The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 468 Tit-for-Tat Trial

PS: The chapter number is wrong, it’s Chapter 212


The wizarding aristocracy, led by Lucius Malfoy, succeeded in intimidating the old men of the Dangerous Animals Committee.

The average age of these people is over seventy years old - and this is evenly divided among the young people responsible for the execution!

The older a person gets, the more hesitant and hesitant he is when doing things. He does not have the energy of young people, and his behavior becomes more conservative. This is common in both the magical and non-magical worlds.

Older people tend to become conservative involuntarily. In response to this phenomenon, some radical high-tech industry entrepreneurs in the non-magical world have said, "There is no need to let most people live that long. Longevity will suffocate society."

By his standards, the wizarding world was undoubtedly "suffocated". The performance of the magic world also confirmed it from the side. At least the second half of his sentence was correct.

The wizarding world is really becoming more and more conservative.

These elderly wizards will think carefully before dealing with problems. For them, many issues cannot be measured by right or wrong. Both sides must be weighed on the scale first.

Now, Lucius undoubtedly had the upper hand.

The members of the Dangerous Animals Committee were all whispering secretly, glancing at Hagrid and Lucius from time to time.

Of course Lucius noticed the committee members' little movements, and a smile appeared on his lips: It was exactly as he thought! He knew these people in the Dangerous Animals Committee very well. They were timid, timid and conservative. As long as he exerted a little pressure and invited a few friends to come and observe, they would give in.

It would be abnormal if they dared to resist! Most of these committee members are mediocre people who have nothing to offer except their qualifications. As long as their character and strength are outstanding, they should be absorbed into the Wizengamot.

Hagrid, I'll kill that hippogriff of yours, even Merlin can't stop it, I said so! For Lucius, his son Draco is his reverse scale, and anything that harms his son will be destroyed.

He didn't bother to care about what happened. A despicable beast hurt his son, and that beast deserved to die. Not sending Hagrid to Azkaban would have given Dumbledore face.

He remembered that the Black family had the tradition of cutting off the heads of house elves and pasting them on the wall. Muggle nobles also liked to hang the heads of various animals in their castles. Would he like to follow suit in Malfoy Manor and put that head on the wall? Hippogriff head hanging on the wall?

It always feels a bit creepy. This kind of behavior is still too barbaric and not elegant enough. Is it inappropriate for the noble Malfoy family to do such a thing?

Lucius was already thinking about what to do with Buckbeak's body.

Hagrid was taking deep breaths to suppress the tension in his heart. He took out the notes in his arms. This was the defense book that Hermione, Tom, Harry, and Ron had compiled for him last night. There were some acquittal cases in it, which would be very helpful for the trial later.

Until now, Hagrid still believed that the outcome of this judgment would be in the trial hall.

The door of the judgment hall opened again. Lucius didn't pay attention to this detail until he noticed that people around him were getting up one after another.

Minister for Magic Bones appeared at the door.

"Minister, why are you here?" the old wizard standing in the chair said in surprise.

"Where am I going? Do I still need to report to you?" Bones glanced at him, and the old wizard suddenly did not dare to speak. At this time, all the members in the trial hall stood up and focused their attention on Bones.

Hagrid was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that his case would attract the Minister of Magic.

"Everyone, please sit down. I'm just here to listen, just like Mr. Malfoy." Bones waved his hand and motioned for everyone present to sit down. Then he found a seat in the front row and sat down. Ignoring Lucius and his group sitting at the back.

The wizards in the trial hall felt awe-inspiring. What does "just like Mr. Malfoy" mean? Is Minister Bones here to support Hague?

Many people suddenly came up with other ideas, such as Torquier Travers, another heavyweight who came today. He stood up suddenly, patted Lucius on the shoulder with a gentle face, found an excuse and left through the back door.

After he left, Lucius Malfoy's expression suddenly darkened. The expressions of his friends around him also became unnatural. Now Lucius felt very regretful. He felt that it was really a mistake for him to invite that guy Tokil over.

This guy's status is higher than mine. He can come and leave whenever he wants. I have no binding force on him at all. Now he has escaped in the face of battle, which has greatly reduced the morale of his side and also caused changes in the originally certain court trial.

Of course, the biggest variable is that person... Lucius looked at Bones' back and narrowed his eyes.

Why is Bones here? She was definitely not here to listen out of boredom. For a person of her status, every move had a profound meaning. She was here to support that idiot Hagrid!

Sure enough, she and Dumbledore were in cahoots. Lucius subconsciously rubbed the handle of his cane. But Lucius didn't panic. Bones' appearance only brought him and Heig to the same starting line.

In the past, I stood at the finish line and raced with Hagrid. Now I just returned to the starting line, and I was not directly disqualified from the competition!

Lucius is still full of confidence now and feels that he has the advantage. The reason is also very simple. He has made a huge concession. He does not want to punish that stupid big guy Hagrid, but only wants to deal with the hurtful beast. This is not too much to ask for. He believed that as fellow wizards, the members of the committee would understand him.

After getting Bones's consent, the old wizard began the trial.

"The trial on September 3rd... the trial of the hippogriff raised by Rubeus Hagrid that caused harm to Draco Malfoy..." the old wizard said, pulling out a pile of documents in front of him A piece of parchment, took a deep breath, and read as loud as possible: "Okay then. Now comes...the accusation. The defendant is accused of the following crimes..."

He read Buckbeak's crime.

"Rubber Hagrid, due to Albus Dumbledore's guarantee... we believe that you are not responsible for this unfortunate accident... but do you admit that your hippogriff has harmed De Mr. Rakko Malfoy?"

"Yes." Hagrid replied.



"But?" The old wizard stopped and looked at Hagrid.

