He once helped Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, handle some difficult matters, so he also obtained tickets to the top box.

This is the magical world. Whether they are heroes or villains, pure-blood families always have privileges that ordinary wizards do not have.

After Mr. Lucius left, Tom immediately went to his studio. Without further ado, he must seize the time to make the ring ordered by Lucius.

It was still dark in the studio. If you wanted to light a lamp, you needed to put a magical coin into the gas meter.

Tom took out a penny expressionlessly, and then took out his wand. He pointed the wand at the coin, and the coin turned into a copper nut.

Well, a knut wasn't worth much, but Tom just didn't want to be stabbed like this by Mr. Pony. So he also had his own way of coping.

He is a wizard, and wizards can transform! The currency of the wizarding world is forged by the goblins of Gringotts. Magic is mixed with it during casting, making it difficult for ordinary wizards to imitate it. This is the copper nut that Tom transformed. The wizard will find something wrong as soon as he gets his hands on it.

But is a gas meter that smart?

Tom threw his transformed copper nut into the gas meter.


The coin slipped from the exit below and fell to the ground.

Well, this meter is really smart and can actually tell that Tom used counterfeit money. But Tom had another trick up his sleeve.

He took out a serious copper nut, tied a thin wire to it, and threw it directly into the gas meter.

This time the meter worked normally.

Aha! Tom pulled the copper nut out of the meter with one push, and successfully consumed a quarter of an hour of gas in vain.

Tom hurried to the workbench and took out Menis' slate. This is a treasure he got from Pharaoh Menes before, and it is an alchemical artifact.

He took out a vial filled with blood and dripped the blood on the stone slab. Blood beads quickly seeped into the stone slab, and the black gemstone on the top of the stone slab turned over little by little. Finally, this vial of proliferated blood caused the three gems to rotate.

This means that Tom can perform a three-star level alchemical creation.


Today I resume my daily routine.

By the way, please give me a monthly pass at the end of the month~

Please everyone!

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