The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 471 Not Guilty

Buckbeak's submissiveness surprised the people present: Doesn't this Hippogriff look less ferocious than the legend says?

The old wizard who headed the committee looked at Hagrid, "Can you guarantee that this is the hippogriff that hurt someone that day?"

"Of course," Hagrid looked at Buckbeak proudly, with a look of relief in his eyes, "Buckbeak is the most special one among the hippogriffs."

Old wizard:...

Is this something to be proud of?

"You gave this hippogriff a name. Do the other hippogriffs also have names?" The old wizard was a little curious.

"Of course, I have given names to these beautiful, cute little guys." Hagrid nodded.

The old wizard took a look at Buckbeak. He was indeed beautiful, but was he cute... What was that sentence called? You see it is cute, it looks delicious to you. Only people like Hagrid would find it cute, right?

"Actually, it's not bad. Muggle animal keepers also give names to the animals they raise." A colleague of the old wizard explained to Hagrid, which was able to smooth things over.

Lucius snorted coldly, "You still can't change your behavior. It seems that your experiences as a student didn't make you remember anything!"

When Hagrid was a student, he was involved in a murder case for raising Acromantulas and was eventually expelled. However, Hagrid's love for those dangerous magical animals did not weaken even one bit.

Hagrid seemed not to have heard Lucius's words and happily said to Tom: "You can try to touch it, pat its mouth - or feed it something."

Hagrid took out a dead ferret from his suit and threw it into Tom's hands as the others watched in astonishment.

Tom stuffed the ferret into Buckbeak's mouth and watched as he swallowed the ferret in one gulp. This action reminded Tom of a penguin eating a rabbit, swallowing it in one bite, but the hippogriff swallowed much easier than the penguin.

"I believe that as long as they are emotionally involved, most animals can live in peace with wizards - if you don't believe it, you can ask Professor Scamander." While combing Buckbeak's hair, Tom directed the conversation to the side. Newt's face was full of joy.

For Newt, the happiest thing is seeing people and animals living in harmony. Seeing that Tom had brought the topic to this, he also began to talk endlessly about his experience in protecting magical animals.

Buckbeak swallowed the ferret and closed his eyes with contentment, looking very comfortable. While Newt was promoting his idea, Buckbeak opened his eyes, fluttered his wings, and held one out in front of Tom.

"Ha! Tom, it's inviting you. That ferret is not in vain!" Hagrid was very happy when he saw Buckbeak extending his wings to Tom. This represents acceptance in the hippogriff world, meaning that the hippogriff allows Tom to ride it.

"Come on, climb up along the wings... try not to pull its feathers, it will make it unhappy..." Hagrid quickly pointed to Tom, with an envious look in his eyes: he also wants to ride Buckbeak!

This is one of Hagrid's life wishes, but it will never come true because Hagrid is too big. It is as unrealistic as an adult trying to ride his own alpaca on the road.

Tom put one foot on Buckbeak's wing, and Buckbeak pushed upward, and Tom was thrown onto Buckbeak's back.

Then Tom encountered a problem: Buckbeak's neck was covered with soft feathers, and he seemed to have nowhere to start.

Hagrid shouldn't have taken off Buckbeak's collar so early!

But Buckbeak didn't care whether the passengers on his back found the "handrail" or not. He suddenly spread his wings and fully expanded his twelve-foot-long wings. After attracting everyone's attention, he flew into the sky with one flutter. .

Tom quickly clamped Buckbeak's body between his legs, trying to keep his balance in the air. He could feel Buckbeak's wings flapping on either side of him, and sometimes they would flap against him when they were raised.

The feeling of riding a Hippogriff is not very good. It feels like riding a strong horse without a saddle.

The young wizards and Ministry of Magic officials on the ground had all become black spots, and he was now at least fifty feet in the air. But don't worry, even if you fall, Dumbledore can catch it. If he can't catch it, he must be playing himself.

Tom didn't know that since he rode the Hippogriff to heaven, the little wizards on the ground had exploded and everyone was extremely excited.