"Bic—that's the Hippogriff. The reason it hurt Draco is because Draco didn't do what I asked..." Hagrid got the chance and immediately began to explain the matter to the jury. the whole story. Not only did he tell the whole story, he also gave several examples. However, due to nervousness, his notes kept slipping from his hands, which made Hagrid even more nervous. By the end, he could no longer remember the dates of those cases.

But the old wizard listened patiently and waited until Hagrid finished speaking without interrupting, making people wonder if he fell asleep.

"That's it -" He nodded. At this time, Lucius Malfoy coughed slightly. The old wizard immediately closed his mouth and looked at Lucius.

"Mr. Malfoy, do you have anything to say?"

"Of course!" Lucius Malfoy stood up angrily, "What Mr. Hagrid said can only prove his innocence in this case, but it cannot exonerate the Hippogriff! My My son was injured by this animal and couldn’t move his arm for three months. Shouldn’t such a dangerous animal be dealt with immediately?”

"Hmm..." The people present were thoughtful. After all, everyone is still a wizard, and their stance is naturally that of a wizard. Since this hippogriff hurt someone, there seems to be no need to stay.

"Buckbeak wouldn't hurt anyone—"

"Really?" The mature wizard who greeted him before snorted, "That's not what you said when the president and I went to see you!"

"That's because-" Hagrid's forehead was sweating anxiously.

"Because it is a cruel and heartless beast!" Lucius shook his fist violently, "If we cannot deal with this cruel monster as soon as possible, it will definitely hurt people again. By then, everyone here will Everyone is responsible!"

"No - it won't -" Hagrid shouted desperately, but Lucius's words undoubtedly convinced the vast majority of the committee members. Buckbeak shook his head uneasily. He could not understand what was happening, and the strange environment around him frightened him. If Hagrid hadn't been there, it would have flown away long ago.

"Does everyone here have a responsibility?" Bones suddenly said with a smile.

Lucius immediately closed his mouth, and after a moment he said cautiously: "I was just making a metaphor..."

"That's it," Bones said with a smile on his face, "then I'll be relieved. Besides, Mr. Lucius, this is the trial hall of the Ministry of Magic. Only those in charge of the trial can question the defendant."

She was implicitly accusing Lucius Malfoy of interfering with the court proceedings.

"I am the plaintiff. That Hippogriff injured my son -" Lucius immediately found an excuse to intervene, but at this time, the old wizard in charge spoke.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Malfoy, you are not the plaintiff in this case. The plaintiff in this case is the Executive Committee. The purpose of this trial is to decide whether Buckbeak the Hippogriff should be disposed of harmlessly... As for you and Hai I think the grudge between Mr. Ge has been settled. If you have any objections, I suggest you initiate an appeal..."

The old wizard said quietly.

Lucius Malfoy snorted, "It's ridiculous. My son was injured, and I, the father, have nothing to do with this case?"

"Unfortunately, your son can attend as a witness, but he is not here today." The old wizard shook his head, "I can understand your anxiety as a father, but I also ask you to return to your seat."

A trace of anger flashed across Lucius's face, how dare this old man speak to him like this!

But considering that Minister Bones was at the scene and it was difficult for him to have an attack, he could only sit back in his seat with a straight face. The anger in his heart could almost turn into reality. He stared fiercely at Hagrid and Buckbeak. If there was a spell in the magic world that could kill someone with just a look, Lucius would definitely learn it.

"Okay... the trial will continue..." The old wizard secretly sweated to himself. He knew very well that he had offended Lucius Malfoy, but there was always something to gain, and Minister Bones must stay with him. Made a good impression.

Between Malfoy and Bones, the old wizard made his choice. The main thing is that Lucius is indeed unreasonable and Bones is "bigger" than Lucius.

"Rubber Hagrid, according to you, this hippogriff is not a cruel and heartless beast?"

"Yes." Hagrid nodded and stroked Buckbeak's back with his hand. As if to cooperate, Buckbeak also bent his knees slightly to give Hagrid a more comfortable angle for him to touch himself.

"Judging from its behavior, it doesn't look like a heartless beast, but Hagrid, you are its breeder, and its attitude toward you is not of universal significance..." the old wizard said slowly.

Hagrid raised his head, and a conversation from last night came to mind.

"Hagrid, the most important thing is to prove that Buckbeak is not a cruel beast by nature, so if the jury asks you to prove his character, you should do this..."

Tom once said this to Hagrid before leaving Hagrid's hut.

Fortunately, Hagrid had not forgotten this conversation.

"I can prove it!" Hagrid raised his head, "I can prove that Buckbeak is harmless! As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, that's all, right?"

"Of course." The old wizard nodded, "Our department's—"

"No, no, sir," Hagrid interrupted, "This is a strange environment. You also understand that for animals, they will be nervous when they enter a strange environment - even a harmless kitten. This is the instinct of animals. So I asked the committee to send someone to go to Hogwarts with me to verify this!"

After Hagrid said these words, he couldn't help but swallow. He understood that the case had reached the most critical turning point, and whether it would succeed or not depended on the old wizard's next words.

The old wizard did not agree to Hagrid immediately, but pondered for a few seconds.

These few seconds seemed like an eternity to Hagrid.

Finally, the old wizard stared at his cloudy eyes and said: "It is a reasonable request, and I agree to lead the jury members to Hogwarts for verification... Oh, I am such an old bone..."

Hearing what the old wizard said, Hagrid was overjoyed. He realized that the most difficult moment of the case was over.

Lucius, who was sitting at the end, suddenly raised his head, and he had a bad feeling.


Good news, [Extra (1) Hermione’s Compensation] has been uploaded to all subscription groups!

Bad news: The meat I bought in the group didn’t arrive, and the group leader didn’t include me. When I heard the news from the group leader, I was really desperate.

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