Buckbeak flew around the paddock, finally swooping down and landing with a muffled thud.

The surrounding students lined up and were all cheering, and even the officials from the Ministry of Magic had smiles on their faces. When Tom saw Hermione's familiar face in the crowd, his thoughts changed slightly, so he patted Buckbeak's neck and drove him in the direction of the little wizard.

Buckbeak seemed to understand what Tom meant, and slowly walked towards the little wizards.

"Bow!" Newt shouted to the students.

The little wizards hurriedly bowed to Buckbeak, while Buckbeak held his head high and carried Tom all the way to them. Tom let Buckbeak stroll along until he reached Hermione, when he asked Buckbeak to stop.

"Here," Tom leaned forward and held out a hand to Hermione.

"What? You-" Before Hermione could react, Tom grabbed her arm and pulled her to Buckbeak's side. Tom also stretched out his other hand, passed it through Hermione's armpit, and with a strong force, he hugged her onto the Hippogriff.

"Yeah! Itchy-" Hermione's sensitive armpit was suddenly touched by a foreign object, which made her shudder and her body trembled involuntarily. Fortunately, Tom moved quickly enough and lifted Hermione onto Buckbeak's back before she could make any other movements.

"Take us flying around again, and I'll treat you to a ferret!" Tom drew a big round cake for Buckbeak.

As if he understood what he said, Buckbeak chirped, then took two steps and rushed into the sky again.

"Ah!" The sudden feeling of weightlessness made Hermione scream, and the Hippogriff's movements also made her feel very uncomfortable. She hurriedly looked for a place to borrow strength, but the Hippogriff There was nothing like an armrest on her body, so she instinctively hugged Buckbeak's neck.

"Oh, I really don't like this feeling - Tom, you big bastard -" Hermione was a little scared and muttered quickly.

"Don't be afraid," Tom's voice came from behind her, and a pair of strong arms passed through Hermione's waist, hugging her tightly.

It's Tom.

After being hugged by Tom, Hermione felt much safer, and the fear in her heart seemed to disappear. Tom's arms gave her a sense of security, so she let go of Buckbeak's neck and lay peacefully in Tom's arms. Tom's embrace gave Hermione extra time to feel what was happening outside.

Sure enough, after relaxing, everything became different. The feeling of weightlessness when lifting off had disappeared without a trace, leaving only the wind blowing in front of me and the feeling of freedom in the sky.

This was Hermione's first time riding a Hippogriff into the sky. She couldn't help but close her eyes and feel the breath of the wind.

The humid air and the bumpy feeling are what it feels like to fly on a Hippogriff! At the same time, she could still feel the warm touch on her back, and Tom's heavy head - he rested his chin on Hermione's shoulder.

"If you like, we can fly a little longer."

Hermione hummed softly and continued to shrink into Tom's arms. Tom also hugged Hermione harder, and her hair was blown by the wind, brushing against his face, leaving a lingering fragrance. Hermione also had an elegant fragrance that was carried into her chest by the wind.

The girl in his arms was so soft that Tom could even feel her heartbeat.

In this way, Buckbeak flew the two of them first around the paddock, then flew over the Black Lake and paddled across the lake. The mirror-like lake surface that was touched by the claws shattered, and the water splash wet the hems of their robes.

After crossing the Black Lake, Buckbeak flew up the cliff and arrived outside Hogwarts Castle. At this time, most of the students were in class in the castle, and they did not know that two little wizards were flying outside the castle on a hippogriff.

"Very good, Miss Spinnet's transformation is very successful. I bet that if she can perform like this in the O.W.L exam, she will definitely get an 'Excellent'!" Professor McGonagall was inspecting the classroom, checking Students' transformation results.

Arya Spinnet was so pleased with her transformation that Professor McGonagall praised her.

At this time, a shadow passed by the window and attracted the attention of a red-haired student. He looked away from his mouse - he had just turned the mouse into a snuff bottle, but the only drawback was that the mouth of the snuff bottle still had a few rat whiskers. So he restored the snuff bottle to the shape of a mouse and prepared to try it again.

But the shadow outside the window made him stop what he was doing and look out the window.

Then, he saw a Hippogriff flying outside carrying two people.

"Merlin..." the red-haired student exclaimed in a low voice.

"Fred Weasley! If you continue to be so half-hearted, I will be very pessimistic about your Transfiguration results!" Professor McGonagall had walked near Fred at some point. When he saw Fred, he not only The transformation was not completed and he was still looking out the window in a daze.

A surge of anger arose in Professor McGonagall's heart, and she scolded Fred sternly, asking him to pay his attention back.

"Ah! Professor?! Look out the window - someone is flying outside on a Hippogriff!" Fred was startled by Professor McGonagall and said subconsciously.

After saying this, the class was like a pot exploding. The little wizards who were sitting by the window immediately leaned on the window and looked outside. The little wizards who were not leaning on the window also crowded to the window, trying to figure out the situation. .

"Where? Where?"

"Look at that - they're going to turn around!"

"Has anyone seen clearly who is on the hippogriff's back?"

"Quiet!" Professor McGonagall couldn't bear it anymore and yelled, "Twenty points from Gryffindor! Everyone, please return to your seats!"

Professor McGonagall's anger was not something ordinary students could bear, so the students dispersed and quickly returned to their seats.

But their hearts have already flown out of the window.

Not only the little wizards who were taught Transfiguration by Professor McGonagall, but also the students in Professor Flitwick's class, the students in Professor Lupin's class, the students in Professor Binns' class... as long as they saw that fleeting figure. The little wizard's attention was drawn away.

Little did Tom know that he was causing a small stir within Hogwarts Castle. At this moment his mind was entirely on Hermione. He could feel Hermione pressing closer to him as Buckbeak accelerated. He took the opportunity to hug Hermione tighter, wishing that the two of them could become one.

While riding the hippogriff in the sky, while holding his favorite girl in his arms, this is the happiness that Tom wants.

Finally, there was another familiar muffled sound and a tremor, and Buckbeak landed on the ground.

There was applause and whistles from the little wizards all around. Tom seemed to hear the sound of the camera shutter.

"Let me go, what's the point of holding me like this..." Hermione also woke up from the excitement of flying, and upon seeing this, she quickly signaled to Tom to let her go.


With a little force on his arms, Tom lifted Hermione off the Hippogriff, successfully preventing anyone from making trouble in the future and asking weird questions like "Why didn't Hermione get off first?"

After Tom slid off Buckbeak, he patted Buckbeak's back gently to indicate that he could go back. Buckbeak raised his head and neighed, running towards Hagrid happily.

After arriving at Hagrid's side, Hagrid hurriedly took out the ferret he had prepared and threw it to Buckbeak. The hippogriff was not polite and just started chewing.

At this time, Tom and Hermione were also surrounded by little wizards, and everyone asked them about what it was like to ride a Hippogriff.

At this time, a small figure squeezed out from the crowd, approached Tom, and said loudly to him: "I took several sets of photos, and I will send you a copy when I develop them-"

Before he finished speaking, he was crowded out by other little wizards. But Tom still recognized the little guy. He was Colin Creevey. He was a super fan of Harry. He usually liked to take pictures with a magic camera.

"You see, this hippogriff is very docile - as long as you follow the rules." Dumbledore looked at Buckbeak who was devouring his food and said with a smile.

"That makes sense." The old wizard nodded and looked at his colleagues, "Now let's start the voting. If you think Buckbeak the Hippogriff is innocent, please raise your hands!"

A mass of skinny, wrinkled hands were raised.

"I think there is no need for another vote," the old wizard took a rough look at the votes, "I declare that Buckbeak is acquitted after the decision of the Dangerous Animals Committee!"


Two in one, four thousand chapters!

I received the pork, so happy!

I roasted a piece that night, and today I made braised pork ribs. My life is complete!

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